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Joined: Feb 23, 2013

Post   Posted: May 23, 2014 - 11:25 Reply with quote Back to top

‘You worthless pieces of rat droppings. What kind of performance was that? You bring shame to your mothers. Adrayne and Nodne, I’m gonna’ have to cut you, grab your things and go…’

‘Excuse me sir…’

‘Not now Musb! We also say goodbye to a dear friend Adrob. May he be chasing and bashing gutter filfth…’


‘Musb, if you say one more thing, I swear…’

‘I will be out scouting this week for fresh players to join us. You guys need to sharpen up your game. Now Musb, what is it that’s so important.’

‘Er, your trousers are undone sir.’

‘Musb…you’re cut.’

As the three failed pox members leave the room a solitary glance from a disheartened Musb strikes Vartor in his gut.

‘I’ll be back.’ Musb stands proud. ‘Oh yes, you wait. I’ll be back. I’m going to train hard and get my strength back. I’ll prove it to you Vartor.’

As Musb leaves, a deathly silence envelops the room.

’Well, that was interesting. Gentlemen, we have a grudge. Let’s tool up for when we next meet the City Guard.

Joined: Jun 20, 2007

Post   Posted: May 23, 2014 - 12:40
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Harold had put in one hell of a performance. He sat in a small wooden chair facing the desk of Officer Franco, in the large tent he'd been using as an office for the tour.

"Listen, it's hard for me to do this. You really played your socks off and I'd love to put you in the team, but there's just no space on the roster."

Harold looked disappointed, his short Grind career over before it had started. Back to escorting the men on this 'tour'.

"It's not that we don't want you. If even one of these guys wasn't up to scratch I'd put you on the team in a second. But they've all performed this season, to some degree, and they really seem to be coming together as a unit. When one of them snuffs it, maybe I'll give you a call"

Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: May 26, 2014 - 00:01 Reply with quote Back to top

"Th' Shipwrecks finally be findin' themselves some o' them high and mighty uppity Elves, they be thinkin' themselves to good t' socialize with us Pirates.

We be showin' poor handlin' skills t' start 'n them Elves be fast t' try 'n steal th' ball. But some stalwart hittin' 'n some poor dodgin' saw them thar' Elves leave th' pitch sharpish. I be gettin' on t' score sheet, showin' everyone out thar' how it be done.

Th' Elves were quick in offence 'n some piss poor defence by me boys let th' sorry excuse for a Grindball team that be th' Elves equalise.

My boys had th' game all wrapped up fer me, all I need t' be doin' is runnin' th' bal in. But one o' them thar' no good cheatin' Elves be puttin' some kind o' stone or somethin' on th' ground fer me t' trip over."

"Cap'n thar be nuthin' thar', ye just fell on ye arse, 'n ye just could o' given th' ball off t' Pipes, he could o' run it easy."

"Shut ye pie hole mate, or I'll be feedin' ye t' th' sharks. Ye hear me laddo!"


Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: May 26, 2014 - 23:24 Reply with quote Back to top

"Ahar!!! We finally be beatin' us some Elves.

Helped that they not be knowin' what be goin' on 'n thar' armour be paper thin.

Pipes me lad, ye been workin' out, ye be lookin' stronger laddo."

"Aye Cap'n! Calypso be blessin' me with th' strength o' ten men."

"More like she be finally blessin' ye with th' strength o' a real man.

Well ye all been under me command fer some time now, so ye best be knowin' what I say be th' best fer th' crew. So ye best be jumpin' t' it from now on 'n be givin' me ye loyalty as ye Leader."


Joined: Feb 23, 2013

Post   Posted: May 27, 2014 - 22:00 Reply with quote Back to top

This is an official Grind announcement from the offices of Lord Borgia.

A grudge has been brought to our attention between...


We require all teams in Grind to ensure that any other grudges or vendettas are made aware to the TBBC. The reason for this is that, in most cases, extra security and medical staff are needed.

Many thanks and salutations.

Theobold Eck

Joined: May 12, 2004

Post   Posted: Jun 03, 2014 - 09:36 Reply with quote Back to top

Samuele Francese: Allright! time for a bath everybody! you're all covered in blood and smell like rats. We also can't afford more laundry bills, so no more skaven fights.

but chief, we can't help those rats pop like balloons.

Samuele Francese:
Yes I know, let's try to smash some peg legs instead, shall we? we'll probably meet the pirates next season.

The rest of the team: Yeah!

Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2014 - 14:21 Reply with quote Back to top

In a grotty Tavern somewhere in the seediest part of Sartosa. Captain Neri stands encircled by a group of sailors and fishermen, most of whom are too far gone on the grog. He is deep into his third telling of the Shipwrecks most recent voyage to distant shores.

