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Joined: Jul 31, 2006

Post   Posted: Jan 31, 2009 - 13:55 Reply with quote Back to top

N.B. The Fringe will remain open for new coaches on an indeffinate basis and will be recruiting throughout the season

Stealing yet another good idea from the SWL I am proud to announce the launch of WIL Fringe.

This group is an offshoot of the White Isle League and aims to give coaches on the waiting list a chance to experiment with teams and play some games whilst they wait for a space to open in the main league.

Competitive League
This will be made up of a number of leagues, each with 4 teams. It will start at the same time as the main WIL (we may have to delay it to game 2 whilst some details are ironed out) and follow their 10 day schedule.
It will feature Primary teams chosen by coaches on the WIL waiting list following the restrictions on the group page, secondary teams coached by coaches already in the WIL will also be included to make up the numbers and add a bit more variety.
Teams starting in the league must be brand new with a minimum FF of 7, but after the season is over these teams can be kept to play in the subsequent seasons and competitive KO cups, these teams will also be eligible to join the main WIL when a spot opens.
Returning teams will need to start the cup or league with TR 125, but it can go above this during the league/cup.
I’ll try and persuade some of our talented photoshoppers to create some trophies for these leagues and we’ll need some good names in a similar theme to the conferences and divisions of the WIL.

Competitive Cup
As the leagues will be short and finish about ½ way through the main WIL season, the 2nd part will feature Knock out cups, these will be optional 8 strong knock out tournaments with priority given to Primary teams, but secondary teams are allowed in to make it up to an even 8.
I’ll also try and get some cups done for these.

The aim of these competitive leagues and cups if to allow the coaches on the waiting list to be able to play games whilst they wait for a spot to open up in the league. The size of the main league is pretty good at the moment, so it is not likely to expand in the immediate future, but there was a bit of a problem that coaches on the waiting list were forced to wait months and often lost interest. Also when a spot did open up we gave it to the next coach on the list and all too often they proved not to be all that reliable so the divisions in particular had way too many forfeits which could often allow teams to be promoted too quickly without earning their spot or building sufficient TR.
This will replace the waiting list and allow the Fringe coaches to prove their reliability, play against some of the people already in the WIL and they even get to keep the team and have a slight leg up, but not too much of an advantage. They can also experiment with races or play styles they might not have tried before

The league will feature 2 types of teams.

Primary Teams
  • These teams can only play in the competitive divisions and Knock Out tournaments.
  • Coaches not already in the league and who wish to join the WIL can have a single primary team.
  • Primary teams will follow the WIL Fringe. rules
  • After a season or cup has finished a primary team can leave the group and be replaced by another brand new team as long as it follows the league category and race restrictions.
  • Most importantly, when a spot opens up in the main WIL a primary team can be transferred directly should the coach wish to do so. The team must start at 125 TR, but can happily join mid season, the coach also has the option of choosing their dynamite team or starting a brand new team (as long as it doesn’t breach the race and category restrictions).

Secondary Teams
  • Fringe coaches can have a Dynamite team in addition to their primary team.
  • Coaches already in the WIL can also have a Dynamite team and will be allowed to play in the competitive leagues and cups, but they will mostly be used to make up the numbers.
    Secondary teams will also follow the WIL Fringe Regulations.
  • The cap on total number of teams will be more flexible for secondary teams, but the aim will be to have a roughly equal split between the 4 races.
  • Secondary teams are allowed to play in both the competitive and the wacky tournaments.
  • Secondary teams can join the main WIL, but are also capped at starting with 125 TR.

The leagues is still in it’s infancy so may need some tweaking, in particular if you have better names for the leagues and types of teams.

So anyone who wishes to join the WIL fringe, please PM me with a list of races in order of preference for the Primary teams.

Those who wish to have a secondary team please apply to the group page.

Any questions or clarification about the league please post them here.

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To add the league logo, seal or any trophies won just copy the code listed below into your team bio

League Trophies
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/Raithlan.gif>
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/guernsey1.gif>
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/Shetland1.gif>
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/Angelsey-1.gif>

Fringe Cup
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/Fringecup3.gif>

Fringe Plate
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/plate_pewter_both2.gif>

Fringe Seals
Season 1
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/WILfringe-1.gif>
Season 2
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/FringeSeal2.gif>
Season 3
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/FringeSeal3.gif>
Season 4
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/FringeSeal4.gif>
Season 5
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/FringeSeal5.gif>
Season 6
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/FringeSeal6.gif>
Season 7
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/FringeSeal7-1.gif>
Season 8
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/FringeSeal8.gif>
Season 9
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/FringeSeal9.gif>
Fringe Group
<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c157/spubbbba/wil.jpg>

British or British based and looking to join a League?
Then check out theWhite Isle Fringe

Last edited by spubbbba on %b %07, %2011 - %22:%Mar; edited 19 times in total

Joined: Jul 31, 2006

Post   Posted: Feb 01, 2009 - 19:17 Reply with quote Back to top

Quick update.

We have 1 Primary Scissors team already and 2 coaches in the main league have submitted a Dynamite team.

I believe purp is wanting to start the next season of the main league on Tuesday, so if we can get 2 more Primary teams (1 rock and 1 paper) then I can start at least one 4 strong league at the same time.

Rock teams: Dwarf; Chaos Dwarf; Orc; Chaos; Undead; Khemri.

Paper teams: Dark Elf; High Elf; Wood Elf; Elf; Human; Amazon.

