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Past Players of Rhazgul's Judgement
Team Page
6MerryZ teh Magnificent XVIBeastman Runner20Hornsd
4Viserys Black XXXChosen Blocker211Blockd
6MerryZ teh Magnificent XVBeastman Runner710Horns, Blockd
2Rhaegar Black XVIIIChosen Blocker58Blockm, -ag
10PolarFox IVBeastman Runner2018Horns, Wrestle, Tackled
1Rhazgul Black XXChosen Blocker1220Block, Mighty Blowm, m, -ag, d
15Kellogs IIBeastman Runner1930Horns, Block, +MAm, m, d
16Harwin Hoofstalk XVBeastman Runner2715Horns, Blockd
1Rhazgul Black XIXChosen Blocker68Block-av
15KellogsBeastman Runner1619Horns, Dodge, Block-av, m, -av
13Harwin Hoofstalk XIVBeastman Runner96Horns, Block-av
5sKink All-in VMinotaur3981Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Guard, Claw, Tentacles, Foul Appearance, Blockm, n, m, -st
16Harwin Hoofstalk XIIIBeastman Runner79Horns, Blockd
12Kreegal Skullbash! XIBeastman Runner4137Horns, Dodge, Block, Clawm, n, -ag, m, -ag, m
7Pexor the Mighty!!Beastman Runner4742Horns, Block, +ST, Guard-ag, -av
9Enemy Unknown IXBeastman Runner2919Horns, Block, Guardm, -ma, m, d
12PolarFox IIIBeastman Runner106Hornsd
1Rhazgul Black XVIIIChosen Blocker3564Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Clawd
13sKink All-in IVBeastman Runner1516Horns, Dirty Player, +AG-av
13sKink All-in IIIBeastman10Hornsd
16Harwin Hoofstalk XIIIBeastman Runner2018Horns, Dirty Player, Blockn, -av
4Viserys Black XXIXChosen Blocker6344Block, Guard, Tentacles-av, m, m, m, n
4Viserys Black XXVIIIChaos Warrior29Blockd
1Rhazgul Black XVIIChaos Warrior1118Block, Guardm, n
10Mr. Murphy VIBeastman Runner5543Horns, Block, Guard, Dodgem, d
14Harwin Hoofstalk XIIBeastman918Horns, Block, Guardd
14Harwin Hoofstalk XBeastman10Hornsd
5Pexor the Mighty!!Minotaur3366Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Guard, Multiple Block, Juggernaut, Break Tackle 
11Wrangle j0de!!Beastman2216Horns, Block, +ST-av, m, n
1Rhazgul Black XVIChaos Warrior712Clawn, m
10Mr. Murphy VBeastman1223Horns, Dirty Player, Blockd
8MerryZ teh Magnificent XIVBeastman Runner82119Horns, Claw, Block, Tackle, Dodge, Mighty Blowm, m, -av, d
10Mr. Murphy IVBeastman30Hornsn, m, n
5Rondo's SacrificeTroll127Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guardn
12Enemy Unknown VIIIBeastman3828Horns, Dirty Player, Blockn
14sKink All-in IIBeastman4351Horns, Block, +MA, Guard, Mighty Blown, m, n
16Harwin Hoofstalk XIBeastman4389Horns, Block, Claw, Guard, Mighty Blow, Multiple Blockm, n
11Mr. Murphy IIIBeastman2722Horns, Block, Guardd
3Rhaegor Black XVIIChosen Blocker99182Block, Claw, Guard, Mighty Blow, Dodge, Tentacles-ma, m, d
15Kreegal Skullbash! XBeastman Runner8296Horns, +ST, Block, +AG, +ST, Sure Handsd
5Pexor the Mighty!Troll3316Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Multiple Blockd
4Viserys Black XXVIIChaos Warrior65105Block, Claw, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blown
13Emphasise This!Beastman56110Horns, Claw, Block, Tackle, Claw, Dodge-ma, m, n
3Rhaegor Black XVIChaos Warrior97Blockd
13Emphasise This!Beastman10Hornsm, n
11Mr. Murphy IIBeastman117Horns, Blockd
7PolarFox IIBeastman5347Horns, Block, Dirty Player, Guardn, d
10MerryZ teh Magnificent XIIIBeastman4022Horns, Block, +AGn