"Arrr!!!, T'was th' third day along th' coast o' Araby that we came across th' biggest treasure fleet I ever been settin' me eyes on. We trailed 'em fer days until we saw one o' th' ships fall behind. We struck 'em hard 'n fast, they not be knowin' what hit 'em. Not a crewman lost 'n we be takin' in a grand haul fer th' ship.

After that we set sail fer th' Southlands fer we be hearin' from one o' them thar' dust eaters that thar' be many a treasure t' be had in them thar' lands. Now I not be one t' turn down a challenge so I set th' crew on it's merry way. Fer many days 'n nights we sailed with no sign o' any life. We be passin' a coastline with many a great monolith of vile ungodly heads. Until finally in th' distance we be seein' a marvellous yet frightening sight as a group o' them lizard folk be playin' some drums 'n a dancin' 'n a holerin' around some fires. With what can only be a great 'n impressive lookin' temple behind them.

Bein' made o' th' stout stuff th' crew 'n I set fer land 'n greeted them thar' lizard folk. They be greetin' us like we be gods 'n raised us high on thrones o' gold. Then they be takin' us t' thar' big chief who be bigger 'n fatter than th' Shipwreck herself, t' be sure. He be presentin' us with more booty than we could be carrin' 'n offered us some o' his slave girls t' be pleasurin' ourselves. After many nights o' carousin' we finally went on our merry way.

We headed South again fer thar' be tales o' richly laden elven merchants plyin' thar' trade in th' region. T'h lands be gettin' colder 'n th' seas be gettin' rougher at this here point, as we round the southern most point o' them thar' Southlands. We be avoidin' many elven patrols along th' way 'n we be passin' some mighty impressive lookin' elven forts dotted along th' coast. Finally we be spottin' a trading post on a island more beautiful than I ever be settin' me eyes upon.

Dressin' ourselves as traders we made fer land 'n set t' drinkin' some o' finest grog I ever be tastin'. After a few nights o' drunken debauchery we set about swindlin' th' locals out o' all thar' gold 'n treasures, more than we could fit on t' th' Shipwreck. We left that island full t' th' gills with booty 'n made fer home.

T'was a mostly uneventful voyage home, except fer th' Kraken but ye' don't want t' be hearin' about that now do ye'.

Settle down lads, I just be pullin' ye' legs, o' course I be tellin' ye about th' Kraken. T'was a glorious day when th' beast set upon us. We be havin' th' wind at our backs when out o' nowhere a sense o' dread settled on th' crew. Then we be seein' it rise out o' the waves as big as a mountain, tentacles longer 'n wider than ye can imagine. We be goin' at a fair speed, but th' beast moved faster 'n was gainin' on us. So a decision had t' be made, make ready t' face th' beast 'n face certain doom or dump out all th' booty we had picked up along th' way. Not bein' one t' back down from a fight I almost set th' crew t' get battle ready. But I be knowin' when a fight can't be won, so with a heavy heart I had th' crew throw the greatest treasure haul ye ever be seein' int' th' deep. Th' Shipwreck picked up speed 'n th' treasure distracted th' great beast 'n we finally lost sight o' th' Kraken on th' horizon.

So with 'n empty hold we arrived home with nothin' but this here tale t' tell. So it be back t' Grindball fer th' Shipwrecks, fer we be needin' somethin' t' line our empty pockets."

Meanwhile the crew of the Shipwreck sit at a table in the corner of the tavern wondering how the crowd could believe the blatant embellishments the Captain is spewing. An old shipmate of Captain Neri, wise to his fanciful storytelling asked the crew what really happened. 'Pipes' was happy to oblige him.

"Th' ole Cap'n can tell a tale alright that be fer sure. But this be what truly happened.

T'was three days out as th' Cap'n says when we had our first encounter. But t'was no treasure fleet I tell ye that. T'was three slave run down galleys with no weapon t' defend them. We sunk two o' th' misbegotten son's o' bitches before they be knowin' what be hittin' em. Th' third boat we boarded 'n al we got were fifteen slaves 'n measly bag o' silver.

Ye can imagine th' crew were none t' pleased with that haul. Barely a silver apiece 'n now we need t' be sharin' what food we be havin' with the new blood. One o' th' slaves did mention thar' be treasure t' be had from a lizardman temple t' th' South, which did boost th' morale somewhat.

