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GLT Applications open.

The Grotty Little Newspaper is proud to present the Grotty Little Tournament:

The best FUMBBL teams competing for the coveted Grotty Little Trophy.

Tournament draw starts
22.00pm server time
Wednesday 15th May 2024

Any Competitive team can apply here to the High TV qualifiers. (1500+ TV)

Any Competitive team can apply here to the New Team qualifiers. (15 games or less on the team)

Any Competitive team of one of the following races can apply here to the Forlorn Races qualifiers. (Amazons; Chaos Renegades; Goblin; Gnome; Halfling; Norse; Ogres ; Black Orcs; Imperial Nobility; Khorne; Old World Alliance; Snotlings.)

Specialty Qualifiers:
Any Competitive team can apply here.

One Specialty Qualifier will be for coaches from the 145 club. The decision on who counts as being a 145er rests with the 145 admin team and their decision will be final. If you are applying to this qualifier please talk to the 145 admin team so we know that is your intention.

Any additional Specialty qualifier's will be open to anyone. So if you have a team with more than 15 games but under 1500 TV that doesn't fit in forlorn this is the spot to apply.

Like last year we are not going to try to force 4 qualifiers into each section but instead spread the 16 around in a way that keeps the qualifiers as close to a consistent size as possible.

Note you can only apply a team to one of the 4 qualifier types above.

The winner of the GLT will be rewarded with the choice of a secret weapon from Ball and Chain (player gets MA3/ST7/No Hands), Chainsaw, or Pogo stick (pogo stick, no secret weapon).

They will carry the secret weapon trait which will follow normal rules.

Due to the unique nature of these weapons they can only be given to rookie linemen as they have to train with some Goblins to learn how to use them.

On top of this there will be dynamic gold throughout the finals.

Posted by Bazakastine on May 02
rating 6 3
Major Blood Bowl League 7 - Petit coup d'oeil sur les coupes de fin de saison

(Cliquer sur le bandeau pour accéder au groupe)

La moitié des matches de fin de saison ont été joués, certaines coupes ont un peu plus d'avance que d'autres mais il est temps de faire le point.

Pour commenter avec juste ce qu'il faut de mauvaise foi et un minimum de professionnalisme, nous retrouvons Huggy seul aux commandes, la FIFA présente par avance ses excuses à tous les joueurs que ce chroniqueur atypique pourrait offenser par ses propos. :D

Bon, apparemment faut commencer par le Best of the Rest, qui est déjà bien avancé !

En haut, les 2 favoris du tournoi ne s'affronteront pas puisque les Fanatical Killers ont choisi de jouer leur match de quart avec les yeux bandés et une main dans le dos. "On pensait avoir encore de la marge" qu'y z'ont dit. Raté ! Ce seront donc les Sphinx qui retrouveront les Bearded Grudgbearers.

Car de leur côté, les Slayers n'ont pas tremblé même s'il ont eu besoin des prolongations pour passer. C'était "pour faire durer le plaisir" selon leur coach. En attendant, après une saison décevante, ils font figure d'épouvantail dans le tableau.

En bas, le T-Chicken Ham a chuté face au Morr Hoplon, dans un match où les 4 nations ont attiré leurs adversaires dans le piège de la passe au dernier moment... jusqu'à ce que cette tactique se retourne contre eux.

Les Bouchers Nimois ont remporté une courte victoire face aux Ossements Eternels. Ces nouveaux venus n'ont pas à rougir de leur entrée (et sortie, donc) mais devrons s'entrainer encore avant de revenir se frotter aux autres équipes.

En demie-finale, la revanche du challenge amical n'a pas tourné en faveur de Myrmidia, qui a déjoué une grande partie de la rencontre. Les humains seront donc en finale du Best of The Rest et auront l'occasion de défier les nains ou... enfin... sûrement les nains, oui, pour remporter un premier trophée.

Passons au Basic Fists où de gros scores ont été enregistrés.