11Harwin Hoofstalk XBeastman30Hornsd
8Dansc Equals Epic FailBeastman4834Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Guard-ag, -ma, n
14sKink All-inBeastman2340Horns, +ST, +AG, Blockd
10MerryZ teh Magnificent XIIBeastman23Hornsd
6sKink RisingBeastman30Hornsm, n
16j0de teh Ninjah!Beastman2844Horns, +AG, Block, +AGn, d
4Viserys Black XXVIChaos Warrior2247Block, Guard, Mighty Blowm, n
14Dansc teh HetskunaattorBeastman156Horns, Dirty Playerm, n
9Cassidy Fleeburn XXVIBeastman8798Horns, +MA, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, n
10PolarFoxBeastman159Horns, Block-ma, d
5Pexor Frustrated!Troll3634Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Juggernaut, Break Tacklen
2Rhaegar Black XVIIChosen Blocker159181Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Multiple Block, Pro-av, m, -av
13Mr. MurphyBeastman3146Horns, Block, +AG, +MAd
8Merryz teh Magnificent XIBeastman2423Horns, Block, Guardn, m, n
7Harwin Hoofstalk IXBeastman2723Horns, Block, Guardm, n
12Enemy Unknown VIIBeastman74225Horns, Claw, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Multiple Block, Guard, Juggernaut-av, d
8Merryz teh Magnificent XBeastman40Hornsd
2Rhaegar Black XVIChaos Warrior88+STm, n
10Mystery Meat! VIBeastman1214Horns, Block-ma, d
8Enemy Unknown VIBeastman30Hornsd
4Viserys Black XXIIIChaos Warrior2342Block, Claw, Tackled
13Cassidy Fleeburn XXVBeastman1413Horns, Clawn
16Pirate j0de (YARR!!)Beastman2734Horns, +MA, Block, Guard-ag, m, n
5Pexor RehabilitatedTroll189Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard-av
2Rhaegar Black XVChaos Warrior1021Claw, +AGm, n
4Viserys Black XXIIChaos Warrior1020Block, Guardd
1Rhazgul Black XVChaos Warrior105149Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, +AG, Juggernaut-ma, -ag, d
2Rhaegar Black XIVChaos Warrior68Block-ma, m, n
8Harwin Hoofstalk VIIIBeastman208Horns, Blockd
3Rhaegor Black XVChaos Warrior6281Block, +AG, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guardn
7Mystery Meat! VBeastman1218Horns, Clawd
12Enemy Unknown VBeastman2423Horns, Block, Guardd
15Kreegal Skullbash! IXBeastman7435Horns, Block, Dirty Player, Guard-ag, m, n
4Viserys Black XXIChaos Warrior1435Block, Guard, Diving Catchn
9Merryz teh Magnificent IXBeastman3376Horns, Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Foul Appearancen, m, n, n
7Mystery Meat! IVBeastman23Hornsm, n
3Rhaegor Black XIVChaos Warrior1750Claw, Claw, Blockn
8Merryz teh Magnificent VIIIBeastman1124Horns, +AG, Blockd
16Cassidy Fleeburn XXIVBeastman2818Horns, Block, Guardd
12Kreegal Skullbash! VIIIBeastman1724Horns, Block, Guardd
16Cassidy Fleeburn XXIIIBeastman21Hornsm, n
16Cassidy Fleeburn XXIIBeastman56Horns, Blockd
4Viserys Black XXChaos Warrior2437Block, +ST, Guard-ma, d
13Silly j0deBeastman336Horns, Block-ma, m, -st
14Conan the Crusher XIIIBeastman7165Horns, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackled
1Rhazgul Black XIVChaos Warrior4138Block, Guard, Tacklen
9MerryZ teh Magnificent VIIBeastman1733Horns, +ST, Block, Guard-st, d
16Cassidy Fleeburn XXIBeastman70Hornsd
5Ilpo MetsänpeikkoTroll5557Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Break Tackle, Block, Multiple Blockn
2Rhaegar Black XIIIChaos Warrior4463Claw, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow-av, d
