“Proof that you don't need lots of luck to win a game. Just the right luck at the right time.
Unfortuantly the replay will be broken due to a BSOD at the end of the 2nd half, which will also make the last 2 turns of that half look strange, which is the main reason i am writing this report.
Originally the BoB ran to mark the wolf, tripped and failed the reroll, leaving Solmyr with no rerolls. The wolf then blitz'd the ball carrier, rerolled into a skull, also leaving me with no rerolls. The blitzer then would have run in for a free score, but i crashed.
To save on reloads we agreed to let the carrier run in for that TD, and not use the rerolls that would have been burnt, hence no rerolls (other than a brilliant coaching kick off one) used in OT.”
Unfortuantly the replay will be broken due to a BSOD at the end of the 2nd half, which will also make the last 2 turns of that half look strange, which is the main reason i am writing this report.
Originally the BoB ran to mark the wolf, tripped and failed the reroll, leaving Solmyr with no rerolls. The wolf then blitz'd the ball carrier, rerolled into a skull, also leaving me with no rerolls. The blitzer then would have run in for a free score, but i crashed.
To save on reloads we agreed to let the carrier run in for that TD, and not use the rerolls that would have been burnt, hence no rerolls (other than a brilliant coaching kick off one) used in OT.”