Grotty Little Newspaper
Issue 5 - January 20, 2505

Admin Corner
by Christer
Informing you of the work behind the scenes on the Web site.
A Coach's Journey
by Darkwolf
Observations on FUMBBL and the philosophy behind trying to win.
Vocal Population
by Stevie
FUMBBL personalities talk about their Big Guys.
Grum's Grudging Grumbles
by Uncle Grum (and Goallie11)
Words of wisdom and astute advice from everyone's least favourite admin.
Miniature Gallery
by FUMBBL coaches
The inaugural Blood Bowl mini gallery, with a competition for the best paint job!

Cusi Tribute
by Mnemon
A message on what happened between #4 and #5.
by Mnemon
An issue without obituaries.

Group/Tournament Reports
Official Tournaments

For Sale

GLN info
How to contribute

The Playtesters Vault is open...
Playtesters Vault Special
Veni, Vidi, Vault!
by unnamed
An overview of the new Blood Bowl regime.
New Skills in the Vault
by Colin
An in-depth analysis of new "improvements".
News & Views
The Guru Speaks...
by Gorritakid and Mnemon
An interview with SkiJunkie, JavaBB's creator.
Giving it a brain: A BloodBowl AI
by Mostly-Harmless
Theory and practicalities behind developing an AI
Blood Bowl - The Background Story
by Dreadclaw
A history of the different races in BB - starting with the skaven!
A Gobbo's Tale, Part 2
by Candlejack
The continuing story of a goblin's amazing career.
Bubble Gum Crisis
by Wuhan
A tale of a misunderstood coach and his wanton bloodlust.
Old McNuffle
by Candlejack
Our grotty lil' ditty!
Mackensen: An Elf On A High
by Patton_71
A high elf star talks about the pressures of survival in the cruel world of Blood Bowl.
Team Tactics
Stunty Leeg Summary
by Dooby
The inside story on the stunty races, by someone who should know: an apothecary!
Wood Elf Strategy Guide, Part 1
by roos
How to win and keep winning with woodies.
Death Bowl
by Renegade
A guide to playing orcs for fun and injury.
Veni, Vidi, Vault!
by unnamed

Note from the Editor: Article was unfinished and thus a last minute cut - for an overview of the vault changes see Brownrob's excellent entry on the Playtester's Vault in the FUMBBL User guide.

New Skills in the Vault
by Colin

The Playtesting Vault has taken on the task of tackling almost every aspect of Blood Bowl that could conceivably be improved, including a quite a few we were happy enough with! Nevertheless, the rulemaking of the game has never before been done in so open a fashion, welcoming the input from anyone who could be bothered registering on the forums, and posting their own thoughts and ideas in the Vault section.

One part of the Vault's work has been the expansion of player skills in the game; the major reasoning being that Strength skills in particular, and also General skills, lacked variety, especially to players who could choose skills only from one of these categories; notably, the high-strength players - Loners (formerly Big Guys), Mummies and Bull Centaurs - will be restricted to Strength skills only for regular skill rolls.

Some traits were converted into regular skills, which meant changes to reduce their effectiveness to equal a regular skill, and a new category called Willpower was created to provide a home for a few of the others that were not changed.

In this article, I want to examine the completely new skills that the Vault has created.

Berserker (Willpower)
Berserker is the offspring of Jump Up. To reduce Jump Up from a trait to a skill, the ability to stand up and Block in an action was removed and relocated as a skill in its own right, in the new Willpower section.
Witch Elves and Norse Blitzers, the only players who started with Jump Up, have been provided with this skill too, to make them function just as they did before. For all other players, they'll need a double on their skill roll to get it. In 3rd edition rules, Jump Up and Piling On was a fearsome combination, and the trait system was created in an attempt to prevent certain players ever getting it (especially Mummies). With this new skill, this combination is partly available again, though whether a Mummy would now use a double for Berserker instead of Block is questionable.
I can't help but wonder if the Norse team would have been an all Berserker team instead of an all-Block team had this skill been available when their roster was created.

Fend (General)
Fend prevents an opponent from following up a block on the Fending player (unless they use Juggernaut). I see this as the skill all those battered linemen, stuck on the line of scrimmage, have been praying for; I especially see it as a useful skill to lower armoured, General skill-only teams such as Humans, Norse and Skaven, and making Amazons an even more frustrating opponent than they already are. If used correctly, this skill could be highly effective at defending against cage offences.
It's also a nice skill for a catcher waiting for a pass in the opposition backfield - if the opposition doesn't knock him down with their Blitz, they must commit another player to mark him if the blitzer has no more movement left. It also protects against Frenzy crowd-pushing, and is highly effective in combination with Side-Step and Jump Up.

* * * Did you know...
Far from it being new to them, Blood Bowl players are masters of the ancient art of grabbing an opposition player by the scruff of the neck and swinging them all about like a rag doll. After all, most big guys have thrown the odd gobbo or halfling in their time - usually from their own team, but not always! During one match played by Britnoth's halfling team Scafell, against a goblin horde, legendary ogre player Ogram tried to pick up one of his fling team-mates to fling, but picked up a gobbo opponent instead. Confused by the flash of green receding into the distance, Ogram's pea-sized brain told him "Cripez, da coach iz gunna kick me goolies in ifz I don't chuck one uv theez fat little pogs in duh enzone!" The dim-witted (and short-sighted) ogre then proceeded to pick up random stunty players from around himself and threw them all in great handfuls, two or three at a time, in the hope that one of them was a plucky halfling team-mate holding the ball. Spectators in the stands at the other end of the field were pelted with foul green missiles and dangerously weighty projectiles smelling faintly of stew. When the dust cleared, the end zone was littered with broken little bodies... and one Scafell hero holding the ball for the winning TD! As the ref blew for full time, all that was left in the middle of the pitch was an exhausted Ogram and his troll opponent, who promptly shook claws and went off for a celebratory drink.
Grab (Strength):
Grab is the anti-Side Step skill, and indeed the two skills cancel each other out. It allows the blocker to push the defender to any adjacent square - it only works for block actions, NOT blitzes. This skill is all about control of the pitch, and therefore immediately makes me think of Dwarfs, who I am sure will use Grab more widely than any other race. It allows them greater control in mid-pitch scrums, and increases the effectiveness of their Guard players, which experienced Dwarf teams have in abundance.
Grab is also a refreshing skill for coaches of strength-based teams whose primary concern is to win tactically, rather than by mashing the opposition to a squidgy pulp!

Grapple (General)
Some have described Grapple as the anti-Block skill; though I wouldn't describe it as that, it does allow players with Block to be brought down on a Both Down result. The Grappling player also has to go prone, but neither player makes an armour roll.
Grapple has a number of distinct uses; it increases the chance of scattering the ball when Leaping into cages to blitz the ball-carrier, it is great for those last-ditch TD-saving blitzes, and it could be used as a sneaky way of getting the opposition's best player onto the ground, in easy range of your Dirty Player's steel toecaps! Grapple is very nice in combination with Strip Ball and Tackle.

Juggernaut (Strength)
I believe that one player, more than any other, inspired this skill; Morg'n'Thorg, the star Ogre player (though he may end up not getting the skill on his Star Player card!).
When you think of it, once a huge player starts rumbling forward, the laws of inertia dictate that it's not an easy job stopping them! That's what this skill reflects - on a Blitz action, it doesn't allow defenders to use Fend or Stand Firm, and Both Down results are treated as pushbacks instead. The last part is to partly compensate these larger players for losing easy access to Block. The player that will benefit the most from this is certainly the Bull Centaur - he doesn't suffer from a negatrait like Bone Head that may waste the Blitz for that turn, he is the Chaos Dwarfs' chief blitzer, and he needs protection from Both Down results. Juggernaut is particularly useful to Strip Ball players, and is a useful Blitzer skill, for opening that initial hole in the defensive line.

Kick-Off Return (General)
Kick-Off Return is the least glamorous of the new skills, but is arguably the most useful. It's a very simple skill - when receiving a kick-off, one player with this skill may move 3 squares towards where the ball has scattered, before it bounces. Though useful to one or two of the throwers or ball-carriers on every team, this skill is of greatest value to players of teams lacking in movement and/or passing ability, like Khemri Thro-Ras, Dwarf Runners, Hobgoblins, Ghouls and Orc Throwers. It allows them to get closer to, or even catch the kick-off (avoiding a potential failed pick-up), and allow their offensive drive to get started that much quicker. It also leaves them less open to Blitzes on the kick-off.

I really do like the tactical nature of all these new skills; they promote cleverer blocking tactics, both defending and defending, and reduce the all-powerful Block to a slightly less automatic skill choice. In LRB teams, there have been complaints that all teams of some races looked the same; with these new skills, and the removal of traits from the game, we can expect to see all sorts of new ideas surfacing for team development. A good thing, I think you'll agree.

This article is current as of the Playtesting Vault v1.5.1. These skills may or may not be in their final form - expect Grapple or Grab to be renamed, as the two are confusingly similar in name.

The Guru Speaks... an interview with SkiJunkie

SkiJunkie is the creator of the Java Blood Bowl application, and thus he is one of the reasons that FUMBBL and the GLN exist at all. We managed to track him down to discuss all things BB... and a few more things as well!

GLN: How and when were you first introduced to Blood Bowl?

SkiJunkie: I was about 14 or 15 and I saw 2nd Edition Blood Bowl at a local hobby shop. I'd already been interested in fantasy settings since I was 9, when I read my first fantasy novel - "The Elfstones of Shannara" by Terry Brooks. Still one of my favorites. Anyway, I got it, and played a few games with friends. Soon after I found and got the Dungeon Bowl expansion, and that is when it really got interesting. Under 2nd Edition rules, (IMO) Dungeon Bowl was a much better game. I played Dungeon Bowl a lot more than 2nd Edition Blood Bowl. We even had expansion dungeon tiles and made large sprawling dungeons to play in. But even then I didn't get to play a whole lot. It wasn't until 3rd Edition came out that I really started playing often. 3rd Edition was such a huge improvement with turnovers. It took a game that used to sometimes take two days to finish down to about 3 hours. That was awesome.

The familiar splash screen

GLN: Do you still play in a tabletop league?

SkiJunkie: No, I just don't have the free time. I rarely even get the hour and a half of free time necessary to play games using JBB.

GLN: Rumours say you have a "ghost" account (anonymous) on FUMBBL - do the dice treat you well?

SkiJunkie: No, no they do not. :-) Actually they probably treat me about average, but like most people, I tend to remember the bad more than the good. So games where my elves literally could not pick up, throw, or catch the ball 80% of the time with rerolls tend to remain on the top of my game memories. But I can also recall games where every single TTM succeeded in a score. But, while bad/good luck can really turn individual games one way or another, good placement/stategy will win out in the long term.

GLN: Here in the GLN we know everything about this "ghost" account, of course, but rest of the coaches don't. Could you give them a little hint about it, just for fun?

SkiJunkie: I'd rather not. And here is my major reason. When I do get the free time to actually play a game, I want to be able to sit there and play a game and have fun chatting just like any other player. Chances are I'm not going to have the time to answer questions or try to fix an issue someone is having and also get to play the game. So to do this requires an anonymous account. So if some clever FUMBBL player solves my hint and word gets out, I lose that. The only way to get that back would be to create another new anonymous account. That means leaving all my teams behind, and I'm sure most people can agree that is not something anyone wants to do.

GLN: What is your most memorable (or the three most) "result" of your work on JBB - any interesting fan mail, surprising developments, enlightening revelations?