2Rhaegar Black XIIChaos Warrior13d
4Viserys Black XVIIIChaos Warrior1416Block, Guardd
3Rhaegor Black XIIIChaos Warrior3089Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Juggernautd
16Pirate j0de (YARR!!) Returns!Beastman46Horns, Blockm, n
15Enemy Unknown IVBeastman4688Horns, Block, Claw, Claw, Multiple Block, Tackle-ag, n, n, n
4Viserys Black XIXChaos Warrior69Blockm, n
16Cassidy Fleeburn XXBeastman811Horns, Clawd
12MerryZ teh Magnificent VIBeastman3139Horns, Block, Guard, +AGm, n
11Faymah IIIBeastman10137Horns, Block, Dirty Player, +ST-ma, -ma, d
4Viserys Black XVIIIChaos Warrior1516Block, Guard-ma, d
10Pantsuman DanscBeastman9254Horns, Block, Dirty Player, Guard, Mighty Blow-ma, d
8Kreegal Skullbash! VIIBeastman5338Horns, Block, Guard, Tackled
7Mystery Meat! IIIBeastman6990Horns, +AG, Block, +AG, +MA, Pass Blockn, m
4Viserys Black XVIIChaos Warrior66Clawm, n
11Ninja j0deBeastman818Horns, Block, Guardm, n
16Cassidy Fleeburn XIXBeastman2116Horns, Block, Guardd
8Mystery Meat! IIBeastman46Horns, Block-av, m, n
2Rhaegar Black XIChaos Warrior4197Block, Claw, Mighty Blow, Guard, Multiple Blockn
7Cassidy Fleeburn XVIIIBeastman10Hornsd
13Conan the Crusher XIIBeastman3442Horns, Block, Tackle, Clawd
14Urien IIIBeastman4023Horns, Dirty Player, Clawd
13Conan the Crusher XIBeastman1139Horns, +AG, Block, Tacklen
8Mystery Meat!Beastman2995Horns, Block, +ST, Claw, Claw, Multiple Blockd
14Urien IIBeastman2116Horns, Block, Tacklem, n
1Rhazgul Black XIIIChaos Warrior7961Block, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blow-av, m, n
9Enemy Unknown IIIBeastman6039Horns, Dirty Player, Claw, Blockn, -av, m, n
12MerryZ teh Magnificent VBeastman4757Horns, Block, Guard, Claw, Mighty Blown, n
4Viserys Black XVIChaos Warrior40129+AG, Claw, Claw, Block, Frenzy, Tacklen, n
4Viserys Black XVChaos Warrior12m, n
10Kreegal Skullbash! VIBeastman4361Horns, Guard, Claw, Block, Mighty Blowd
3Rhaegor Black XIIChaos Warrior72189Claw, Block, Claw, Tentacles, Foul Appearance, +MA, Tacklen
7Cassidy Fleeburn XVIIBeastman3953Horns, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guardd
10Kreegal Skullbash! IIIBeastman711Horns, Blockd
8Merryz teh Magnificent IVBeastman119Horns, +STn, d
2Rhaegar Black XChaos Warrior5021Block, Guardn
3Rhaegor Black XIChaos Warrior1211Clawd
2Rhaegar Black IXChaos Warrior40d
15Beardbane DanscBeastman6746Horns, Block, Dirty Player, Clawn, m, n
8MerryZ teh Magnificent IIIBeastman41Hornsm, n
9Enemy Unknown IIBeastman218Horns, Blockd
11Pirate j0de (YARR!!)Beastman6777Horns, Block, +AG, Guard, Claw, Tackled
16UrienBeastman3591Horns, Block, Claw, Claw, Multiple Block, Tacklen, n, m, n
5StonetrollTroll10999Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Block-av, -ag
13Conan the Crusher XBeastman5023Horns, Dirty Player, Block-ma, d
2Rhaegar Black VIIIChaos Warrior1233Block, Mighty Blow, Clawm, n
1Rhazgul Black XIIChaos Warrior3924Block, Guardn
14Luffy!Beastman2731Horns, Block, Dirty Player, Guardn
15GarlandBeastman1311Horns, Blockn
16Dicerape ReturnsBeastman86Horns, Blockm, n
14Harwin Hoofstalk VIIBeastman33Hornsd
4Viserys Black XIVChaos Warrior4452Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Dirty Playerm, n, n
3Rhaegor Black XChaos Warrior3127Block, Guardd