British or British based and looking to join a League?
Then check out theWhite Isle Fringe

Joined: Jan 27, 2008

Post   Posted: Feb 01, 2009 - 19:40 Reply with quote Back to top

spubbbba I have just PMed you about starting a team for the fringe

Joined: Jul 31, 2006

Post   Posted: Feb 02, 2009 - 23:04 Reply with quote Back to top

We now have 4 WIL coaches with Secondary Dynamite teams and 4 coaches with Primary teams, 1 Rock, 2 Scissors and 1 Paper team.

So that means i can create two 4 team leagues Tomorrow at the same time as the main WIL draw. As it stands now it will be 2 dynamite and 2 primary teams in each league, randomly selected.

But the more people from outside the league the better, in particular if they want to make a paper or rock team.

I can always make other leagues with a later start date, so it will be an ongoing recruitment.

British or British based and looking to join a League?
Then check out theWhite Isle Fringe

Joined: Nov 22, 2003

Post   Posted: Feb 03, 2009 - 02:38 Reply with quote Back to top

i'm in with some special love Smile


origami wrote:
There is no god but Nuffle, and Shadow is his prophet.


Last edited by shadow46x2 on %b %03, %2009 - %03:%Feb; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Dec 13, 2006

Post   Posted: Feb 03, 2009 - 02:44 Reply with quote Back to top

If Shadow's in, i want in. Just for teh lulz of swatting him around Smile

Joined: Nov 22, 2003

Post   Posted: Feb 03, 2009 - 03:27 Reply with quote Back to top

bring it fat boy


origami wrote:
There is no god but Nuffle, and Shadow is his prophet.


Joined: Dec 13, 2006

Post   Posted: Feb 03, 2009 - 03:35 Reply with quote Back to top


Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Feb 03, 2009 - 18:32 Reply with quote Back to top

If there's enough interest (i.e. 8 coaches), perhaps we could run a BB7 league, scheduled parallel to the main season.

Numbers of available positionals would be halved.

Anyone interested in such a format?

Joined: Jul 31, 2006

Post   Posted: Feb 04, 2009 - 19:43 Reply with quote Back to top

Right, I've started 2 Leagues.
Deadline for round 1 is 14th Feb so start contacting your opponents now. Feel free to post trash talk and match reports in this thread to keep it in the public eye and stop me doing a Thorpe.

We need 1 more new coach to kick off a 3rd four strong league.

Recruiting is on an ongoing basis, so anyone interested post here or PM me.

British or British based and looking to join a League?
Then check out theWhite Isle Fringe

Joined: Jan 13, 2009

Post   Posted: Feb 05, 2009 - 00:32 Reply with quote Back to top

Is it still possible to join? I just submitted my Vamps.



Joined: Apr 11, 2006

Post   Posted: Feb 05, 2009 - 01:07 Reply with quote Back to top

Oooo Goody a new thread for me to post in Very Happy

My Pigstar_69 tribute team is there and ready for action against WIL newcomers of all shapes and sizes

/me looks at Chewie and shadow

BAAA means NO!
[21:35] <@Purp|away> why is it whenever I come to check the PC, Russo is lowering the tone?! Razz
[22:59] <princevaliant> NBL has gotten to be such a dirty channel
[22:59] <princevaliant> ty Russo Very Happy

BiggieB is my idol

Joined: Dec 23, 2008

Post   Posted: Feb 05, 2009 - 14:43 Reply with quote Back to top

Looks like there could be an all vampire league set up at the moment.

Joined: Sep 06, 2004

Post   Posted: Feb 05, 2009 - 14:44 Reply with quote Back to top

My Fringe ogres are in for some brawl!


TaChIkOmA! \o/

Joined: Jun 05, 2008

Post   Posted: Feb 05, 2009 - 20:22 Reply with quote Back to top

Splendiforous Sylvans 1-1 Wir Wünschen Ihr Blut

The weather was perfect for Splendiforous Sylvans' first foray into League action and 66,000 turned up to witness the occasion. Visiting Vampires and thralls of Wir Wünschen Ihr Blut looked resplendent in their new blood red kit.

It was the visitors who took the lead late in the first half having shown themselves to be just as competent as the elves at taking down their own players, Nicolai von Pfaffbach having proved to be rather peckish.

Both sides started the second half with ten, Rellex having been badly hurt in the first and Hertwiger refusing to wake up after being bitten by Nicolai von Pfaffbach. A rash advance by Nicolai led to his being surrounded and stunned by five elves. His brother, seeing a gap in the elves' defence, then managed to knock both himself and lineelf Nixol out, much to the thralls' relief - with one vampire KO'd and the other stunned, their necks were safe for a while.

The elves put continued pressure on the thralls' cage, which hardly advanced at all for two turns. The vampires' cause was not helped by Nicolai being distracted by a pale maiden's neck - the thralls would have to play the last five turns with no vampire to assist. Finding himself forced to the right wing, Gaert took the decision to throw the ball away, as far as he could from the elves in the hope they'd make a mess of the pickup, pass or a dodge. Unfortunately he failed to throw it far enough and Gaert was introduced to the crowd who expressed their displeasure. He'd not be returning to the pitch in this match!

The Sylvans, realising they had plenty of time, started to methodically knock down the remaining thralls before getting the ball forwards to Garderrus, who ran for the corner. Wir Wünschen Ihr Blut managed to get a couple of thralls close but he shrugged off their flailing arms to score the equaliser with one turn remaining. Hertwiger once again refused to wake up, so it was eight against ten for the closing minutes. The vampires made sure the ball was safe and the game ended in an honourable draw.

Were it not for the elves forgetting how to dodge early on the result might easily have been a home win, so it was the vampires who were happier to settle for a point.

Nuffle hates me, this I know
For the dice rolls tell me so

Last edited by Emrys on %b %05, %2009 - %20:%Feb; edited 1 time in total
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