So of we set fer them thar' Southlands. After a long 'n tiresome journey we finally found it. As th' Cap'n said thar' was some lizardmen dancin' round a big fire 'n it was mighty impressive. So th' Cap'n 'n a stout few men landed a little way north o' th' partyin' 'n made thar' way t' th' temple unseen. Th' temple proved as bountiful as th' slave had been sayin', so th' Cap'n had th' crew start t' load up th' booty.

Alas Silvio over thar' had snuck off t' have his way with some o' them lizardmen chiefs slave girls. Let me say that this didn't go down t' well with thar' big chief. Mighty big fellow he was 'n he soon had us scamperin' fer th' Shipwreck as Silvio came runnin' past breeches in hand. We managed t' get back t' th' ship, but we did so empty handed.

Silvio wasn't th' most popular man on-board th' Shipwreck from that point on I can tell ye.

With th' Lizardmen boardin' thar' ships we set sail fast. At this point we be hittin' a fierce storm which set us of course 'n had th' Cap'n scratchin' his noggin' as t' our current location 'n general direction.

We be runnin' across some elven warships 'n made out we be traders. they be tellin' us o' a place t' sell our wares, so of we be settin'. 'n that be when we come across th' paradise island th' Cap'n be talkin' of. Twas a fine place 'n th' grog be mighty fine as th' Cap'n be sayin' We spent many a night thar', some o' th' crew didn't want t' leave th' place.

But th' Cap'n had plans 'n he Silvio arrnged a weddin' between Silvio 'n th' Chief o' th' Islands Daughter. On th' night o' th weddin' th' crew be stealthily loadin' up th' Shipwreck with all gifts from th' locals fer th' weddin'. 'n when th' vows were about t' be said 'n with most th' crew on board th' Shipwreck, Silvio 'n th' Cap'n made of with th' Islands most precious possessions right in front o' everyone. They made fer th' ship with th' whole island chasin' them down. Was a mighty fine site t' see. we cast of with th' locals castin' spears 'n fillin' th' Shipwrecks hold with arrows.

With th' crew in high spirits we made fer home. Th' rest is as th' Cap'n tells it really. Except th' kraken wasn't quite as big as a mountain 'n we didn't dump our booty t' evade it. Th' Cap'n formed a plan where th' fifteen slaves would go around th' right flank 'n engage t' fell beast while th' Shipwreck circled around behind it 'n struck th' killin' blow. That be th' last we saw o' them thar' gullible slaves. Th' Kraken set on them fast 'n devoured th' lot, while we made our escape with a hold full o' booty.

I'll say this fer Cap'n Neri, he may not be th' best sailor, but he know how t' handle himself 'n is not afraid t' make th' hard decision. O' course now I told ye all this I can't let ye leave here alive."

'Pipes' finished the tale while slipping a knife unseen into the sailors guts with a hand placed over his mouth.


Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Aug 10, 2014 - 10:48 Reply with quote Back to top


We be back 'n we finally be takin' o them thar' lowdown prison scum.

'Twas a fine start fer me boys as we quickly took th' advantage. Alas I don't be knowin' what they be feedin' them bottom dwellers but they be hittin' right hard.

Fer th' rest o' th' match we had t' be battin' th' hatches, t' try 'n stop them scorin'. We be hain' Calypsos luck t' still be one up by th' half.

But Calypso be a fickle lady, she be toyin' with me heartstrings in th' second half. As we almost be stealin' th' ball away, but 'twas not t' be. 't be endin' in a draw by th' time th' whistle blows 'n a fair result it be.

Right now we need t' be thinkin' o' a way t' smuggle that thar' Raffiano fellow out o' th' Pavona. He looks like he would be a fine addition t' me crew."


Joined: Jun 20, 2007

Post   Posted: Aug 10, 2014 - 12:25
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"That's the performance we've been waiting for lads!"
Officer Franco looked pleased for the first time, possibly, ever. No-one seemed concerned that they'd only managed a draw - it was the casualties column where their performance had seen a dramatic improvement. So long had they failed to live up to their brutal image before today.

Next up is a real grudge match against the Hope. Right after Franco has decided which of these useless journeymen will fill the space on his roster. For the other 2 it's back to solitary.

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man." - The Dude

Mr. J's LRB7 / Forum

Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Aug 12, 2014 - 00:30 Reply with quote Back to top


Th' guards be beaten yet again. It be a mighty fine showin' from th' crew. That thar' Ogre they be havin' seem like he be on somethin', he be far too spritely fer 'n Ogre I be tellin' ye.

Constante be tryin' his best t' get back at Ugolino 'n be takin' him down a few times but th' grudge will have t' be settled another time.

