Joined: Aug 02, 2003
Aug 08, 2005 - 18:37 |
For me, my teams big guy (troll/ogre) always goes on the los.
- Vamps: thralls with block, niggled vamps or injured thralls.
- Dwarfs- lb's
-Humans- linemen, ogre, and blitzers if needed.
-Necros- zombies (best fodder in the game)
- Orcs- bobs and trolls. |
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Joined: Jan 30, 2004
Aug 08, 2005 - 18:38 |
When the team is new, all unskilled linemen get put on the line os scrimmage. (This way only the strongest survive!)
As the team develops, blodgers go on the line of scrimmage, be they blitzers or linemen (but not witches).
Eventually, your los linemen should have at least two with block dodge sidestep, and hopefully some diving tackle as well. Nice to have 3 blodging sidestep guards as well, though you will curse your monitor if your guards die. |
Joined: Dec 16, 2004
Aug 08, 2005 - 19:21 |
Fodder on the line, unless the opponent can only field 9 or less players, then I'm "all in" so to speak, with one guy deep in my own zone to intercept any bold breakthrough attempts. |
Joined: May 27, 2005
Aug 08, 2005 - 20:22 |
It's a matter of how many players do you have and how many of them are skiled.. elves are expensive, so sometimes I keep an injuried player, and he is LOS for sure.. using blodgers for LOS where they can be easily tied whith tacklers seems strange, block/sidestep looks better and may be leap.. elves have not many guard players so you are going to be 2d blocked with or without them..
If your team is stronger, deadlyer or you have no bad players make a LOS to smithe your oponent. |
Joined: Jun 18, 2004
Aug 08, 2005 - 20:39 |
I usually put players that missbehaved or messed up last game on the LOS. Fumbbled throws, failed blitzes and that sort of thing is a safe bet if you want to get put on the LOS. If I'm having a bad day i'll put players that talk to loud or has a funny accent there as well, oh and my bigguys ofcourse.. but they like it there so that's ok. |
_________________ Players die, touchdowns are forever! |
Joined: Aug 13, 2003
Aug 08, 2005 - 21:26 |
depends on the team, the opposing team, the state of the match and the importance of the match. You use diffrent defens each time you setup, sticking to standard setups without individualiazations is folly. |
Joined: Feb 29, 2004
Aug 08, 2005 - 21:32 |
My humans have a little problem: I retire all injured players and all aged ones. So it's imperative that veterans, stars, and useful players do not suffer injuries on the LoS.
Plus, Humans do not have a high number of blodgers.
So my LoS usually sees all rookie linos, or block linos, or rookie thrower if I have two, or (if I don't have three "rookies" available) the Ogre.
All important players stay out of blitzing range, cause I often use a very deep defence. |
Joined: May 25, 2004
Aug 08, 2005 - 21:53 |
I usually put blodgers on the line, with the assumption that *surely* this time they'll not get POWed. Of course, they always do. |
Joined: Feb 24, 2004
Aug 08, 2005 - 21:58 |
Fanatics and pump wagons are nice at the los, since they cannot be blocked |
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