1Rhazgul Black XIChaos Warrior46d
2Rhaegar Black VIIChaos Warrior811Clawn, d
8MerryZ teh Magnificent IIBeastman2833Horns, Block, Dirty Player, Tackle-av, n
14Harwin Hoofstalk VIBeastman1213Horns, Clawd
7Cassidy Fleeburn XVIBeastman5756Horns, Block, Claw, Tackle, Mighty Blow-ag, n, d
2Rhaegar Black VIChaos Warrior1618Block, Guardn, m, n
7Cassidy Fleeburn XVBeastman53Hornsd
3Rhaegor Black IXChaos Warrior2333Block, Guard, Mighty Blowd
9Enemy UnKnownBeastman3113Horns, Dirty Player-ag, m, n
8Merryz teh MagnificentBeastman2324Horns, Block, Clawd
13DicerapeBeastman3849Horns, Block, +ST, Guardd
11Conan the Crusher IXBeastman3056Horns, +ST, Claw, +AG, Block-ma, n, d
14Joyful ReunionBeastman168Horns, Blockd
3Rhaegor Black VIIIChaos Warrior1312Blockm, n
14Joyful UnionBeastman69Horns, Blockd
16RustBeastman47107Horns, Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Multiple Block-ma, n, d
8BroodBeastman1211Horns, Blockm, n
2Rhaegar Black VChaos Warrior2582Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Tentacles, Multiple Blockn, m, n
13Sprawl IIIBeastman2024Horns, Block, Tackled
10Kreegal Skullbash! IIBeastman95100Horns, Dirty Player, +AG, Claw, Block, Mighty Blown, d
13Ganoes ParanBeastman10Hornsm, n
9Conan the Crusher VIIIBeastman2516Horns, Dirty Player, Block-av, d
12Faymah IIBeastman106146Horns, +AG, Block, +ST, Guard, Tackle, Clawn
1Rhazgul Black XChaos Warrior64122Block, Claw, +ST, Tackle, Multiple Blockd
11MockBeastman2335Horns, Claw, Block, Mighty Blown, m, -ma
13FaymahBeastman74Hornsm, n
14RageBeastman2823Horns, Block, Guard-ag, m, n
3Rhaegor Black VIIChaos Warrior3336Block, Guard, Tackle-ag, d
12Semper FidelisBeastman1010Horns, Blockd
15Cassidy Fleeburn XIVBeastman57117Horns, Block, Claw, Claw, Foul Appearance, Multiple Blockn, d
4Viserys Black XIIIChaos Warrior7983Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Juggernautd
14ChibiBeastman1716Horns, Block, Guard-av, m, n
6Sprawl IIBeastman3525Horns, Dirty Player, Blockd
4Viserys Black XIIChaos Warrior613Clawm, n
1Rhazgul Black IXChaos Warrior2821Block, Guardn, m
12SprawlBeastman516Horns, Block, Guardn
13HornyBeastman2116Horns, Block, Guardm, n
9Wabbit the Mighty! IVBeastman2927Horns, Block, Guardd
2Rhaegar Black IVChaos Warrior5678Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guard, Multiple Blockn
3Rhaegor Black VIChaos Warrior3359+ST, Block, Mighty Blow, Guardd
9Wabbit the Mighty! IIIBeastman75Hornsm, -st
16Naama!Beastman61177Horns, Claw, Block, Claw, Multiple Block, Tackle, Juggernaut, Dirty Player-ma, n, n
12Ground'n'PoundBeastman2236Horns, +ST, Block, Guard-st, m, n
14FafnirBeastman2525Horns, Block, Guardd
13Harwin Hoofstalk VIBeastman2016Horns, Block, Guard-ma, m, -ma
12Me Lucky CharmBeastman30Horns-st
10Kreegal Skullbash!Beastman6331Horns, Block, Guard, Dirty Playern
8Conan the Crusher VIIBeastman6135Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Clawd
10Batman BeginsBeastman30Hornsd
11Wabbit the Mighty! IIBeastman2231Horns, Guard, Block, +AGm, n
16Harwin Hoofstalk VIBeastman1221Horns, Block, Guardm, n
4Viserys Black XIChaos Warrior3672Block, Tackle, Claw, Clawn, m, n
9DyspiriosBeastman2537Horns, Block, Claw, Mighty Blown
11Harwin Hoofstalk IIIBeastman20Hornsm, n
13NiglarBeastman1812Horns, Blockd