Thar' be some good hittin' from everyone involved 'n there be a mug o' grog waitin' fer ye all. Even ye Rocco, although don't be thinkin' ye'll be spendin' many games without touchin' th' pitch, ye still got a debt t' be paid. 'n I dunno what ye be doin' t' entertain that thar' crowd but they be lovin' ye, keep it up laddo."


Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Sep 03, 2014 - 08:27 Reply with quote Back to top


Th' Shipwrecks be victorious again.

Settin' up t' receive we be thinkn' this'll be a easy match up against th' Miraglianos Hope. Thar' best player be missin' 'n they not be havin' th' brawn 'n punch o' an Ogre on thar' side.

But with some poor blockin' t' start 'n some feeble defendin' we were put on th' back foot. Time 'n again Hope manage t' get through our defence 'n snatch th' ball away, only fer th' lads t' rally 'n take it back again. In th' closin' minutes o' th' half it took a spectacular 'n desperate move from Little Vito, who threw himself ont' th' ball after a particularly nasty hit. This sent th' ball towards safety, makin' it hard fer them thar' Hope players t' get th' touchdown.

Th' 2nd half be seein' us turn everythin' around on th' Hope. We be pushin' them thar' players back int' thar half, before takin' out half them thar' players 'n knockin' th' ball free. With th' crew surroundin' th' remainin' Hope players 'n a combination o' throws from th' Bloody Rose 'n Rocco th' game closed out with Constante with th' ball 'n an easy touchdown in th' end.

Rocco finally be makin' some headway t' payin' off some o' his debt. Thar' even be talk about takin' him on as Coach, t' make sure he be survivin' long enough t' pay it all off."


Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Sep 05, 2014 - 08:54 Reply with quote Back to top

"Yohoho!!! What an end t' th' season that be.

Them thar' worm riddled vermin didn't be knowin' what be happenin' by th' final whistle. Whoevers idea 'twas t' play th' game on that thar' snow covered plateau, they be a bloomin' genius. Th' cold gave them thar' vermin all sorts o' problems tryin' t' pick up th' ball due t' thar' shiverin' hands.

Th' Shiprwrecks started with a deep kick 'n th' fans be showin' thar' support when they be throwin' a great rock on t' th' head o' one o' them thar' rats sendin' him t' th' sickbay. Th' rats be hittin' back hard knockin' Lazarus out for pretty much th' length o' th' match. Although that be th' only thin' that seemed t' go th' rats way.

After that 'n some frantic scramblin' on th' rats part, one o' them vermin made a break through our defensive line. But unfortunately fer th' poor bugger Black Bas were thar' t' run him down. Poor rat needed t' be treated by th' teams surgeon t' take part in th' rest o' th' game. Pipes be grabbin' th' loose ball 'n sendin' it downfield t' th' waitin' Constante who ran his second touchdown in consecutive games.

At this point th' cold really started t' get t' them thar' rats as they fumbled, tripped 'n slipped thar' way t' disaster. Th' boys swarmed through thar' defence with Black Bas claimin' t' ball 'n runnin' in his first touchdown fer th' team.

Th' second half saw th' rats fallin' about some more 'n Black Bas earnin' his pay yet again with a second touchdown. I don't be knowin' what them thar' rats be doin' t' piss off Calypso, but they surely be feelin' her wrath this day. Another dropped ball by th' rats saw th' Shipwrecks split thar' team with players all round th' ball. Th' rats tried t' recover but Calypso had other ideas 'n Pipes was easily able t' run in the teams forth 'n final touchdown.

It be a mighty fine performance by th' lads. 'n a fittin' send off fer Rocco, who be takin' on some other responsibilities fer th' team. Maybe this way he'll live t' pay back his vast debt."


Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Sep 26, 2014 - 08:48 Reply with quote Back to top

"Hi I'm Mignus Mignusson from Cabalvision and you join us here at 'The Lonely Grub', the local drinking establishment for the Sartosa Shipwrecks. The Shipwrecks are here in force today celebrating their second consecutive Grind title.

As you can see the team are already slightly inebriated or should I say two sheets to the wind. Captain Neri has just finished giving a fine speech about his leadership skills, teamwork and something about a bearded lady from Pavona before collapsing in a heap on the table.

Joining us now is the newly appointed assistant coach Rocoo Napolitano.

How do you feel after winning the title two years running?"

"Cap'n sa.., Cap'n sa.., hic.., Cap'n said she be a mighty fine beast o' a lady. She be havin' a whale o' a beard 'n th' biggest breasts ye ever be seein'. Hic..."

"Ok?, and winning the trophy how does that feel?"

"Hmmm, Where ye be? Hic... Oh thar' ye are, arr! arr! arrhaha! Where be me grog? Hic..."