SkiJunkie: I have to say the most suprising development from my work on JBB has to be the FUMBBL Web site. I am amazed how well run and how big FUMBBL has gotten. (Not to discount FranceBloodBowl or any other online league, it is just hard for me to understand what goes on over there with my one year of high school French). I find it mind boggling the number of games played on FUMBBL using JBB. So everyone using JBB, support Games Workshop and buy Blood Bowl if you haven't already.
Also suprising is the number of emails people send me just to tell me how much they like JBB. I kinda wish I had collected them all and put up quotes on the Web site. Kinda like you see on the back of novels and DVD movies.
Last but not least is the GLN. I love it. I read every issue.

GLN: How much time total, and average per week have you spent on developing JBB, approximately?

SkiJunkie: I don't get as much time as I used to. But surprisingly I never did get loads of time. Only on rare occasions like Christmas vacation do I get consecutive hours to sit down and work on it. This last Christmas break was used to set up the majority of the handicap code. So it is very hard to estimate. Typically I get free time in 20-30 minute spurts where I take a break from whatever else I'm having to do. Most of JBB has been coded in these short little increments. A lot of times I will get interrupted and have to stop right in the middle of something, so I have to type in some quick notes to remind me what the heck I was doing when I get back. You can imagine that if I can't reproduce and fix a bug in 20-30 minutes it usually goes on the backburner. That's where I have to rely on coaches to send me detailed info on how to make a bug happen. The easier it is for me to make it happen the more likely it will get fixed. Wow, long answer. Ball park I would say I get about two 20-30 minute sessions a day Monday thru Friday when I take breaks from my paid job. And reading Bugzilla and just trying to recreate bugs can eat a lot of that time up. I typically don't work on JBB during the weekend, as that free time is reserved for me. :-)

GLN: What would you have done totally different if you could start over?

SkiJunkie: I would have sat down and properly designed the whole system. As it was I just started by making a field you could put players on and move them around. Then I would say, "Let's see them throw a block," or "pass the ball" and I would add that in. So basically it is the lack of planning that causes stuff like the inability to return to the setup screen once you leave it. The original game didn't have a setup screen, it was hard coded to start and load Reikland Reavers vs Gouged Eye. The setup screen was just tacked on later to allow a way to select teams and options.

GLN: What is your favourite, and what the most hated feature/skill in JBB?

SkiJunkie: Favourite: I guess my favourite features would be the ability to spectate and the ability to download player pics and team logos. I love being able to go to the games page on FUMBBL and quickly spectate a game for a couple of turns. So I guess that makes the FUMBBL login feature one of my favorites as well, since it feeds the FUMBBL games page.
I would love to make the board look and play like Warcraft with fully animated sprites. And the only thing holding me back is my inability to draw them myself. Anyone know how to get the animations out of the older Warcraft games? Maybe I could modify and use some of those. That would be my favourite feature if some graphic artist would make the animation frames for me. :-)
Most hated: Probably my most hated feature is the ability to play through a proxy. Not because it isn't useful, and not because isn't a neat and necessary feature, but because too many games are played unnecessarily through the proxy. Since proxy games are more prone to having really weird problems when there are connection issues I spend much of my time looking at problems I ultimately don't have much chance of fixing with the current code base.
Let's look at this example to explain: Let's assume that 99.99% of direct connect games do not get out of sync because of connection issues. Lets assume that 99% of proxy games do not get out of sync because of connection issues. There were over 100,000 games played on FUMBBL last year so let's just look at the difference between 100,000 proxy games and 100,000 direct connect games.
Direct connect:
99.99% of 100,000 = 99,990 good games. That leaves 10 bad games. Assuming only 10% of problems are reported, that leaves 1 bug report.
Proxy connect:
99% of 100,000 = 99,000 good games. That leaves 1000 bad games. Assuming only 10% of problems are reported, that leaves 100 bug reports.
So if the stability difference between the direct connect and proxy games is only 0.99% (I think it is actually a much bigger difference) then out of 100,000 games I get 100 times the problems to look at.

GLN: Wild guess: What will JBB be like 3 years from now?

SkiJunkie: You will jack in like Shadowrun or the Matrix and take control of either a player or coaching staff and play like you are there. Hopefully I can manage to keep the game feedback from actually hurting and killing the jacked in players, but if not...well it is BLOOD Bowl. I guess it depends on what changes show up in the LRB. Hopefully in three years I'll have Dungeon Bowl to the state where JBB is now. I'd love to see a Dungeon Bowl division on FUMBBL. I would guess long games of Dungeon Bowl would only take about 30-45 minutes. I could squeeze those into my limited schedule much easier.

GLN: Which races do you like to coach most in Blood Bowl?

SkiJunkie: I'd have to say the original Undead and Human. Undead mainly because it has my favorite fluff. Human because they have a little of everything. In 2nd Edition Dwarves were my favorite, mainly for Dungeon Bowl. They just fit the setting so nicely.

GLN: Do you play any other GW games or any other general board game?

SkiJunkie: At one time or another I have played a few GW games. After Blood Bowl one of my favourites was Adeptus Titanticus. I also liked Space Hulk, without the two expansions. I had a dwarf army for Warhammer Fantasy Battle but only played a few games of it. I played a bit of Warhammer 40k after that boxed set with the plastic space marines came out. Outside of Games Workshop I played Battletech a LOT. A WHOLE lot. I actually almost started a Battletech game instead of Blood Bowl, but I had, a few years earlier, already written a Battletech game engine in C++ and put a partially finished Visual Basic front end on it so I wanted to do something different. Then there was this childrens game called "Dungeon". That was a fun quick game to play with a bunch of friends and not have to think too much.

GLN: Silly OT: Italian or Chinese food? Pepsi or Coke?

SkiJunkie: Italian. If from a can, Pepsi. If from a fountain, Coke.

GLN: Is it true that the famous "swooosh" sound we all love and hate in the client was recorded live in your bathroom after a specially memorable... hum... feat?

SkiJunkie: Hahaha.. This would be the injury sound? No comment, because that rumour is funny. But I am sure some of you out there know exactly where that sound came from.

GLN: Do you have a ETA for the handicap table to be (almost) finished? (We still have doubts about the viability of Handicap 14: "Inspiration")

SkiJunkie: I don't. I haven't even had time to work on them in a while. All the ones that require a skill choice within the client are definitely on the back burner. This includes Intensive Training, Inspiration, and Bribe the Announcers. These require the client to know the category of each skill and also to know what categories each player is eligible to get. As that would be a lot of work and I still expect the handicap table to change next review I might just not even try implementing these three until after the next review.

GLN: Considering the sheer amount of work involved, we have two questions about your motivations:
1) Did you decide to code the client because you thought it would be a good way to get chicks?
2) Were you drunk as a monkey when you decided to code it?
(NOTE: You don't need to answer number two if you answered "Yes" to the first one)

SkiJunkie: While drunk as a monkey I decided that coding it would be a good way to get chicks. Needless to say I am horribly disappointed, so I get drunk as a monkey and the cycle continues.

GLN: Why on earth would you do this, for free? (Thx for that, BTW)

SkiJunkie: I'm not doing it for free, I'm doing it to get chicks. Seriously, I started it and continue to work on it to learn more and more Java features. So this is why you'll see me add "nice" features that make people grumble, "Why did he do that when the [some game feature] isn't done yet?" I added those features because I wanted to see how to do it in Java. I fix stuff so that when I get time to play it will work for me. :-)
I also do it so that I will have the chance to play. I don't have time for IRL games, and I don't have the patience for e-mail games. And thanks to FUMBBL I can rest assured that when I get time to play a game there will be plenty of teams and coaches to pick from in the IRC chat channel.

Giving it a brain: A BloodBowl AI

(...) they built themselves a stupendous super computer which was so amazingly intelligent that even before the data banks had been connected up it had started from I think therefore I am and got as far as the existence of rice pudding and income tax before anyone managed to turn it off (...)
Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"


Some days ago I decided to write a TCP Client/Server Application for learning purposes. In order to make the project more fun, i started writing a BloodBowl game (a game which I used to play some years ago...). Few weeks later I found out that there already exists some BloodBowl games. Reinventing the wheel again and again makes no sense for me, so I stopped that project. But after playing some games on FUMBBL, I found out that one little detail is missing in every BloodBowl game I know about - a computer player.

Being intuitively fascinated by Artificial Intelligence I decided to fill the last white spot on the BloodBowl map and started to work on an AI. Things began to grow. I created a basic framework that knows most parts of the BloodBowl game and some simple analyse functions and a basic GUI to display game data and analyse results. Meanwhile it became obvious that an BloodBowl AI would be a very huge pile of work and that this task cannot be done by one single human, at least not in the next 10 years...
Finally I released my work, now known as "BloodBowl a la carte" (BBalc) under an open source license and put it on Simultaneous I started the BBalc Wiki, in order to provide documentation about my work, and to offer the occasion to discuss all parts related to a BloodBowl AI.

And this is what this article is about: I need YOUR help! (In fact I would love to say: WE need your help, but after more than 1000 project page visits on SourceForge and 40+ downloads later, I got exactly 2 sentences of feedback, which can by found on the projects SourceForge project page.) Well, I need support in coding, web design etc. but this article addresses the "ordinary" BloodBowl player. BloodBowl is a very varied game. There exist lots of teams, lots of skills and players on the board can act in several ways. Because of that there is no definite way to BloodBowl. Each team has his way of playing and game play depends highly on the skills owned by your player.


There are several approaches to artificial intelligence and in fact it is fundamental to define which kind of intelligence behaviour you want to simulate. Another important thing to look at is the AI s ability to learn from its environment and decisions. Some prominent approaches to AI are expert systems (using predefined rules to solve a very special tight bounded task), neural networks (these try to simulate the functionality/learning behaviour of the human brain) and genetic algorithms (they learn how to behave in their environment by using evolutionary methods).

In BloodBowl we have the definitions of the board, the players, the teams and the rules to work with. Based on the rules we can calculate probabilities for every possible player action. This results in abstract patterns to work with, e.g. a ST3 versus ST3 block is effectively equal to a ST2(+2 Support) versus ST3(+1 Support) block. Which kind of AI gets implemented in BBalc is not yet defined and it will possibly be a mixture of the above called approaches and others.

Variety of decisions

One single standard Block action results in "Opponent pushed back" or "Opponent knocked over and pushed back" or "Opponent knocked over" (the occasions where the attacker or both players are knocked over is irrelevant for the Al's planning because it ends the turn). In the first two cases above, the attacking player can choose to "Follow Up" or he can stand where he is. Then there are 3 different fields for pushing/knocking the opponent player into and a player being knocked over can be "Knocked Over", "Stunned" or he might be "removed from the board" - this gives us 28 possible outcomes for a simple Block action.

Another example is a standard player who can move approx. 6+2 squares. That results in 288 possible squares to move into but that can easily be topped by a "OneTurner" who can (in worst case) move all over the board (approx. 400 squares). At least slow players like a mummy have 120 possible fields to move into.
These are only the possible board mutations for a single action from one player. In fact you have up to 11 players on the board and for instance some of them might choose from 1 of 8 possible block actions.

You might say "OK - that are only 28 different mutations" but imagine you have 11 player who can execute exactly one block action each ... - "Well, that results in 308 different mutations - peanuts for your 3+GHz machine with lots of RAM... what is this guy talking about?"

Exploding decision trees

But that is not true - imagine the AI turn starts. The AI tries to find the very best move to do. To accomplish that it has to calculates every possible combination of actions (and their results). For example it starts with player 1, then moves player 2 and then blocks with player 3 and so on. That is a single branch of the decision tree. In fact it is possible to start with player 3 moving somewhere, throwing some blocks with player 5,6, and 7 and so on. As a result you get a decision tree which is as huge that it can be effortlessly be called incomputeable (in reasonable time) and in fact we would like to analyse each single outcome of that tree which take lots more of time than creating the tree... Well, this might be the reason that there is no BloodBowl AI out there...