15FitzgeraldBeastman4954Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow-ag, n
12Cassidy Fleeburn XIIIBeastman2221Horns, Dirty Player, Blockd
16Spike IIIBeastman1119Horns, +AG, Blockn
4Viserys Black XChaos Warrior1436Block, +ST, Guard-av, n
12StalemateBeastman30Hornsm, n
4Viserys Black IXChaos Warrior31d
1Rhazgul Black VIIIChaos Warrior5966Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Clawd
10Cassidy Fleeburn XIIBeastman1217Horns, Claw, Block-av, d
8Batman ForeverBeastman2731Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Mighty Blown
9Cassidy Fleeburn XIBeastman60Hornsm, n
1Rhazgul Black VIIChaos Warrior913Blockd
15Spike IIBeastman179Horns, Dirty Playerm, n
10Batman ReturnsBeastman92Hornsm, n
16AgealotBeastman178Horns, Block-ma, m, n
3Rhaegor Black VChaos Warrior62180Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, Claw, Juggernaut, Multiple Blockn
11Fool's FateBeastman2716Horns, Guard, Blockm, n
1Rhazgul Black VIChaos Warrior87Blockd
4Viserys Black VIIIChaos Warrior2116Claw, Mighty Blown
5Pexor the MightyTroll187172Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Multiple Block, Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Stand Firm-st, -ag, d
12AngerBeastman2127Horns, Block, Mighty Blowd
2Rhaegar Black IIChaos Warrior7296Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guard, Juggernautm, n
16Hamburger HarryBeastman1421Horns, +AG, Blockd
8Cassidy Fleeburn IXBeastman2028Horns, Dirty Player, Blockd
13Wabbit the Mighty!Beastman4755Horns, Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Juggernautn, n
7HillbradBeastman3737Horns, Dirty Player, +ST, Blockd
12Cassidy Fleeburn IXBeastman117Horns, Clawm, n
16The Masked AvengerBeastman118Horns, Claw-ma, m, n
7RobinBeastman78Horns, Blockm, n
3Rhaegor Black IVChaos Warrior3081Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guardn
6Cassidy Fleeburn VIIIBeastman915Horns, Clawd
4Viserys Black VIIChaos Warrior3171Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Tacklen, m
4Viserys Black VIChaos Warrior30m, -ma
8CrangBeastman1518Horns, Block, Mighty Blowm, n
15BatmanBeastman4335Horns, Block, Guard, Clawd
7Cassidy Fleeburn VIIBeastman96Horns, Blockm, n
8Gung HoBeastman70Hornsd
16Pekka the UselessBeastman1518Horns, Sure Hands, +AGm, n
14Conan the Crusher VIBeastman100180Horns, +AG, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Claw, Dodge, Tacklen, n
16Pekka the EfficientBeastman76Horns, Blockn
15GardnerBeastman2131Horns, Block, Claw, Mighty Blown
3Rhaegor Black IIIChaos Warrior3361Block, Claw, Claw, Tacklen, m, n
6Conan the Crusher VBeastman60Hornsd
11Fong SaiBeastman3522Horns, Dirty Player, +STm, n
4Viserys Black VChaos Warrior3036Block, Mighty Blow, Guardd
12ThompsonBeastman4432Horns, Block, Guard, Mighty Blown
1Rhazgul Black VChaos Warrior6990Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Juggernaut, Clawn
9TaurosTroll5883Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Juggernaut, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, +STn
10CorneliusBeastman68105Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Claw, Dodge-av, d
1Rhazgul Black IVChaos Warrior59Blockm, -st
12FangsBeastman60Hornsm, -av
4Dyspir the SlowTroll919Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Block, Guardn