Les dépanneurs continuent de faire mieux que dépanner, ils ont disposé de courageux mangeurs de saucisses et iront en demie. Les halflings étaient fort désemparés car leur chef cuistot habituel avait mangé une merguez avariée et n'a pas pu participer. Ils ont fait savoir qu'ils seront présent à chaque troisième mi-temps toutefois.

Les démons de Slaanesh seront opposée en demie aux Revans, qui ont fait tourner la tête du bataillon Hidalgo. Les rats en ont vue de toutes les couleurs, le compteur s'est affolé et le 4-0 final a rassuré les fans des elfes, qui ont retrouvé leur hargne de la première saison.

En bas de tableau, autre gros score pour les Rising Sun Exiles face à un Foul'ympik fatigué par les lourdes luttes en minor league. Un 3-0 qui récompense les prises de risque des nippons, eux qui avaient vu ces occasions leur échapper plus tôt dans la saison.

Le succès des hommes de l'est ne doit pas leur monter à la tête car ils croiseront en demie le Jackal Squadrons, une équipe qui a les moyens de leur faire mal. Les joueurs de Mahrak ont remporté un match serré mais maitrisé face aux Mekanik Giants. Les ingénieurs nains vont retourner peaufiner de nouvelles armes pour la prochaine saison.

Le Up N Down est le tournoi le moins avancé, le seul pour lequel les quarts de finale ne soient pas terminés.

Le duel des équipes aiment peupler le terrain de petits joueurs a tourné court pour le Clan Wütend - qui était pourtant favori - et les Jabba Beer Sangsues se sont régalés. Les démons de Nurgle attendent leur adversaire patiemment, soit les Dornegans soit une revanche face au Seaweed Delicacy.

En bas de tableau, les Oranje Sanguins et les Egyptian Mamluks n'ont pas encore joué, mais le gagnant connait déjà son futur adversaire : les Horreurs Hurlantes, qui ont imposé leurs muscles face à un Athletic Vizeaya prometteur mais encore trop tendre. Enchainant un second match convaincant, les nécros croient en leurs chances d'aller en finale !

Le niveau monte encore, voici les résultats du tournoi des Seconds Couteaux !

Le Chaotic Offering est la seule tête de série à être tombée, après un match très accroché face au Da Kombat Skwad. Les orcs, qui ont remporté la minor league, continuent sur leur lancée même si leur préparation laisse clairement à désirer, ils ont ainsi oublié d'emmener leur apothicaire, qui attend toujours sur le parking du camp d'entrainement.

Les orcs retrouveront en demie les Firrara Tintori, qui ont dominé sans trembler les Sotek's Sprinters. Les skinks terminent la saison moins bien qu'ils ne l'avaient commencé, mais les fans ont apprécié cette équipe ultra-joueuse ! Quant à la Tilée, elle confirme tout le travail réalisé depuis 2 saisons, et ne compte pas s'arrêter là !

En bas de tableau, les Corsaires de Sartosa ont pris le dessus sur Ze Strain, qui n'a pu montrer que très ponctuellement son talent. Après une campagne de saison 6 qui les a vus échouer en finale du Tournoi Principal, les pirates restent des valeurs sûres.

Ils affronteront en demie les Quetza Rattlers, qui ont pris des coups à foison mais ont battu le Jam Delicacy 3-0. Les lézards semblent abattus par la perte de leur kroxighor, sauront-ils s'en remettre ?

Enfin, voici le statut dans le tableau principal !

La meilleure attaque de Major League continue de malmener les défenses adverses : le Central Club Lahmia a surclassé le Clan Destin 3-0 et impressionne de plus en plus. Les vampires seront dans le dernier carré et font figure de favoris ! Fin de saison pour le Clan Destin, qui a manqué de souffle sur les 2 derniers matches mais qui a régalé les amateurs de longues courses !