Chopping the tree down

In their daily BloodBowl matches, everyone experienced playing against skilled players who come to a decision very quickly and Rookies who think 5 minutes and more about an average move. This gets obvious if you know that human task solving is often based on heuristics (Heuristics are rules of thumb in colloquial speech). The experienced player uses a set of well fitting heuristics to come to a decision, where the rookie player calculates the outcome of some (still a very reduced part of the decision tree) promising actions and their possible effects on the game. The experienced players heuristics are just a bit better. As a result the main goal of BBalc (at this time) is to find effective heuristics (rules of thumb) for the different parts of the game.

Stand up for your right!

As stated above I need your help. First of all I want to state clearly that I don't gather information in order to sell it to your worst opponents. I need to find out which general and special heuristics exist and when to use them. There are rules that might work for some teams, some rules do only work for a single team etc... Therefore I need lots of data to work with - the more the better. All contributions are kept anonymously except the one from Wuhan, but his style is already some kind of open book for most player, isn't it?

In the BBalc Wiki there are currently two pages dedicated to surveys. One of them is the Eureka! page which tries to collect simple heuristics for different situations. The other is the ScenarioPage where you find simple scenarios that have to be solved. Please visit the Wiki page and try to answer the questions there and/or process the first scenario. In fact the BBalc Wiki is a place for discussion on everything concerning BloodBowl AI. Each page has an dedicated discussion page and you can simply add new pages to the Wiki if you like.

Thank you very much for reading this! I hope that you feel motivated to share your knowledge with me (and as a result with the BloodBowl community).

So far - don't panic!

Best regards,
Mostly Harmless.

P.S.: some interesting links...
BloodBowl a la carte homepage:
BBalc Wiki:

Blood Bowl - The Background Story

Part one - Skaven:

Hello fans, and good day to all of you faithful readers. This is Rick "Dreadclaw" Maarschalkerweerd reporting in. Most people know what race does what, and what their strength and weaknesses are.... but how much does the average Blood Bowl player know about fluff and background? To help all of you ignoramusses we decided to start an extensive research on all the races. For this issue we will discuss the speediest of the speedy teams... Skaven! We apologise about the language of the Skaven we interviewed, but we preferred to keep it as close to the real thing as possible! Skaven in Blood Bowl are fast and fragile. Lacking the agility of elves on most players, and having no real armour to protect them, they might seem weak to the untrained eye. Experienced players know otherwise. These lightning fast vermin can score faster than you can say stop that Gutter! To gain more insight into the Skaven race we decided to find one of the Skaven stars in a successful Skaven team. After several attempts we found one on Warlord Xone's team Trespassing Prohibited, while they were traveling underground to their next match. Not wanting to hear the coach's side, who would probably just blabber on about the greatness of his team, we decided to interview one of the players, Nartik "Styzz" Squeekfur, to give us some inside information.

GLN: Hello, might i ask you who you are?"

Vermin: Neek neek man thing reek reek yeeesssss you be from Blooooood Booooowl no? Yessssss I am Nartik Squeekfur neek neek! Call me Styzz yesssss... I am the great star star of the Tresspassing Prohibited yes yes!
After this we had to wait about two minutes as he showed off his speed and agility once too many, finally one of our employees made a diving tackle on his VERY VERY long legs, and when two others started lugging at him he finally stopped and we managed to continue the interview.

GLN: So could you tell me something about your background? Where did you come from?

Styzz: Yess yess I can! I am a proud Gutter Runner yesssss I am from the brave clan Eeeeshiiiin yessss. Eshin is based in a secret location in Cathay... we are the assassin clan yesssss. We are the fastest, most agile and best best skaven in the entire world yessss.

Nartik Squeekfur in action!

GLN: You mentioned clans.... what clans are there?

Styzz: Aaaaah too many to name yesss...

GLN: What clans are the biggest then?

Styzz: Aaaah then weee have 4 clans yessssss.... First we have Eshin of course... the assassins, and Gutter Runner clan yesss... Then comes clan Moulder... they are the great mutatorssssss they make new beast beast every day. They breed large nasty things for fighting yesssss.... Of course we should mention clan Pestilensssss They are are the evil plague ridden rats... they are foul and allways looking for more and new diseases. Finally we have Clan Skryre... the technoclan of the skaven. They make craaaazy weapons from WAAAARPSTOOOONE!!!

GLN: Can you tell us more about warpstone?

Styzz: Waaaarpstooone...
Styzz's eyes go glazed, and he looks at us in a weird kind of hunger. We almost got our rather sturdy bodyguards to pin him down again but luckily the rat regained his faculties.
... aaaaaaaah... Waaarpstone is what created usssss, we cannot live without waaarpstooone... Neek neek! Warpstone makes us mutate, yesssss, Waaaarpstone gooood. Skryre use the waaarpstone to make their evil weaponsss of war yes yessss. Pestilens makesss plaguesss and diseasesss with the waaarpstone, and moulder usesss the warpstone to mutate their beastss into ever more lethal beingssss yess... minimal risk yes yes! Look at my legsss yes yes... i got them longer thanks to the waarpstoooone. I run so much more quick quick!
Styzz almost wanted to start running around to demonstrate his great speed again, but a firm headbutt made him stay in his place, dazed but conscious.

GLN: You mentioned that skryre used it to have their evil weapons, and minimal risk???

Styzz: Yesss Skryre have many evil weaponsssss. Minimal risk isss almost never a casualty... nono wee know what wee do!?

GLN: So what kind of weapons do the four clans use?

Styzz: Clan Eshin usessss assassins and guttersssss. Assassins have weeeping bladesss poisonous warpstone blaaadesss capable of wounding a man by merely hitting it yessss...
Clan Skryre hasss a lot lot of weaponssss: first they have poisonwind globadiersssss warpstonesphere lobbing ssssskaven; second there are the Jezzailsssss, small warpstone firing cannonssss; furthermore they have Waaaarplightning cannonssss who are reaaaaally scary for the opponents yessss.... of course wee have warpfire throwersssss, warpflaaaame belching flamethrower teaaaamssss. Finally, they have the Ratling gunssss, yesss, they are very very dangeroussss shooting lotssss of bulletsss into the enemy. They used to have a dooooomwheeeel but then they deecided they were too unstable to be uuuused... A machine made by them, but uuused by the grey seerssss, the Skaven master wizardsssss is the screaming bell... it can destroy entire cassstles with itsss ring yessss! Neek neek!
Clan pesssstilenssss uses waaarpstone to make putrid diseasessss. They have plaaague monks... very tough tough! And they have censssser bearersss too! They are ssstrong, yess yesss, and have lethal vapourssss coming from their flaaailssss..... Weak man things die die from fumes... skaven tough tough!

* * * Did you know...
One of the most famous skaven players ever is Highway to Hell, a storm vermin who plays for Angus Chucks Da Cheese. The fearsomeness of his appearance is legendary, causing many opponents to have to stop what they're doing and throw up on the field. However, this got the famous vermin in trouble once, when he happened to look in a mirror in the changerooms before a game. Several hours later, Highway to Hell woke up in hospital, having only just survived a nasty case of choking on his own vomit!

GLN: You mentioned Grey Seers as master wizards... care to elaborate?

Styzz: Yessss Skryre hassss warlockssss the lesser wizards, see see? Grey seerssss are the master wizardsss, the rulers of all clanssss, but servantsss at the same time... they report only to The Council yessssss!?

GLN: Council?

Styzz: Yesss yess The Council! The Council of Thirteen! They rule all of usss. They are 12 ancient ratssss, the thirteenth is symbolised by our god... is that good enough now yesyes?
By now Styzz started to twitch his tail nervously, as the rest of the team started to leave, and he feared of being alone we suspect as all Skaven have that in common,which we learned from encountering lone skaven before we found the team.

GLN: One final question: What is your god called?

Styzz: The Great Horned One!

GLN: By Sigmar! Thank you for this interview, and good luck on your next game!
When Styzz heard the word Sigmar he hissed angrily, probably because Sigmar defeated the Skaven so many years ago during the great plague. Styzz turned tail and ran off with lightning speed to catch his team...

A Gobbo's Tale, Part 2

This is a tale of a time long ago, before Blood Bowl fell into oblivion, a tale about a little goblin's amazing career (this is a continuation from the first instalment in GLN #3). All characters and events in this story are totally fictitious and any resemblances to real life and/or FUMBBL characters are totally unintended. Furthermore the author admits that the abilities of some characters in this story may not be in consistence with any of the official or unofficial Blood Bowl rules known - this is just a story

Gnot regained consciousness. Darkness surrounded him. Where was he? What has happened? He began to remember... the tavern... the orcs... the fear... he caught his breath as suddenly someone emptied the bag on the floor. He raised his head and looked around. He lay on the floor of a large room, the walls were made from coarse rocks, the door behind him was closed and there was only G'morg who sat on a chair behind a large wooden table. Still on his knees, Gnot instantly started to beg: "Pleez, don't hurt me. Let me go.... pleeeze!!!!!" G'morg sat calm and serene in his bulky chair. "Why should i?", he responded with his hard and cold voice, "I want ya on my team. Want ya to play da game." Gnot didn't trust his ears, why should somebody want him to play in this sport? Why, in Mork's name, why ME? Why? Never been sportink, never been tuff... They will hurt me, will kill me... no... pleeze.. Let little Gnot go..." Whining and whimpering Gnot crawled towards a corner, trying to hide his face in fear. G'morg showed no mercy and stony-faced he went on, "You can choose, play for da team or meet Tsor and Gnarshik again, but dis time no-one will be dere to help ya." This had to be a sadistic joke, an example of G'morg's perverted sense of humour, but as Gnot rose his head to look into the old orcs face he suddenly recognized that his counterpart was very serious about this. Now that indeed were great prospects, either get slowly and painfully torn apart by two raging orcs that would surely let him suffer as much as possible before he would die an unworthy death or go along with these villains in the same team and play a game that is known for it's brutality and violence, a game in which his life might depend on even these guys that would enjoy nothing more than to kill him... what a mess!!!

Both choices looked like certain death, but there was a chance that accepting G'morg's offer might turn out as the lesser of these two evils. Sobbing and snivelling, the goblin stood up with his knees still trembling and G'morg started to grin, knowing he'd got his way. "Now dat is a good gobbo, hrhrhr. So, let'z go and see da team." They went down a long hallway, made of the same rocks as the room they came from, their footsteps resounded from the walls and created an eldritch atmosphere. The further they went the louder Gnot could here some voices, orcish voices laughing with a vicious undertone and he started to sweat more with each step and doubt grew within him, doubt if he would survive this day or if his new comrades will feast upon his innards at the end of the day. But he could not escape, G'morg held his neck with a tight grasp and so Gnot surrendered to his fate.

Raucous bawling came from the locker room and a blast of stuffy air full of sweat hit Gnot as G'morg opened the door. Gnot got pushed inside and the soundscape immediately silenced as the others recognized the stumbling and shivering goblin. Most of them looked puzzled but on some faces Gnot noticed greedy glance and an indication of a sadistic smile, which scared the hell out of him. "What the...," Tsork started, as he recognized who stood before him, but got interrupted by G'morg: "Team, our new player." Hysterical laughter broke out even before his words trailed away, and Gnot felt even worse, like living through a nightmare he just couldn't wake up from. But silence found it's way into the room again, when G'morg hit the orc next to him so hard into the face that he fell right down, bleeding and swearing. "He is the new memba, you idiots better think about what useless lil' gits you were, before I took care of ya!", and with a look to Noreg he continued, "No-one will to'ch him, no-one! Got it?" Meanwhile Gnot noticed that the door was still open and nobody was watching, all were distracted. He decided to seize this chance and took his heels out through the doorway all the way back G'morg led him. But where could he run? He had no clue were he could find an exit; there were no doors, no windows. He ran through the corridors but couldn't find anything and the chasing voices behind him just grew louder and louder. He reached some stairs leading upwards, maybe he was in the basement and up there was a way out, he had to give it a try. Breathing hard he reached the upper level and his steps became slower. Still no exit. He ran left. He ran right. All doors were locked, he lost orientation completely. He felt like running in circles, shouting voices everywhere. Then suddenly as he hasted around a corner something heavy hit him, and he got buried under a huge pile of green flesh.