"Mignus ye son o' a goat herd, I be th' great Black Bas, do ye want me t' say a few words?"

"Errm, sure why not. Can't be any worse than what your colleague Rocco has to say."

"Have a look at these 'ere barnacles o' mine, they be a wonder t' behold. Do ye want t' hold 'em?"

"Ok, well doesn't look like we'll be getting much out of these guys, back to you in the studio."

"Yohoho! 'n away we go
Got a whore in me pocket
'n grand piano


Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Sep 27, 2014 - 13:02 Reply with quote Back to top

Hi I'm Mignus Mignusson from Cabalvision

I'm here today with Dimrond Ironfist, Head Coach and Team Captain of Ironfist's Nomads, who has agreed to answer a couple of questions today.

How did you find your 1st season of Grind and what is it like being the only Dwarven team in the League?

I don't mind us being the only dwarves around. Seems odd to me to face other dwarves on the battlefield. It's easier to prove our race's superiority, too. "One team to beat them all..." and all that, you know? And on Grind in general... Well, it's been rather hard to find employment as mercenaries over the last dozens of years. Grind offers an interesting alternative. Doing some fine brawling and getting some cash in, no matter if winning or losing? I call that a good deal!

You had a pretty bad pre season warm up followed by a bad start to league. But you turned things around in the latter half of the season. Are you finding the pace of the game a hard thing to cope with?

Nah, not the pace of the game. It's sometimes hard to focus on the ball when you're used to focus on the enemy. Also, while we're used to opponents running away in fear, they usually don't get rewarded, only because they are carrying a pigskin while doing so! It's really all about the ball. Once we got used to securing or stealing it, things ran much more smoothly.

You must be particularly pleased with Harok of the Seas lately? I could see how much his ball handling skills had progressed in that last game vrs the Tobaro Catacomb Prowlers.

He's a flaky, skittish bastard. I hate to rely on him, but he's always been kind of a secret weapon for us. If he's at top of his game, he can work miracles. But yes, I'm rather pleased he has improved. Seems like the game suits him. But don't tell him I've spoken that well of him!

What can we expect to see from the Nomads next season?

I hope that Gorazin finally manages to write that chronicle I asked him for. Might need some ass-kicking. Beyond that... We have been offered a lucrative mercenary job after all those years. Hard to turn it down. If we accept, we likely won't be around for the season, as shocking as it will be to some of our newly acquired fans. The next weeks will show.

Thank you for your time.

This has been Mignus Mignusson and that's all for now.
Back to you in the studio.


Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Sep 27, 2014 - 13:04 Reply with quote Back to top

I'm Mignus Mignusson, Cabalvisions anchor for all Grind related matter.

I have a few questions for two of the best rated players in Grind.

Orso Smaldone and Leo Vassallo of the Tobaro City Guard

Orso the Guards Season started bad, with a loss to Miragliano's Hope in a game which culminated in the death of experienced Blitzer Galeazzo Nasuti. How do you think that affected the Team?

Yes, we have not performed well in season. We try to keep up a good mood, despite deaths, but I know how tough it is to lose a colleague.

Your next game was another loss this time against the seasons winners the Shipwrecks. Leo this game must have left you with some bad feelings toward those Pirates? I see you still struggle with the Collar injury you picked up in that game, there's some talk that you may end up retiring due to that injury, is there any truth to this?

I know, but they're just rumours. I think our coach mumbled something about it when it happened but, it has healed quite well and I still have lot to give on the pitch. My career is not over yet, I can tell you that!

Orso what did you think of the new ruling letting Skaven into the league? And how did you find it playing against such fast opposition?

It's so fun to snap some vermin necks! We had some really good games in the tour, but those pirate rats were uncontrollable to us.

Leo your final game of the season was against the Parolees from Pavona, which I hear may have been the last game for the Guard for a little while. Did you want to put on a show for the fans or were you out there to win it?

We were really out there to win it, but we could have gotten some better instructions from our coach. Also, a few player mistakes led to us losing the ball to the opponents for the defencive touchdown.

Orso you put on quite a performance crushing the life out of two Parolees as well as picking MVP. What did you make of your Ogre counterpart Blasio on the Parolees team? He put in a fine showing as well scoring the two touchdowns that won Pavona the game.

Leo: Yeah, you two ogres really had the show last night!
Orso: Haha, he's really big that Blasio, we tried to floor him a few times, but was stopped tripping. I know I can handle the ball better than him, but this games really was his.

Thank you for your time.

This has been Mignus Mignusson and that's all for now.
Back to you in the studio.

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