13ThorBeastman6638Horns, Dirty Player, Claw, Claw-av, m, n
8ThorgBeastman3023Horns, Block, Mighty Blowd
5Viserys Black IVChaos Warrior1631Block, Guard, +STn
2Rhaegar Black IIChaos Warrior81186Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Juggernaut, Dodge, Guard-av, d
11Burning EyeBeastman1734Horns, Claw, Block, Mighty Blown
9Spyrer IIIBeastman1911Horns, Blockm, -st
6Conan the Crusher IVBeastman2685Horns, Block, Claw, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +MA-av, n
8Flaymin IVBeastman92Hornsd
5Viserys Black IIIChaos Warrior914Blockm, n
5Viserys BlackChaos Warrior20m, n
9SpyrerBeastman1215Horns, Dirty Playern
8Flaymin IIIBeastman710Horns, Dirty Playerd
14BonzoBeastman2751Horns, Guard, Claw, Clawd
1Rhazgul Black IIIChaos Warrior3479Block, Guard, Claw, Clawd
12GruntBeastman3445Horns, +ST, +MA, Clawm, n
9Flaymin IIBeastman112Hornsm, n
13DarlakBeastman1927Horns, Sure Hands, Accurated
9ForensicBeastman10Hornsm, n
11The RefBeastman1431Horns, Claw, Blockd
3Rhaegor Black IIChaos Warrior6082Block, Guard, Claw, Mighty Blow, Tackle-ag, n
12FlayminBeastman1221Horns, +MA, Sure Handsd
9Jeremy IIBeastman101Hornsm, n
7Cassidy Fleeburn VIBeastman8855Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Guard, Tacklen
4Peke the StupidTroll5520Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Juggernaut-ag, n
10Cassius the Vile IVBeastman6369Horns, Block, Guard, Dirty Player, Mighty Blowm, -st
9Cassidy Fleeburn VBeastman712Horns, Clawd
14JeremyBeastman1232Horns, Block, Guard, Dirty Playern
4Cassidy Fleeburn IVBeastman40Hornsd
9Cassius the Vile IIIBeastman104Hornsm, n
9Cassius the Vile IIBeastman30Hornsd
4Cassidy Fleeburn IIIBeastman1619Horns, Block, Guardm, n
1Rhazgul Black IIChaos Warrior5077Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, +AG-av, -ma, n
13Peke the PuffBeastman4727Horns, Dirty Player, Blockm, n
8RemusBeastman6377Horns, Foul Appearance, Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Guardn
11RomulusBeastman4735Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Guard-ag, d
10Harwin HoofstalkBeastman3031Horns, Foul Appearance, +AG, Blockn
6Conan the Crusher IIIBeastman77127Horns, Guard, Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Juggernaut-ma, -ag, n
6Conan the Crusher IIBeastman20Hornsd
4Cassidy Fleeburn IIBeastman1522Horns, Block, Mighty Blowd
4Gregory GloomBeastman30Hornsm, -av
12JeffersonMinotaur4666Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Block, Guard, Tackle, Break Tackled
5Viserys BlackChaos Warrior8870Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle-ma, -ag, d
11Nemo NogoodBeastman209Horns, Guardd
10Conan the CrusherBeastman1526Horns, Block, Guardm, n
9Cassius the VileBeastman4064Horns, Guard, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blowd
8Gordon the UnfairBeastman2241Horns, Block, Guard, Tackled
7Ben GrimmBeastman5239Horns, Guard, +ST, Blockn
6Cassidy FleeburnBeastman1732Horns, Big Hand, Block, Guardd
5Harwin HoofstalkBeastman12Hornsd
3Rhaegor BlackChaos Warrior65127Block, Claw, Mighty Blow, Guard, Dodge, Stand Firmn, n
2Rhaegar BlackChaos Warrior104183Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Claw, Pro, Juggernaut, Tacklen
1Rhazgul BlackChaos Warrior2732Block, Guard, Clawn