To be continued...

Bubble Gum Crisis
by Wuhan

It has been said that Wuhan is only a bloodthirsty coach who lives only to foul. Well I'm here to say those rumours are completely and utterly true false. To prove it, I submit the following: BGC's Bloodiest Matches, forced on other coaches in tournament play, right before getting hit with the nerf stick.

Day 1 vs Freefragger's Dwarfs, (1/1/2)
Killed 3 dwarfs and niggled 1 linedwarf. Very good. After killing 2 dwarfs with Guard, my opponent requested to kill his niggled, star player Trollslayer Bent (+AG, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle). My fans quickly invaded the pitch and complied.
Bloodlust: Satiated

Day 2 FUMBBL Cup 2 game vs BunnyPuncher's Orcs, (3/2/3)
Fungus the Loon failed a block and died of a heart attack. Morthrog Manglebone, Ogre for the Orcs (Block, Pro, Tackle), killed on a foul by my Dirty Player. Bunnypuncher has since sworn to never play me again, and has been quoted: "No one kills my Ogre like you Wuhan!" Once you've seen one pile of smoking dead Orcs, you've seen 'em all. That's all I'm sayin'.
Bloodlust: Happy

Day 3 vs BrotherMarius's Dwarfs, (0/4/0)
BGC got 4 SIs on the dwarfs, and no kills.
Bloodlust: Desire to kill... rising

Day 4 vs The_legend's Chaos Dwarfs, (1/4/0)
BGC got 4 SI - 2 CD Blockers, 2 Hobgoblins. A hobgob killed himself trying to passblock and the apoth saved him.
Bloodlust: Entertained


Day 5 vs Luk's ST226 Chaos (8/0/1)
Killed a freebooter named "A snack for Wuhan" on the opening block. DPs got caught 4 times but argued the call 3 times! He didn't even need to use his apoth!
Bloodlust: Snacking

Day 6 BGC vs Navdi's ST216 Orcs (5/2/3)
Turn 1 BGC received, and blitzed with the mino, double skulls. Wait, he's a Pro, double pow! He piles on, and kills an Orc Blitzer, apoth saves him. Then a few more BGC players pile on and BH a Black Orc Blocker and SI a Black Orc in the same turn!
Bloodlust: Evil grin

Day 7 vs Clayinfinity's Undead (4/2/0)
Sometimes you're not always lucky when it comes to casualties. Even at a low ST, his players lasted longer than most.
Bloodlust: Down

Day 8 vs Sinner's Dark Elfs (7/1/3)
Arr, 11 casualties and I hurt all the players I wanted to. Bloody games are the most fun.
Bloodlust: Jumpy

Day 9 vs Flix's Dark Elfs (6/4/1)
Not bad. 11 casualties, just like their last game. It was straight killing from the start.
Bloodlust: Giddy

Day 10 vs Korkrest's Humans (5/2/2)
Arr. This match was decided in the first 2 turns. Got lucky to get rid of Morg'n'thorg on turn 1. This match is rated EF for Excessive Fouling.
Bloodlust: Need more red wine...

Old McNuffle

Old McNuffle had a game, E-I-E-I-O
And in this game he rolled some dice, E-I-E-I-O
With a 1 1 here, and a 1 1 there
Here a 1, there a 1
Everywhere a 1 1

Old McNuffle had a game, E-I-E-I-O
And in this game he made some blocks, E-I-E-I-O
With a skull skull here, and a skull skull there
Here a skull, there a skull
Everywhere a skull skull

Old McNuffle had a game, E-I-E-I-O
And in this game he got some injuries, E-I-E-I-O
With a RIP RIP here, and a RIP RIP there.
Here a RIP, there a RIP
Everywhere a RIP,RIP

Old McNuffle had a game, E-I-E-I-O
And in this game he gained some skills, E-I-E-I-O
With a nig, nig here, and a nig, nig there
Here a nig, there a nig
Everywhere a nig, nig

Old McNuffle had a game, E-I-E-I-O
And in this game he rolled some dice, E-I-E-I-O

Mackensen: An Elf On A High

Hello sports fans, Bob ‘Bonecrusher’ Barnes here! Welcome to GLN’s newest instalment of Team Talk, where we select a particular team and get to know one of their top stars. Today, we welcome Mackensen, top star Lion Warrior of the Thunder Dragons, a prominent High Elf team coached by patton_71.

Bob: Thanks for being here Mackensen, do you mind if we call you Mack?

Mack: N-nuh-no.

Bob: You seem a bit nervous, Mack, anything wrong?

Mack: Wh-what do mean?”
(hands shaking, Mack takes a sip of water)

Bob: You seem a bit uneasy with us today. Just relax and breathe, okay?
Mackensen responds with a nervous smile.

Bob: So, Mack, you are in the top ten active Lion Warrior receivers in the Ranked division, that is a great accomplishment. How about that?

Mack: Well, Buh-Bob, I feel very fortunate to have survived this long. I guh-guess I have b-been lucky for long enough t-to k-keep playing.

Bob: Yes, it seems the Thunder Dragons have been on the unfortunate end on many deaths on your team. From our statistics, you have suffered around twice the normal rate of deaths for the casualties you have taken. Any ideas why?

Mack: I don’t wanna talk about it.

Bob: You must have some opinion on why this has happened? I mean, you are on your third Quarterback, and several Blitzers have died or either retired.

Mack: Just take a l-look at our match record…Chaos, Orc, D-Dwarfs, Undead of all k-kinds, too many bashies for us to take.

Bob: So you are saying your coach is not selecting your opponents with enough care?

Mack: Muh-maybe...

Bob: What do you say to your critics, who claim that you tend to monopolize the team doctor’s talents with your recurring injury?

Mack: WHU-WHAT?! I am the only player who can help us win! Is it my f-fault I have these shakes now? Most of the time I can get it together for the game, b-but sometimes I need Doc’s help okay!?! They won’t let me get m-my own st-stash of vuh-valium any more!! Cuh-Coach ordering m-me to leap into cages to get the ball has m-made me this way! Go ask him wh-who is responsible for almost 20 dead players in j-just over 40 games!! Not me?

Bob: But perhaps if you were more of a team player and willing to sit a game out, the doctor would be able to tend to other player’s injuries instead of just yours?

Mack collapses into a quivering, stuttering puddle in his chair on the set.

Bob: Are you ok? I didn’t mean to upset you, Mack. Can we get some help over here?
Two trainers rush to the set in Thunder Dragons jackets to tend to Mackensen. Two eerily glowing green pills are hastily swallowed with that glass of water, and Mack seems to calm down almost immediately. After a few moments, Mack seem ready to resume the interview.

Bob: Is everything all right now, Mack?

Mack: Why wouldn’t it be, Bobby baby?
Mack now has a much more confident manner with a slightly glassy look in is eyes.

Bob: So you are ready to continue then?

Mack: As always, dude!
Mack now rocks slowly in his chair as if listening to some far off metal band.

Bob: OK, so where do you see the Dragons heading now?

Mack: All the way to the f[bleep]ing top man!! No one can stop me baby!!”

Bob: Any chance of entering a more structured and possibly more deadly league instead of the open division of FUMBBL?

Mack: Either way my man, I am gonna ride this rocket all the way. I am the best and no one is gonna stop me from the top of the record books!!!”
Fully in metal mode, Mack flashes the ‘hang loose’ sign to the camera with the obligatory tongue waggle.

Bob: So anything that you could think of to make you even better?

Mack: Free agency, Baby, that way I can show off my true talents with the right team. No more of this spreading the ball around crap the coach has been preaching lately.

Bob: Thanks for your time today Mack, and that’s it for us today, so see you all next time on ‘Team Talk’! The lights dim on the stage with Mackensen playing air guitar in his chair, and Bob speaking to the Dragons trainers, apparently making some sort of cash transaction.

Stunty League Summary
by Dooby

I hereby attempt to summarise my vast knowledge of Stunty Leeg into a few well chosen words to describe each of the races I have encountered in my life as an apothecary…

1) Top of the shop. Nurgling
Nurgling are to Stunty what a hammer is to a nail: there to bash it unwaveringly into a hard object, often the pitch, more often something less giving. There is little call for my services as they tend to regenerate quite nicely themselves, which keeps them on the pitch and allows superior numbers to overwhelm most other teams. I don’t get close to the beasts if I can help it, but they like to get close to me with those tentacles, especially if I fail to heal a niggle during the match. Tactics include: hit, hit hard and if that doesn’t work... hit harder.
Rating 8/10.

2) Skinks.
Skinks have gone through some changes recently, I think the unions got involved and said they couldn’t have certain races in their teams Suits me, really! Since those changes went through demand for my services has increased dramatically. Good lads the skinks, not ones to be around though if you're outmatched in a fracas at the after-match celebratory party. I’d fancy outrunning a fling or two but you think these guys are fast on the pitch, wow, chased by opposing fans they’re twice as quick.
Rating 8/10.

3) Pygmy.
New guys on the block. There was a lot of discussion when these guys first appeared in the Leeg. I saw a few matches and thought they were impressive, but they are a bit fragile. Now, fragile is a term we apothecaries have to train 4 years in Blood Bowl Medical College to use with authority. What it means to the average supporter is that your best players are often injured. Those Jaguar warriors strut around like their droppings don’t stink. I say they should spend less time preening themselves and more time putting on some armour... it’d make my job easier.
Rating 7/10

* * * Did you know...
An orc team by the name of Garmondz Frendz tried to enter the ranks of Stunty Leeg after twelve straight defeats in the big leagues. Not the brightest of teams, they decided to cut off their legs from the knees down to convince the referee they were goblins. They still beat a halfling team 1-0 before blood loss overtook them.
4) Goblin.
Ah, I have fond memories of goblin teams. There was this one time at band camp... no that’s a different story. Goblins are your average Joes of the Stunty world: fast enough to be runners, strong enough to be bashers... just not quite enough of either to be really effective. One of the best cheaters in the business and they pay well, which means they attract some good star players. Trolls are always trouble though, you just can’t rely on them for those all important blitzes and you should see the mess when they eat one of their own players... well, actually the mess is about four hours afterwards. You thought goblins stunk when they were alive!
Rating 6/10.

5) Fairies.
Now fairies are a class act. Those Leprechauns are as generous as they are funny; always pay in gold coins for some reason... Because they are perceived as weak, fairies have the advantage of surprise versus some of the newer teams out there. I have seen plenty of fairy teams out-bash Snotling teams before now. A good tactic if none of your trees turn up is simple – play a three-fairy defence and hope they take four or more turns to score. If they delay, you're on easy street. If they push for a second, put up all your team and hope for a nippy Pixie to do what they’re paid for. Either way, the most impressive sight in Stunty Blood Bowl is the start of the second half with 3 tonnes of wood waiting for the opposition on the line of scrimmage.
Rating 7/10.