Les Kamyaka Kingdom Keepers essaieront de reproduire face au CCL le match joué contre le Mordheim Convent, avec des frappes puissantes qui ont rapidement réduit les effectifs et les chances des soeurs de Sigmar. La malédiction des anciens gagnants continue de frapper, le doublé ne sera pas pour cette saison.

En bas de tableau, la Thunder Kaos Team a subi la science du jeu au pied des Evil Stig. Malgré quelques fulgurances, les nains du chaos n'ont pas eu beaucoup d'occasions d'y croire. Les esclavagistes n'ont vu aucune faute sifflée contre eux, mais il faut dire qu'ils avaient copieusement rincé les arbitres auparavant. Ils retrouveront en demie une autre équipe naine, les Hashut Corrupters.

Dans un match très serré, et plutôt violent également, ces derniers ont enfin brisé le signe indien en disposant des Macheurs Smashers. Les orcs pensaient avoir fait le plus difficile lorsqu'un gobelin a séché le porteur de balle nain, mais ces derniers ont appliqué la tactique dite "des Revans" pour marquer. En seconde période, dans une véritable guerre de tranchées, status-quo et donc 1-0 pour les Corrupters.

Pour la première fois depuis la reprise de la ligue par la FIFA, les demies-finales mettront aux prises les 4 équipes ayant terminé premières de leur groupe. Parmi elles, 3 sont entrainées par un coach ayant déjà remporté la ligue avec une autre équipe.

Posted by Diablange on May 03
rating 0 0
SnotLeague Semifinals Results And SNOT SEASON 6 rectutation
After short Delay we are finishng the Semifinals!

(See how the teams perform by clicking on the picture)

Only Two Teams Lefts Standings and all of this will resolve in Big finale that will took place 5th of May around 20:00

Wanna Join Us? Sign in to our Discord..the time is running out :)
The Next Season will start round 15th of May
Posted by Avreus on May 03
rating 0 0
Open [L]eague Sprint Season May/June
Open [L]eague Season May/June is OPEN!

The season runs from 1st May to midnight 15th June.

There is no schedule. Play as many games as you can/wish before the end of the season.
Results are taken from a team's best 'sprint' of n consecutive games. Different leagues count a different number of games. e.g 6 or 8.

Teams may use Gamefinder to find matches. They may also use a league's discord or Fumbbl discord #lfg.

For coaches new(ish) to blood bowl or looking to improve. NO timeouts!
Also for experienced coaches wishing to offer help, advice, match analysis etc to newcomers. (8 games.)

Get a team in shape for the Secret Stunty Cup! (29th May)

A more relaxed, less competitive, less rushed environment. NO timeouts. Secret League teams allowed. (6 games.)
Old & new teams welcome. Teams may come here when their 145 run is ended.

A chance to use both Secret League and official rosters. Slann & Simyin too.
Tournaments too. (8 games)
Old & new teams welcome.

If you still like the old BB 2016 rules you can still do it with Secret League and official rosters. Slann & Simyin too. (6 games)
Get some practice in before the next Open [L]eague Cup.
Clone in your old [R] and 2016 [B ] teams.

Teams full of STARS! No sprint but get some practice in before the next All Star Bowl!

Posted by koadah on May 01
rating 0 0
NAF TD April blog
The monthly Tournament Director blog for April is out!


No issue has ever been more educational. Learn not only about recent tournaments, but also how rankings are made, where the little Gnomes come from, and witness the rise of the term 'Nonnaffies', newly coined to describe the likes of MerryZ. It's expected to make an instant impact on TikTok and might be the only thing keeping them from being banned in the US of A.
Posted by Stimme on Apr 30
rating 6 0
Advantage spinball (April POTY)
Minor VII
Malmir, happygrue and martinseptim won their respective sections each bagging 5 points

Trophy Season 10
1st Malmir 6
2nd happygrue 4
3rd Elyod 3
4th Rawlf 2
5th gdaynick 1

spinball* 7
Joost** 4
Rags** 4
Rafadavila 4
Thoriin 2
Bloodfeast 2
SickasEggs 2
Yuri_the_Scourge 2