6) Strigoyan.
Now strigs are a funny lot. They never go out during the day, they hate mirrors – so they look awful and, worst of all, they never cut their toenails. Once on the pitch, they are a different clove of garlic. Too dependent on key players, they can get overpowered if their luck's out and a very aggressive team can see them in the grave (so to speak).
Rating 7/10.

7) Chaos Flings.
Never to be overlooked, because they are one of the few teams to fully employ chainsaws. They say it’s to do ice sculpting after the match, but I’m not too sure about that. Fully protected, these petrol-fume-filled freaks will chop you down to size in minutes. I had a job when employed by a goblin team that came across a chaos fling side. Suffice it to say sixteen men started the match but I had to collect over thirty body parts. Trolls with tentacles – whats that all about?
Rating 6/10.

* * * Did you know...
Naggi Maggara of the halfling mob Eggmonton Spoilers was once offered a professional contract with rival hobbit team Shortstuff Scurriers. Since Naggi is currently top scorer in Stunty Leeg, the Scurrier coach shortstuff offered the obligatory bung to the Spoilers coach Flaymin for his services (normally three or four hot crossed buns from Mrs Miggin's Eatery). Flaymin begrudgingly let Naggi speak to their representatives, who were all set to sign the pudgy star when fate intervened. Naggi had just had another great game when he received a nasty injury... when leaning over a particularly large bowl of delicious-smelling complimentary stew from one of his loyal fans, he had slipped and fallen in, causing third-degree burns! No amount of rest and recuperation could fully heal the faintly smoking fling as his shot slipped away. He is now back on course for another shot at the big leagues having scored an amazing five touchdowns in a game versus Umbala's chaos fling line-up Pasila Laktu Vimaturesis.
8) Halflings.
They’re short, fat and lazy... and that’s just the fans. It is said in Fling folklore that you have to be the seventh son of a seventh son to play Blood Bowl. Well, to be any good as a fling you have to be something different... like a different race. They are slow and weak, they can’t run the ball; they can’t pass the ball. They are always injured; in fact the first day on the job I got lost and walked into the local fling hospital, twenty flings lying with broken legs, arms, and noses. It was only when I asked one of them where the Halfling team was that they told me: “We are the team!” The only bright point is the Trees. Even they have their downsides, they are slow they don’t turn up for matches but when they hit a goblin... hmmm... it makes you proud to be a fan to see one hit clean out of the stadium.
Rating 4/10.

9) Snotlings.
Mad, bad and dangerous to know. That is what you have to be to like watching them play ball. That is of course when they bother to play the ball. Built for destruction just like the Nurgling but unlike their counterparts they can often self destruct, allowing you to waltz in for numerous touchdowns. Not a team for the faint-hearted.
Rating 4/10.

10) Squig Herders.
Nuts, absolutely nuts. They have potential but never seem to show it. It’s said the worst job in Blood Bowl is cleaning the Squigs' teeth. I disagree, I’ve seen those teeth and I’m certain they’re never cleaned. Capable of retiring any team and capable of losing 6-0 - all dependent on pure luck. Not a team for the purists.
Rating 3/10.

11) Cheaters.
Two things about cheaters you must know: never play poker with them, and the ref is not their friend. If properly constructed early in ther career, cheaters teams can be quite effective. Lose the ball and chain, play dirty players and 'saws and when I say play dirty players I mean PLAY dirty. Nothing worse than a cheater team that doesn’t foul. Cheaters are most effective when they reduce the opposition by more than the referee reduces them.
Rating 5/10.

12) Gnomes.
Why they even bother is beyond me. Truly inept. They rely on bombs and a couple of half decent Blitzers. What often remains is a decimated team that can’t compete in any area. My advice is simple: if you’re a fan, go and watch skinks instead.
Rating 2/10.

Wood Elf Strategy Guide, Part 1
by roos

When I first started to write out this series, I thought I could fit it all in one single article. How did I fool myself! It had to be divided into three parts. This one focuses on team building. The others will be a tactics article on how to use the players once you have them, and another piece on how to fine-tune the team and play for reaching high Team Rating, beating bashing teams and winning tourneys.

New teams

Upon deciding to become a Wood Elf coach, you get yourself a team with great opportunities. Wood Elves (WE) are a rather nice team to play since they are fairly easy to win games with. They also gain SPP very quickly, as they score a lot. However, you have also got yourself into playing one of the teams that lose most players to injuries and aging of all Blood Bowl teams. On top of it all, WE are expensive. You will need a lot of money to keep your roster from shrinking. A high Fan Factor is, in the long run, the single most important feature of your team. Start with nine, keep it high, and keep it rising.

There isn't that much room for choosing different team set-ups on a new WE team. There is cash for two re rolls and one of the following:

  • 11 Linemen, FF8 and apothecary
  • 10 Linemen, 1 Wardancer and FF8
  • 9 Linemen, 2 Throwers and FF9
  • 10 Linemen, 1 Thrower, FF9 and 20K cash

Other set-ups with less Fan Factor or a Treeman are not even worth mentioning. Of these four, I prefer the last one. When you have won your first game, buy the apothecary and then save up for the dancers. It is a good thing that the Linemen can get a skill or two before getting the dancers. That keeps a good balance in the team and you can lose a Lineman or two and replace them with Wardancers.

Building a wood elf team

As you get lots of skills you will get a few very good players. Any ST4 player, AG5 Wardancer, AG5/Guard/Leaper or one-turner is a tremendous asset. These guys are also one of the most dangerous traps for a WE coach. If you are not very very careful when picking your skills, especially the doubles, you will end up with a rather useless WE team once the great player is lost. In some cases, it can take a whole generation of players to repair the damage and get the team working as a group again. This is avoidable by picking the right skills. There is a single sentence that comes to my mind when selecting skills for WE. Think: ”What skill do I need to pick the ball from a strong opponent if my key players are out?” Always think defence. The only exception to this rule is one or two Throwers.The Linemen, Catchers and Wardancers always have to be built to contribute to the defence. Never even consider such a skill as Nerves of Steel. Your offence will work anyway. What you need to be able to do is to get to the ball, strip it from your opponent and pick it up. You also need to be able to stop a passing game, either by taking out, covering and pass blocking the receivers or by harassing the opposition thrower - preferably both! So, what skills do you need? Let's look at the different players.


A Lineman without Block isn't much of a Blood Bowl player. Get him Block. One of them should get Kick too, perhaps even before he gets Block. The kicker is essential. When you get a blitz, you need to have the ball on the spot you picked, not the one Nuffle chose or somewhere off the pitch. Second skill for most linos is Tackle, and I usually pick one Dirty Player. On doubles, pick Mighty Blow if they have Tackle and Guard if they do not. As third skill it gets a little trickier. Don't expect to have three skills on that many linemen at the same time, they usually die off before that, but a few of them will get it, and some even a fourth once in a while. Pass Block is usually a nice one, so is Side Step and Diving Tackle. Don't go for Shadowing, you have faster guys for that, if you like the skill. Don't even bother thinking about Dodge. It works only on lower levels and versus the coaches that are not good enough to give you a good fight for the victory anyway. Good coaches have quite a few tacklers and you'd better pick the skills that are better for beating them. Save Leap for those that get AG5, two AG4 leapers is enough as it is.


The dancers are your winning machines. They are quick, they have Blodge and they can jump for starters. They might even be the best players on any FUMBBL roster. If you place your Wardancers well they can probably reach the ball on a running game. The first thing they need is a skill to get the ball from a dodgy ballcarrier. Give Tackle to one of them and Strip Ball to the other. As these guys are dodgers, Side Step might be a good second skill. On doubles, pick Guard or Jump Up. If one happens to get +AG, Guard is definitely the way to go. Jumping in to Guard anywhere you like and only fail on a roll of 1 is powerful. Pass Block is a nice skill on a dancer too, since Leap makes it ever so hard to stop him from reaching the receivers. But remember, unless you roll something really nice, Tackle or Strip Ball is your first pick. After that, choose with care to balance the rest of the team.


Catchers are very good at catching balls and scoring. However, you don't need Catchers to score, since Linemen do it well enough. Their great speed brings up the Team Strength a lot, so you need to find a way to make these guys useful. If you can't do that, don't buy them. One thing they are good at is scoring in extreme situations. They can do pushing one-turners if they have Sprint, and they are good when you need to score with only six or even fewer elves. That doesn't quite justify getting more than one of them, though. If you want to have several Catchers, you have to turn them into blitzers. With only ST2, they will need Diving Tackle or Dauntless to be really useful. Shadowing works too, but from my experience DT is better, especially if they get Tackle too. A Catcher with Diving Tackle or Dauntless can force an opponent to put his thrower a very long way back to keep him safe. A Catcher with Block, Side Step, Sprint and DT plus Tackle or Dauntless might even force the opponent to protect the thrower as far backfield as his own end zone. That way, Catchers can be of great use. They can even force passing teams to switch to running games. On the other hand, if the opposing team has tacklers they usually can't stand being put on the line and then their use diminishes quite a bit. On doubles, don't go for NoS, it's good for scoring. Guard and Dauntless are so much better. Remember, think defence.


Keep these guys picking throwing skills just as long as there are good throwing skills to pick. Accurate, Strong Arm on doubles and Safe Throw are priority one. Sure Hands and Sure Feet are good too, since they do a lot of pick-ups, sometimes in tackle zones and it's nice to be able to GFI into a shorter passing range. Block for safety later on. If you already have Sure Feet, Sprint is very nice. Once you get a thrower with extra movement, you will notice the wonderful benefits. But, as soon as you have a thrower you feel safe with, it's time to make him useful in defence too. Pass Block is a nice skill for that.


If you have one, he will need Block as soon as possible. Then Guard, Tackle and Multiple Block in any order desired. Double rolls are best used for Pro, Frenzy or Dodge. Why Dodge? Even though I don't think picking Dodge is a good idea on a Lineman, the tree might make good use of it. First, you really don't want him to fall over, but if he has to, wouldn't it be very nice if one of those precious tacklers of the opposing team would be used on the tree rather than your Side Stepping, Blodging Catchers or Wardancers?

Stat increases

Most people would say: ”If you get a stat increase, take it.” I don't quite agree. On a Catcher or a Thrower, take them all, always. On Linemen and Wardancers, I'd prefer the double to the +MA on a 5-5.

Special players

The guys with extraordinary stats will need some extraordinary thinking. Here are some good combinations I have had myself or seen on teams of other coaches.

  • player with AG5, Leap and Guard.
    Happens from time to time on dancers, but it's when the linos get this you should consider yourself really lucky.
  • Treeman with MA4.
    A tree can't have too much MA.
  • Thrower with MA8/9.
    Makes passing much easier. More important than one can imagine.
  • Catcher with MA10, Sprint and Sure Feet.
    The one-turner. Watch out so that he doesn't get too many SPPs and give him skills so that he can be used as blitzer on defence too, otherwise he will boost your Team Strength by a lot more than what he is worth.
  • Wardancer with ST4/5.
    The superb cage breaker. Don't give him Mighty Blow, he will just age very soon.

Players such as these bring lots of quality to your team, and they sometimes win games all on their own. But since their armour is low and they attract lots of bashing from the opponents, they spend much of their time stunned, KO'd or injured. You will always have to live with that, and if you can to turn that into something good for you, you are much better off. Build your team and your players so that you can defend and score with your regular players. Then, when an opponent coach focuses on your stars, he will not destroy your game and the loss of the star doesn't interfere with the team building. Try to use them only when there is not a satisfactory way of reaching a good result with the rest of the team. Using them often leads to SPPs and they eventually lead to old age. Better letting the rest of the team develop to equally good players.

Death Bowl

Gavvering 'da 'Boyz

With such an extensive choice of hard hitting creatures to pick from, it's easy to create an Orc league team capable beating the hell out of every other race. Although a team consisting of 4 Black Orcs, 4 Blitzers, 2 Throwers, a Lineman, 2 Team Re-rolls and a FFof 5 might sound appealing for single games, creating a survivable league team will require a bit more finesse. Despite the Orcs' high armour value, a team with 11 players, low fan factor and no apothecary is usually the recipe for disaster. As the team progresses and begins to suffer casualties, you'll find your precious 'boyz' lining up with less than a full team. This makes it harder to win future games and having fewer players than your opponent means you're far more likely to take a beating and suffer further injuries.

For a long term squad, designed to hold its own in an old fashioned dust up and also be able to deal with the odd burial early in its claim to fame I'd recommend the following squad. The Bloodrock Clan started with:-

This team by no means suits every coach. However, given the strength of the starting line-up you should be able to build your FF by winning the majority of your first 10 matches. An apothecary is the first thing on the shopping list, as it should be with every team lacking one. These guys went unbeaten for their first 22 matches, so I'd say this is as good a line-up as you're ever likely to see.

Tactiks and da Plan

The Orcish game plan against fast and agile teams such as Skaven and all forms of Elves is very simple. Your main effort during the first half should be geared towards maiming and injuring as many of the opposing players as possible by any means possible. Blitz, block, foul and even crowd push your team into a stronger second half position. The less players opposing your boyz late in the match the better! If you're recieving the kick, try not to score until the last possible moment. Turn 7 or 8 is the best. Hopefully by then the opponents dug out should be awash with the dead and dying remains of his once proud players.

If you lose the toss you have variations of the following two options:
a) Defend lightly, allowing your opponent to score in turn 2 or 3. With this in mind, your intention should be to pulverise opposing players that aren't directly linked to the play but allow the ball carrier to reach the endzone as early as possible, giving you the rest of the half (usually 5 or 6 turns) to score for a 1-1 half time scoreline. If all goes according to plan, you'll be left with the whole of the second half to grind down the pitch for an eighth turn touchdown and a 2-1 winning score. Remember to keep a Blitzer way back in the field as a crafty coach will see through your ploy and attempt to stall and run out the clock.
b) Defend like crazy and hopefully win back the ball. At first glance, this might seem like the proper thing to do - however, should things go awry in the final two turns and you're unable to prevent a touchdown, you're faced with going in at the interval 1-0 down without time to secure the equalising touchdown.

Against harder hitting teams such as Dwarfs, Chaos and to an extent Undead you better hope your blocking skills are up to date "coz dis wun gonna be a slug-fest!". If you recieve the ball, it's a case of killing them first. Usually a novice coach will set players up near the crowd. Although they aren't directly next to the sidelines, a few simple blitz and block combinations can see them getting jiggy with the fans in no time. Check out the GLN issue 4's report Let's go Crowdsurfing for details.

Adopt a strong cage and trundle casually down the weaker side of the pitch - its usually to difficult to break through the centre - for a late touchdown.

Kicking against Blood Bowl powerhouse races is a far more daunting prospect. I find lining up your entire team on the LoS and watching every player go down on turn one is a sure fire way of losing position and a touchdown. Minimise the players you place up front, remembering to deploy the rest of your team 2 squares back to counteract the quick snap kick off roll. Minimising the players that get knocked over in turn one means you're in a far stronger position to dictate the flow of the half and efficiently reorganise your defence for the crucial sacking of the ball carrier. When an opening presents itself, run a player in the opposing team's backfield. Even if you have no intention or no possibity of knocking over the ball carrier, this can sometimes frighten your opponent into weakening his defence by sending 2 players from his loose cage to deal with the new threat.

Skills Choices

The Blitzer is the star player of the Orc lineup and will almost certainly be at the heart of most of your devious plays. I try to split my Blitzers into two categories: offensive and defensive. Defensively he will probably be your best box breaker and offensively he's without a doubt your most valuable asset. Guard is the sensible choice for his first skill but Mighty Blow will decrease the time it takes to get a second skill roll. Orc Blitzers also make exceptionally good "Strippers". Orc teams lacking Strip Ball and Tackle can and often do suffer humiliating defeats at the hands of "dem pansies in tights". I always try to train one or two of my Blitzers for the purpose of despatching annoying Wardancers and Witch Elves.
SKILLS: Guard, Mighty Blow and Strip Ball
DOUBLES: Stand Firm, Dodge

The Orc Thrower is the slowest ball handler in the game, therefore it's wise to protect him against opposing blitzers with either another Thrower or Blitzer in the back field. I always try to give my Throwers Block as a second or third skill. That way, once the throw has been made he can hang back as a last line of defence should you lose the ball.
SKILLS: Accurate and Block
DOUBLES: Strong Arm

Black Orc Blocker.
Having to rely on casualties for SPPs coupled with their low agility makes Black Orcs one of the game's slowest skill progressers. Block is the wise choice, but picking Mighty Blow as the first skill dramatically increases the speed the player gains SPPs.
SKILLS: Block and Mighty Blow
DOUBLES: Stand Firm and Frenzy

Linemen are the fodder of the Orc line-up. However, a few rudimentary skills and good field positioning can help tip the game in your favour! Give one of your Linemen Dirty Player as soon as possible and don't be afraid to use it. Kick is also a wise choice, becoming even more effective in the second half when your "ard as nails boyz" out-number the enemy.
SKILLS: Block and Tackle
DOUBLES: Guard and Mighty Blow

Remember - Always give attribute increases to your players!


Obviously the Orc teams main strength lies in holding onto the ball and beating the opposition into the turf. Despite this, they have a very competent if somewhat slow Thrower enabling them to copy "dem pansies in tights" should the need arise. The Blitzers are very good at what they do. The quartet of mean-looking Black Orcs, given time and the right selection of skills have the potential to rise to the top of their field. It's been said before that Orcs are a beginner's choice, which to an extent is true. They are probably the most error -forgiving race in the game. Don't be fooled though - when placed in the hands of a competant coach and given the right choice of core skills, they have the capacity and the ability to beat every other Blood Bowl race.

Admin Corner

"The biggest unanswered question is: Where is the money?"

I'm sure you have all seen the PayPal donate button on the site. You may also have wondered how often people donate and how much donations have been accumulated over the year and a half that the donation button has been on the site.

FUMBBL runs on a server with a 1Mbit upstream connection to the Internet (which means that the server can send about 120 kilobytes of data per second to connected users). This connection costs around US$55 per month. The hardware that the site runs on has been purchased completely with donated money (roughly US$1200 in total).

At this point, the FUMBBL PayPal account holds around US$500, which would cover the running costs for the site (bandwidth costs) for roughly 9 months. This figure assumes that there will be no need for any more hardware upgrades/replacements and that the donations would completely stop right now. Neither of these assumptions are very likely though.

I usually don't force the donation issue too much, as people tend to donate enough to keep the site running without me having to push anyone into it. Back when FUMBBL started becoming popular and the old hardware that the server was running on couldn't cope with the traffic anymore, I asked the community for donations to get a new server. The response was enormous and I were quickly able to get a new machine. Knowing that so many appreciate the site enough to donate a whole load of money to keep the site running is truly heartwarming. This is also one of the reasons I don't like to stuff big banners in your face and force the donation issue on you. If I really need money for an essential hardware upgrade or some other reason, I know that all I need to do is to ask and a lot of you will come through.

Of course, I have played with the thought of how much money would be made available if every active coach would donate as little as US$10 every 6 months or so. That would quite easily allow me to switch to a high-end hosting company running the site on a quite powerful server. Naturally, a setup like that would cost quite alot and very likely be quite a bit of overkill. But oh, how fun it would be! :)

A Coach's Journey

I was introduced to online Blood Bowl by a friend and found my way to FUMBBL via SkiJunkie's site, becoming a member in February 2002. Since this time, I have learned more about Blood Bowl than I have in all my 10 years of playing. I enjoyed learning new tactics, skill combinations and strategy. I did have a steep learning curve - learning about Wild Animal traps, team strength, et cetera - but quickly became proficient with online play and the new rules.

I became addicted to winning and rankings. I wanted to prove my superiority at Blood Bowl and set out to jump up in the rankings (the highest ranking I got was 17th) and become the "best" Canadian. I was obsessed with winning and I won my share of games. Often, I would go on ten-game-plus winning streaks. I became good at winning and looking for games.

I put my ranking and reputation on the line and entered FUMBBL Open and Div X Cup I Tourneys. I placed my Undead and Skaven team into a mix of teams with the Anarchists and other strong teams. I did very well in these tournaments, making the quarter- and semi-finals respectively. I had a blast, losing close games to good teams and coaches. I was proud how far my teams went, even under circumstances beyond my control.

I loved close games so much that I took my teams and went looking for games with stronger or more evenly matched teams. My winning streaks quickly stopped. I became frustrated with myself and my teams. Why was I losing? I took two weeks off to rest and deal with personal issues. My personal issues stopped, but my winning was not as consistent as before. I quickly realized my previous winning had nothing to do with skill or luck, but with my ability to pick a game. I was not in love with winning, but with the "thrill of the hunt". My winning streaks had more to do with finding vulnerable coaches, and finding games on my terms and on my time. I would lurk back and wait for coaches that just wanted to play and have fun and swoop in with a game for them I knew I could win.

I noticed when I played evenly matched teams, with evenly match rosters and on evenly matched terms, against evenly matched coaches, my scores would be 3-2 or 2-1 consistently. Unless a coach was out of favour with Nuffle, the games would be close. I would lose some, I would win some. I became more satisfied with my 2-1 wins and more satisfied with my close loses. I was also becoming a better coach and having more fun.

I noticed that in the rankings that some coaches with 200+ games had winning percentages of 80% and more. How could this be? If you are playing evenly matched teams, with evenly matched rosters and on evenly matched circumstances, you are NOT going to win 80% of your games. In fact, at best I could manage a 66% win percentage. What was going on in FUMBBL?

I confronted a few of these coaches about their winning percentages. I heard excuses like "I don't play bashy teams." "I don't play one turn teams." I also noticed that these coaches were good at finding games that looked even on paper, but used the ST and TR formulas to their advantage. Often these coaches came from Europe, but I won't go in that direction in this article. I played a few of these coaches and none of them did anything I never seen before. With a 75%+ win percentage, I became disappointed with the games and their mechanical approach. I envisioned these coaches as being the same types of people who used a Ranger with two long swords in AD&D 2nd edition (old school D&D reference for ya!).

If you are a coach with 200+ games and have a win percentage of 75%+, ask yourself this: "What role do I have in the FUMBBL community? What do I gain from picking games that are always in my favour to win? Am I a good coach or just good at finding games?"

I now look for games that I know I can win AND lose. I often take on matches with "bashy" teams (much to the displeasure of my high elves), I won't turn down a game because of a one turner and playing Halfling teams is a joke. I am more satisfied about my ranking and that it now truly reflects my skill and proficiency with the game, not at choosing a game. I am no longer infatuated with winning, but play the game I grew up playing and love for one reason: fun.

Vocal Population
by FUMBBL coaches with help from Stevie

Greetings sports fans! It’s that time again to inform the masses, so we sent our horrible little reporters far and wide to get the points of view of the people in the know, the people with the fingers on the buttons (and possibly other places… but we’re sure that’s a different topic), the coaches!!! Today we’re looking at the age old problem: we’ve all seen them, they're big and they're mean, heros of the terraces, scourge of the front line, love them or hate them they seem here to stay… the BIG GUY!!!! Mighty giant of the field, or expensive mascot? Worth their weight in gold or should stick to making the half time tea and coffee? What’s your favourite Big Guy, and just how useful are they? Discuss.