POTY (updated to Ulthuan Invitational)
13 asteflix, happygrue, Malmir
12 Bazakastine
11 spinball*
9 lautrehamon
8 Elyod
7 Tschirgant
6 Yuri_the_Scourge
5 martinseptim
4 The_Murker, Rafadavila, Joost**, Rags**
2 fxiii, Storr, Naama, Spence, dashergeaux, Java, SideshowBob, Thoriin, Bloodfeast, SickasEggs, Rawlf
1 knine, DaCoach, RickWreckless, FrowningClown, gdaynick

*still to play UI Final
**still to play UI Semi

Technically there are a few hours left in this seasons trophy but the top standings look nailed down and box isn’t firing anyway. Grats to Malmir on a dominating performance and to grue who put in a valiant effort trying to chase him down. Those points (plus that minor win each) pull them both level with asteflix into joint first. A few people opined at the start of the year that there were only a handful of players who could realistically win POTY, but at the one-third mark this is still looking like a tight race with many possible winners.

However, spinball (most consistent major performance so far this year) is waiting to play the UI final. Winning that will move him up to 16 points and start to stretch out the field. As spinball has vamps (2/2 major wins so far in 2024) and his opponent will have notvamps the smart money is likely on him converting.

The second minor of the year kicks off tomorrow night (1620 TV cap). Those of you hoping to polish off a minor team today may be a little frustrated with box not firing, but with a new trophy season starting at midnight it’ll be pumping again soon enough with plenty of time to optimise your team around the minor cap.

Posted by Spence on Apr 30
rating 5.4 2
White Isle League needs a few more coaches (full - only stand-by)

WIL has kicked off their 71st season and are looking for 2-3 more coaches

White Isle League or WIL in short, one of the oldest leagues on fumbbl, is recruiting for their season 71, 11th under bb2020 rules.

Closely following [C] races and ruleset, teams start in the Regionals and advance over the Conferences to fight with the best of the best in the Premier Division.

In the absence of seasons and redraft, WIL applies tiered trimming after TV between seasons, along with apo'ed niggle rolls and curing missing players.

There is a few places for new or returning coaches available. If you're interested and can commit to play a game every 9 days, then drop me a PM or swing by discord

To keep things diverse, there's a cap on 3 teams per race. Have a look here https://fumbbl.com/p/group?op=view&group=14949&p=teams&order=4 and decide your race. There may be movements, so shout out to hear if a 3 team race is available.

Posted by DaCoach on Apr 29
rating 0 0
The skaven projekt 25%
Ok 25 matches in, 75 left to go!

12-3-10 is the current record and must be considered to be decent in every aspect as every match in made in the Black box. I got a +8 in touchdowns and -8 in casualty which is also quite ok. I have tried to go with some sort of tournamentbuild and I could possibly have had better succes with by building a natural oneturn-runner but thats not what Im after.

I have changed the skillchoices abit as my strip ball runner has mostly been useless. Ofcourse I could position myself better in order to make use of it but by pure math I cant justify myself keeping it in the team. I tried the strip ball in a tournament and in 5 matches I had not used it once :/. I realised that what I needed instead was a tackleblitzer. Cause many of my hardest matchups so far have been teams that rely on dodge, underworld is possibly the worst among the worst.

So far into this journey Im still quite new and not very comfortable playing with them and possibly I never will and maybe thats what it should be like as I tend to play to casual. The difference is that with f.ex. Lizardmen or orcs if I have a turn of pure stupidity maybe some player got knocked down but nothing often happends. With skaven the players are just to squishy and that I have to defend some key players is crucial. Also when the match are more or less over I cant have my players lying around in order to be fouled or get hit cause I need all players til next game so planning forward is also very important.