Big Guys are basically overrated by all noobs, they are really good when they do as you want but a lot of the time you find yourself wanting to blitz that guy on the line and then your wild animal stand and roars...
I think we all know that feeling when we could just have made the blitz with another player but we waited for that high ST and the MB and maybe even the Frenzy. Big Guys are good but unreliable. That makes them a good blocker and meatshield but a bad blitzer.
My favourite Big Guy I think is the krox or the rat ogre. I always get a big guy if the team can but not from the beginning - they can be bought later when you have the positional players and the rerolls you want.
And what does it come to... Big Guys are like any player but expensive and unreliable. Don't overrate them but don't underestimate them either because used well they are awesome (that is if you have luck on your WA or stupid rolls).

I hate Big Guys, I tend to roll one all the time anyway when I need them most, but they are too attractive, (i.e. ST), :)

Big Guys are my favourite type of player actually. Unreliable, but can accomplish so much with some luck. Old style wild animals were my favourite Big Guys, because they needed true skill to work well, and good use of them was rewarded well (unless you got unlucky but that goes for everything in Blood Bowl).
Best use of a Big Guy is as a high strength road-block with Guard. Just move him into the most inconvenient positions and make life hard for your opponent. Biggest benefit of it is that either your opponent needs to use more than usual resources in his turn to deal with the Big Guy, or ignore him which leaves you with a strong Mighty Blow player to tear apart enemy players.
Big Guys also make great cage players, and if the ball is free at the beginning of my turn with many players of both teams nearby, I usually move the Big Guy next to the ball first in my turn, just in case a turnover happens suddenly. At least then my opponent has to work for the ball.

A team depending on the Big Guy for its tactics isn't going to be a successful one. For that, they are all too unreliable. Nevertheless, sometimes the big guy can boost a team considerably. A perfect example is the Troll on the Orc team that doesn't only decimate the opponent now and then, but also gives hope of a one-turn TD when the need falls upon the coach. A Rat Ogre or a Treeman can both take away a dangerous block on a fragile Skaven or Wood Elf Lineman on defence and provide that extra BH that brings the FF up another step. If you can find such good use for your Big Guy he will be much more than a mascot. However, don't ever trust him; he will certainly let you down sooner or later...

Personally, my favourite is the mighty oak. Pound for pound he is the toughest and least impaired Big Guy going IMHO, if he isn’t sleeping somewhere during the first half... then the only main disadvantage is getting up. But naturally with ST6 it is rather hard to get one down to begin with. Get the guy +MA and all of a sudden he no longer has this disadvantage.
Other than the aforementioned sleeping disorder and the "help, I have fallen and can’t get up" disorder. the inability to reroll is the only thing I fear with a Big Guy, so with any double I automatically take Pro for any Big Guy... unless it is a 12 roll (and 10 for trees). My dream Big Guy is a 4 8 1 10 Treeman with Block, Pro, and Multiple Block - the fun part would be watching the opponent's players run in fear! Right now my woodie team has a 4 6 1 10 Treeman with Block so I am almost half way there (grin)

I think Big Guys can be fun but at times a bit too much. In Stunty League I think too many Big Guys and secret weapons exist causing them to be "mighty giant of the field" yet under the LRB 3.0 without Trophy Re-rolls and not sure how Leader Re-rolls are in place yet as I haven’t gotten Leader yet they can become an expensive mascot. In my personal opinion I think if you restricted the Big Guys from using General skills and allowing them access to Pro as a normal skill they'd be fun for both sides.
My favourite Big Guy depends on the type of team I'm playing. For instance, the Beast is much more effective against speed teams then any other Big Guy available, yet the Minotaur and Rat Ogre having access to physical traits make them very powerful against bashy teams as they can get Claw allowing them to break that heavy AV9 much more often. But besides Big Guys, I think Mummies are far better as they haven’t the need to roll for Bone Head, Really Stupid, or Wild Animal.

When you get over the new player rush of "Oooh I have a ST5 player" and start to block last with them as they can't reroll, they progress slowly and often end up as LOS fodder and distractions. But what a distraction, even without Block their size and MB skill makes them a constant worry to any opponent. So I rate them, but usually more for the psychology factor than actual usefulness.
Really Stupid Big Guys aren’t very useful in my opinion, as it takes a lot of work just to keep them active. Ogres and Kroxigors are more reliable and very handy, but for me look no further than the Minotaur for the best Big Guy. ST6 when blitzing, Frenzy, Thick Skull, access to mutations (Tentacles, Claw) are all great, but to me it's the "fear factor" a Mino brings. Everyone is afraid of Minos, and the underrated "auto-unstun for wild animals" makes them the best. Even Ogres and Krox stay stunned 1 in 6, and Really Stupid Big Guys often stay stunned 50% of the time if blocked away from their mates. Plus Minos look cool and are great for fluff. That alone is reason enough to love them.

I usually treat my Big Guy as an expensive mascot, a handy-to-have ST5 tackle zone who can stand there looking rough and soak up assists and hits. All my Big Guy has to do - if I have one - is distract the opponent a bit. By no means do I find a Big Guy a must-have.
The important thing to remember about a Big Guy is that he is, and remains, a Big Guy, and can't use Team Re-rolls. Most of them have negative traits that make them further undesirable. As a result you can't use a Big Guy in any of your important plays, since the chances of him failing, or doing outright nothing, are too high.
I use Big Guys on Orc, Human, Chaos Dwarf and Norse teams (and Stunty Leeg teams, naturally). I would rather do without them with Chaos, Wood Elves or, back when they could use an Ogre, Dwarfs. I find the presence of a Big Guy on any of those teams practically useless. Having ST5 is less important due to the other strengths of those teams, and reliability is a much greater virtue. I'd rather have an extra Longbeard than a mobile tackle zone that is prone to turnovers and standing around looking stupid. I'd rather have another MA7 player with AG4 than a player who, despite being strong and extremely tough, doesn't show up half the time or if he does, falls on his arse and stays there for three turns before getting up again.
My favourite Big Guy is the Troll, and that is the only reason I take a Big Guy on the Orc team. A solid, strong team that can pull off a TTM when they're in trouble is the best thing ever conceived. Go Orcs!

The Big Guy (or bigg'un for us oldies) has been a common sight on the touchlines since the inception of the game. The starting strength along with the ability to send a Mighty Blowed fist smashing into the face of the nearest terrified lineman has bought joy to the black hearts of many a coach. Unfortunately for some, the threat posed by the Big Guys has been gradually diminished over the years until the specimens we are presented with are mere shadows of their former glory. Most teams can now only take one Big Guy as opposed to two. Big Guys are sadly too stupid or too uncontrollable to gain access to their team's re-rolls and they may soon lose their access to General skills which will surely limit their killer potential when on the field. Under the old rules my personal favourite Big Guy had to be the Rat Ogre. The 6 blocks allowed with their Frenzy could easily send players flying off the field into the stands to be ripped apart by those Dark Elf fans (not the nicest way to go), their agility of 3 with a re-roll allowed them to move the ball like no other Big Guy and mutations along with cumulative armour/injury modifiers reduced many teams to a squishy pulp (this pulp being the material that this fine publication is manufactured from). There has been no scarier sight on the Blood Bowl field than a Mighty Blow, Claw, Razor Sharp Claw, Piling On, Frenzy, Block Rat Ogre blitzing across the field intent on destruction. Since the Big Guys we are currently allowed are reduced in power from their older counterparts I’d look no further than the Beast of Nurgle. The Beast is a nightmare opponent for any coach to face, with its grasping Tentacles which few players can hope to escape from, its access to hideous (and dangerous) mutations, its ability to restrict passing plays due to its less than appealing looks and its Undead-like ability to raise warriors from the grave to serve you. The Beast is a force to be reckoned with. The Beast should be a key player on all teams allowed to take it since it allows the possibility of tying up running teams' skilled players (tie up a reasonably-skilled Wardancer for the game and it has paid its cost back). The reluctance of coaches to get their players too close to the Beast can also be a valuable factor in protecting the ballcarrier. Essentially, the Beast allows another element to the game which can easily swing the balance in your favour.

When facing the inevitable question of whether or not to acquire a Big Guy on to your team, one needs not only ask will he inflict a lot of casualties, but rather, how many turnovers will he cause? On the other hand, they are an asset by providing certain teams a more "bashy" element, while on the other hand they are the main cause of turnovers for many fresh teams, due to the lack of rerolls for them.
So, we all know the facts, but why do we need them, some of us even like them. I, for example, have grown to love my Rat Ogre, Mickey, not only because of his Wild Animalism (which is, by the way, far superior to the loathed Bone Headism) but because he has personality, if pixels can have that sort of thing and he is truly evil. In my last game he killed a Mummy and a Wight. And surprisingly they didn't regenerate! That kind of behaviour lights up my day and although I lost the game, Mickey made it worth playing.
The other one of my tactics is to choose for Big Guys skills that normal people wouldn't choose - Pass Block, for example. It never ceases to amaze opponents when they make their first pass and you pass block with your Kroxigor. It usually ends up doing nothing, but it's the thought that matters.
Big Guys differ from the usual lineman/blitzer/thrower etc by being, yes, BIG. Large men have always had a place in our legends and in our myths and today we still love to see big men play basketball. We love everything huge, super size meals and all that. It's in our blood.
And even if Big Guys are a liability, they are at the same time a necessity. And though the most important fact of all has eluded many, it still remains as it was in the beginning of Blood Bowl: "If Big Guys weren't fun, they wouldn't have been introduced to our beloved Blood Bowl."

Grum's Grudging Grumbles
by Uncle Grum with help from Goallie11

The Grotty Little Newspaper's intrepid reporter Goallie11 went out into the wilds of the FUMBBL badlands to collect questions to ask everyone's least favourite admin: Grumbledook. Uncle Grum is known far and wide to be an expert on any and all topics you could ever think of, and many more you couldn't. His favourite topic is his own glorious magnificence... and who could argue with him on that? But we shall now allow Goallie11 to respectfully set up the questions so that Uncle Grum can knock them over...

This one is from Homer-Simpson:
"What's your favorite BB team and why?"

Any that are coached by me. Why? Because they are better than the others.

One from Borderline:
"Dear Grum, what has been your happiest moment as a FUMBBL admin so far?"

Generally, the happiest times are when no one comes in to bother me. Or if someone actually wants help, they reply to the questions you ask rather than wittering on with useless stuff you don't need to know. The guys who don't argue about things either are cool, nothing worse than the whining types we get in who seem to think that it's wrong for us to punish them for breaking the rules.

From Amon242:
"How much beer do you drink?"

In money amounts or in liquid amounts? This question is as bad as those who come into the admin room, ignore the topic saying state your problem and just sit there shouting, "I have a problem" "hello!?! Anyone there?!" Can't respond very well to vague questioning, unless you want a vague answer. Much like this one.

Slick wants to know:
"Why are Nurgling the best Stunty team?"

Because they are the first team that I will delete on my way to deleting the whole Stunty Leeg division should I get a chance.

banana_fish900 asks:
"How come when you take a bite out of an apple and leave it out, it turns brown?"

When I bite an apple, it doesn't. However, I shall be nice and inform you that when you do it, apples turn brown when iron-containing chemicals inside apple cells react with oxygen in the air.

If you want to offer up questions to be answered by Uncle Grum in the next issues of the GLN, send them via a PM to m0nty.

Miniature Gallery

This is the inaugural gallery of Blood Bowl miniatures. The following are submissions of real painted miniatures painted by real FUMBBL coaches - not entries in a computer database! The following minis are all entered into a competition which ends in the next issue of GLN (#6), excepting, of course, minis painted by FUMBBL admins like Christer. The winner of the competition will earn the right to heal one permanent injury on a player on one of his teams (not including death, of course!).

Coach: Christer
Horus, avenger of his father's murder and a dutiful son. Fairly simple paintjob. The bones have been painted with Bleached Bone, washed down with Chestnut Wash and a Bleached Bone highlight. The blue clothing is painted using Nauseating Blue on a Midnight Blue base and detailed using Enchanted Blue. The golden parts are Burnished Gold, Flesh Wash and Gold again for highlights. The base is sanded and painted with Snakebite Leather and Bleached Bone for highlights. The markings on the base is the Hieratic representation of the model's name.
Note: Christer is ineligible for the prize, of course!

Coach: Dementor
This is only the third mini I did. I started with an Amazon Team by the name of Bloody Marys, which made red an obvious choice for the main colour but made it a little harder on the edges of flesh and red. The green is a nice contrast as I did not want to have the usual red/blue combination. The helmets from deer bones are not just plain white or yellowish but a little more green to give the team a rotten character. Hope I will improve further on, also the ground has still to be done..


An editorial? The Grotty Little Newspaper never had an editorial! Correct, that, but, since reading issue one I felt it should have one. I never got around to talk to Cusi about that though, and now, I can't anymore. Cusi added me as an editor mid December, and I assume I would have been part of the GLN staff way earlier, if I wouldn't have had to spent time mostly without an internet connection. Now Cusi is gone, and I can't ask him anymore. But the GLN remains, his most visible contribution to FUMBBL, his project, his child. Continuing it means change, as I can only guess where he would have wanted to take it. This Editorial is part of that change. Continuing the GLN also meant silence, getting a machinery going again that had come to a complete halt.

I know Cusi had planned to publish a valentine edition of the GLN, and I had started writing texts with that in mind - valentine day passed, and only afterwards we got to know why there was no word from him. So we had to start over again, from scratch, and this time without any guiding hand of the person that was the GLN. There are so many things I'd like to have discussed with him, ideas for articles, themes, features - and above that I would have needed his experience.

In the end now, though, I think we managed to get an issue of the GLN together that he would have approved of, that he would like. And I am happy to see the project going on, and continuing, not only for FUMBBL, for your enjoyment, but also in his memory. We have an interview with SkiJunkie this issue, the continuation of the gobbo's tale that started in issue 3, and more, for you to discover. There are no obituaries this issue, but that spot has not gone vacant.

However, to keep GLN alive I need help. A lot people helped out with this issue already, but there never was a time where I felt that things were going smooth. This is a call out to anyone that would like to write to just sit down, right now, and start writing. Anything that moves your heart in respect to FUMBBL or Blood Bowl. A short story, like those by Candlejack or Gorritakid, or a commentary like Darkwolf's. No deadline. No continous obligation. Just write and contact us once you are finished. It just is that simple, without articles no GLN, without GLN, a bit of Cusi fades and FUMBBL becomes such a more dull place. Help us, to keep this going on, continously - I hope for an issue a month, and feel free to present ideas to us in the #FUMBBL_GLN channel. It is open for all, and everyone is welcome.

Naturally, if you have read this far you will notice that what is written above is somewhat pretentious given the fact it took month and month, and then a bit to even get a crippled version of the GLN out. You are dead right. At the time I wrote this editorial I was very certain that the paper was about to get done. I wasn't and learned another oh so obvious lesson - don't write editorials just to make something incomplete look a slight bit more complete. I still think that some of these articles are among the best in GLN history - if just there had been more of this quality. I hope you enjoy this issue,
Secondary Editor

PS: We also need help with graphics!


More then a year has passed now, since the last issue of the GLN - the project had its flares and as can be seen above even some hopeful hours, in the end though, it is glaringly obvious that I couldn't maintain Cusi's devotion to the paper - neither for myself or for those helping with editing, writing and coming up with ideas. I will hand over the GLN to Bunnypuncher as head editor now, in the hope that he is more successful, and more determined then I was - however, I am certain, that he, too will need the assistance of the community - it is your paper, and without contributions from the community it is bound to fail, no matter who is at the steering wheel. So help if you can - in the memory of Cusi, for a project that shouldn't fail.

And with that, all I can say that I am sorry for not managing this better. This issue of course has issues and gaps and editing faults - but it is about time to be released regardless. Some of the articles might be out of date, others aren't - it is not the author's fault if something is not quite the truth no longer.

I still hope you enjoy this only half-way finished issue regardless,


Woken by the sun,
And the dust
Tickling my nose
That dreadful morning.

Get up and stare at the screen,
Utter the words that turn
A day into
Silent mourning.

"Cusi is dead",
not just a spirit,
a presence, gone,
still touching us
over that cliff
of a dreadful morning.

Official Tournaments

Instant Tournaments Are Coming To The Ranked Division.

Get ready for FUMBBL SMACK! FUMBBL's Ranked Division is getting a new regular recurring tournament . FUMBBL SMACK will host instant tournaments where high powered (Team Strength 200+) teams can compete for glory. For full rules see the FUMBBL SMACK group. Vote in the FUMBBL SMACK Start Time Poll.


Text to come.

FUMBBL Classifieds: For Sale

  • CHEERLEADERS WANTED - Due to recent pitch invasions and sideline mishaps the Cheerleader Union is looking for some new girls. Are you tough enough? Do the right parts bounce when you jump up and down? Can you fit in a skirt? Does that sight of blood excite you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are eligible. We are looking for agile, strong-minded women of all races to fill out our ranks. We offer a dental plan and training in crowd control practices. Other benefits include sideline seats to games, chances at dates with the some of the top players and, of course, a chance to throw the hurt on rowdy fans! If interested ,please come down to our offices and schedule an interview. Located at Office #3748 in the League Central Building.

  • SKAVENBREW - Are your skaven dying at an alarming rate? Are you tired of your whole team having to block a single crummy dwarf? Have you just lost your mutated rat ogre to a stray case of butt cancer? Clan Pestilens has been producing Skavenbrew for over 100 years. We have the best tradition in illegal or otherwise dangerous substances. But without you, the suckers that buy our dope, we would be nowhere. So next time you want to dope your useless players, remember that we were there before you even took your first shot.

  • RED BAT - Is your supply of fresh blood a little thin? Are you worried of licking your way into AIDS ? Old Mina not so fun to suck anymore? Then try Red Bat!
    Red Bat offers you top quality fresh blood, guaranteed without diseases or genetically modified components. For that godlike taste of neck, try Red Bat Classic. Or fortified Red Dwarf Bat, with 10% alcohol taken directly from the victim! All our blood is perfectly natural, fresh from unsuspecting victims. No goblin fanatics are used in the production process. Really! Honest!

  • SNOTLING RAGS - When you spill something nasty on your living room carpet, like your enemy's blood, or perhaps a cucumber sandwich, then you want something guaranteed to get rid of those unsightly stains. Snotling is the most trusted name in rag technology. Use a Snotling rag today, and you'll never see that stain again! Mainly because it adds a brilliant green sheen!
  • LOOKING FOR A FUN NEW JOB? - Try being a referee. No experience needed. You will receive lots of attention, not only from the fans but the players as well. It's the safest job on the field. While it's true that we don't offer benefits, we do guarantee prompt payment at the end of each match. We offer high payment for low amounts of work. Higher payment also possible depending on skill, experience and survival. Please stop by for an interview. Offices located at #6667 League Central building.

  • AK FRAK KROTCH ITCH KREEM - 'For wen Da green down der... needs zum luvin kare". Available in the snotling-sized Thimble Pack or the Big Boyz Barrel for those with a larger need. Ogre application device sold seperately.

  • AGGROGROW - We are pleased to announce our release of a new enhancement product. Tired of being the stunty always stuck between some ones toes? Tired of being flung down the sidelines just to be trampled by a runaway Black Orc? We have the solution. After just 10,000 gold pieces and a month or two of taking C.P.O.N.’s new AggroGrow you will no longer afraid for your life. You will go from your 3ft 6in squishy fear to a 7ft monster of destruction. Our product is guaranteed to increase your body and muscle mass by 200%. Try our new AggroGrow and don’t be left behind any more!. Be a front line stomper with rest of your team in no time. (No returns allowed. Side Effects limited to: skin color change, weird growths, extra limbs, and massive decreases in intelligence. Brought to you by Chaos Perversions of Nature Inc.)

  • SKAVENS SEEK HELP - Ralph the Rocking Horror, head coach of the Rocking Rodents seeks lineman. After a fluke contract error, the Rodents have to accept all challenges! Due to this fact, the turn over rate of the Rodents has tripled overnight. Seeking young and preferably tough rats to play and be willing to fend off ogres. Must be agile and in shape. Willing to pay well on a per game basis. Will get H.M.O. with dental plan. Additional benefits will include dates with cheerleaders, apothecary coverage and chances for fame and fortune. Interested parties please bring resume to Rocking Rodents team office. Located at Office #3629 in the League Central Building.
    How to contribute
    by the GLN editors

    Where to contribute

    Those wishing to contribute to the advertising sections of the Grotty Little Newspaper (GLN) should post in the appropriate section within the correctly dated GLN forum. These are regularly checked by the editors. If your forum contribution is erased, it was probably used and is safely tucked into the correct area of the GLN.

    For those wishing to contribute an article to the GLN please go to the IRC channel #FUMBBL_GLN and speak to m0nty or anyone willing to listen :) about it.

    House style for the GLN

    Articles in the Grotty Little Newspaper, like any publication, have a set of house styles which mean that certain elements appear in a consistent style across the whole issue. Specifically, please conform to the following rules:

    • FUMBBL is spelt in all capitals... NOT Fumbbl.
    • Blood Bowl is spelt as two words, both capitalised... NOT Bloodbowl or Blood bowl.
    • Races and positions are capitalised when they are referred to individually, so for instance you would talk about an Orc Blitzer, not an orc blitzer.
    • Skill names are also capitalised. Note that both Dump-Off and Throw Team-Mate have a hyphen, but Side Step and Bone Head do not.
    • Coach names are referred to as they appear on their coach pages so that, for example, m0nty is not capitalised but Christer is.
    • Be careful with apostrophes. Do not use them when talking about plurals, like SPPs.
    • Question-and-answer (Q&A) interviews are normally done with the questions being preceded by GLN:, not the author's name. Carriage returns (i.e. a blank line) are inserted between the Qs and As. Stage directions (when you are describing something that is happening, not being said) are put after the speech in a new line, in italics. There are no quote marks around the speech sections.


    The Grotty Little Newspaper would like to thank the everyone on the GLN team this issue:

    The Gentle Giant <!--Card [cusi.gif] Cusi, 4 5 1 9 180, Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Pro, Block, Multiple Block, Pass, Tackle, Stand Firm, Guard, Halibut-->
    Goblin Star <!--Card [christer.jpg] Christer, 6 2 3 7 0, Star, Stunty, Right Stuff, Dodge, Chainsaw, Pogo Stick, Bombardier, Dirty Player-->
    Orc Thrower <!--Card [m0nty.jpg] m0nty, 5 3 5 8 53, Pass, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, +ag, +ag, Safe Throw-->
    Black Orc Blocker <!--Card [candle.gif] Candlejack, 4 4 2 9 54, Block, Guard, Stand Firm, Mighty Blow-->
    Orc Blitzer <!--Card [gorri.jpg] Gorritakid, 8 4 3 9 178, Block, +ST, +MA, +MA, Pass Block, Tackle, Shadowing, Break Tackle-->
    Line Orc <!--Card [dreadclaw.jpg] DreadClaw, 5 3 3 9 38, Block, Tackle, Dirty Player-->
    Orc Goblin <!--Card [mne.jpg] Mnemon, 6 2 3 7 7, Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Pogo Stick, Sure Feet-->



    This article comes from FUMBBL