Anyhow, the summer is comming but I will try to get some matches in and hopefully I finish this project before the end of this year? It would mean that I have to do basicly two games a week and it doesnt sound much but there is also other matches that have to be played with other teams so I doubt I can get it done.

But, next stop is a report for reaching 50 games asap! Two games a week and before the end of July? yeah, with a couple of GFI, it might just happend :)
Posted by Bloodfeast on Apr 26
rating 5.8 5
DLE recruiting at mid season
DLE Season 15 is just about to reach its half-way point.

The league is looking to recruit one coach in time for the second half of the schedule and then for interested coaches who might want to join the reserve list.

For all about the DLE, please see our group page here.

DLE is a draft league with custom rules, so at the end of season, a coach gets to pick from a pool of players to be added to his squad for the coming season, to hopefully give a boost to teams which had a rough season.

We have customisable teams icons and great friendly discord.

Its a great group of coaches, committed to 10 day rounds with divisional rivalries and year end awards, all based on NFL style league play.

It's a great opportunity to take over a team and shape it for this season and prepare to put your own stamp on it for a new season in s16.

If you are interested or want to know a bit more, feel free to ask here, msg me or find me on discord.


Posted by bigf on Apr 25
rating 6 3
Build your own roster!
Hey everyone!
I've posted in forum before, but I figure this would be a better place to put this.
We are about a third of the way through the inaugural season of Point-Economy Blood Bowl League (PEBBL).

What is PEBBL you ask? Well its the perfect league for all of you that think you should be on GW's R&D team. I've built a spreadsheet that gets fairly close to a "line of best fit" for skills, stats, and skill access to accommodate a majority of GW teams +/- 10k. Then I did some biased manipulation to cause some skills to be worth more than what GW valued them at and others cheaper. Then I built a *TON* of automation in the spreadsheet. Now all you have to do is select what you want from a series of drop down menus, make sure there are no red flags, and I will bring your creation to FUMBBL life!* Dwarves, elves and everything in between are viable options, so I'm sure you can build a team that you would be proud to field.

I have 12 current coaches vying for Mad Scientist glory currently. They are divided into 2 divisions based on feedback of temporal availability over a 2 week period per round. Once a division has completed the first series of divisional matches, there will be a 1 week "bye week" for people wanting to adjust their team builds and add any of you crazy people to the mix. They will then compete against everyone in their division for a second time. Following that we will take the top 2 from each division to playoffs with the Championship mostly being a battle of time zones!

Check them out in Season 1 Division A and B.

Currently the division leaders are:
Division A: Rodent Nobility by shook_one. What if you gave Imp nobs armor and a gutter runner and an Ulfwerner? Apparently really, really good things!

Division B: Drowf by Habeli. A bafflingly high scoring dwarf team that leverages kick/throw teammate combos to pile on points alongside very abnormal skill options!

If you would be interested in joining PEBBL follow the discord link below:

We have 2 roles,
Explorer: This is for people that just want to see what the hell I'm talking about and watch the madness unfold. Your teams will still be created and you can play test games but you aren't obligated to join the regular season. Preseason open round-robins are welcome to Explorers.

PEBBL Coach**: This is where the big brains compete for cerebral glory. You are entered into the next available opportunity to compete in the ultimate showdown of game knowledge and game skill***.

The league also self-generates star players from previous**** seasons! Cas leader, TD leader, MVP etc all get created as Stars to carry on the legacy of excellence. The season champions will get to design their own star as well! And for you spicy cooks out there, the FUMBBL community will get to select the "Best Designed Team" to build another star.

So come in here and get creative with us! More information available in the discord!

*Carthage is not a licensed necromancer. Any and all side effects of this abomination of a league are at user's own risk.
** Discord IS required for this and will be used to coordinate matches.
*** Nuffle has final say on what "skill" actually means.
**** Season 1 stars were selected from players I thought fit the mold of what I wanted for stars. After season 1, these will be generated from existing players via a defined selection process.
Posted by Carthage on Apr 25
rating 6 6