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Past Players of She's A Sensation
Team Page
2Springforward FallbackThrower538Pass, Accurate, Sure Hands, Safe Throwd
2Summerisstill HanginginthereWardancer920Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Strip Ballm, d
2Muchappreciated EasterheatwaveWardancer20Block, Dodge, Leapd
17 Zachary SilentrockLineman10d
13Overworked CentralheatingLineman2032Block, Dodge, Guardd
10Becausethenight BelongstoloveLineman1012Blockn
11Snowonthegrass ChillintheairLineman1013Block-av
20 Cory FastspikeLineman12d
5Stormyweather MissingfencepanelCatcher1223Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Wrestle, Jump Up-av
20 George HideousrockLineman10d
19 Sylvester PalehawkLineman13d
2Persistent GreenflyWardancer1535Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Side Stepm, -ma
19 Ian WhiteeagleLineman10d
5Forgottowater TheplantsagainCatcher611Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet-ag
13Whostole ThesummerLineman310Wrestled
12Linethemup KnockthemdownLineman2430Block, Dodge-ma, -ag
11Anotherone BitesthedustLineman710Stand Firmm, -av
8Stillabittoo ColdforshortsCatcher1426Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Sure Feetm, d
6Suddenonset HayfeverseasonCatcher1537Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +ST, Mighty Blow, Blockm, -av
3Drumkit CrossneighbourWardancer32117Block, Dodge, Leap, +AG, Tackle, Strip Ball, Side Step, Diving Tacklem, m, d
11Coldestnight OftheyearLineman611Blockn, -st
19 David FastboneLineman10d
2Imnotgoingout InthisweatherWardancer2234Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Side Stepm, d
11Ballsoffa BrassmonkeyLineman58Block-ag, d
18 Kevin DeepsnakeLineman10d
10Heatingon FullblastLineman2523Block, Kick-ma, -ma
9Icywind FromthenorthLineman2125Block, Guard-ma, d
1Mayaswell TryagainWardancer49Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackled
20 Ian HideousfistLineman10d
20 Tristan WeakfireLineman13d
7Dullgrey WintermorningCatcher3266Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Wrestle, Jump Up, Side Step, Diving Tacklen, -av
10Fridaynightis PizzanightLineman10-ma
5Mildforthe TimeofyearCatcher3442Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Guard, Block, Sure Feetm, m, m, m, -av, m
18 Vincent PalehammerLineman10d
17 Osmond FastlightningLineman10d
1Startofa WholenewyearWardancer921Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Strip Ball-av
7Darktheywere AndgoldeneyedCatcher934Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Sure Feet, Side Stepd
9Winterstorm HorribledrivehomeLineman1126Block, Guard-av, -ma
20 Richard SilentwingLineman10d
17 Yorick VileshieldLineman13d
2Lateafternoon WintersunsetWardancer2369Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Jump Up-ag, m, d
20 Sylvester PalehammerLineman10d
1Orangeclouds EarlysunsetWardancer727Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Mighty Blow-st
18 Martin SilentrockLineman10d
17 Graham DeeporcLineman10d
1Aprilisthe CruelestmonthWardancer25Block, Dodge, Leapd
9Starlight StarbrightLineman613Blockd
5Lateautumn FrostymorningCatcher1441Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Guard, Block, +STd
7Brownleaf OverwaterCatcher615Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Blockd
2Stillsummer InnovemberWardancer1127Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, +MAn
8Rainyday NostarstonightCatcher823Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Wrestle, Diving Tackled
8Autumngarden ColoursfadedCatcher10Catch, Dodge, Sprint-av
12Pitchblack RainynightLineman3137Block, Kick, Dodgen, -av
7Thesunhas GothishatonCatcher615Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Blockd
10Alldaylong AutumnrainLineman2431Block, Guardd
6Redorangegold AutumnleavesCatcher48176Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Sure Feet, Side Step, Guard, +MA, Accuratem, m, m
2Thismustbean IndiansummerWardancer918Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Stepm, m, d
18 Alexander BluestreamLineman10d
1L'amour ÀlamachineWardancer2422Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Strip Ball-ma, m, m
7Windynight StormwarningCatcher1040Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Wrestle, +MA, Sure Feetd
2Lastlawncut OfthesummerWardancer20Block, Dodge, Leapd
6ShouldbeinbedCatcher46Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Wrestle-av
9Neverending LonghotsummerLineman616Block, Dodgen
5Latenight FolkfestivalCatcher2869Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Sure Feet, Side Step, Guardm, -ma
2Notasingle BreathofwindWardancer911Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackled
1Longdrought YellowgrassWardancer1437Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Strip Ballm, -st
20 Tristan WhitefieldLineman16d
12Underwhelming FruittreeLineman1211Blockd
9Bumblebee PollenhunterLineman10d
4Briskbreeze SilverbirchThrower125520Pass, Strong Arm, Accurate, Sure Hands, Safe Throw, Kick-Off Return, +AGn, m, m, m, m, d
10Hopingforan IndiansummerLineman1922Block, Guardm, d
14Nottoohot NottoocoldLineman4731Block, Stand Firm, Dodgem, m, m, d
8Gentlebreeze DancingbambooCatcher2349Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Side Stepm, d
13Underwatered HouseplantLineman614Blockm, d
11Longhot LazydaysLineman5477Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Jump Up-av
10Thattinydot IsjupiterLineman89Block-st
19 Ulric HardfieldLineman10d
1Crispylawn HosepipebanWardancer1228Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, +AG-st
1Blackand WhitecatLineman10-ag
14Thatsureis OnebrightmoonLineman712Blockd
12Hottestday OftheyearCatcher1942Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, +AG, Leap 
10Notacloud IntheskyLineman105d
10Quickgrow BlackbambooLineman10-av
13Cloudlessnight MarsisbrightThrower817Pass, Strong Arm, Accuratem, -av
12Wandering WoodchipLineman66Blockd
10Firstreal DayofspringLineman36Dodged
10Earlyflowering CrabapppleLineman10d
2Longgrass NeedscuttingLineman1319Kick, Block-av
17 Evander QuickstreamLineman10d
11Foggymorning SunnyafternoonCatcher1827Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Step-ma
18 Fredrick QuickboneLineman10d
8Euonymus AnonymousWardancer1732Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Frenzym, d
20 George WeakshieldLineman10d
10Clearsky StarrynightLineman611Blockd
9Windyrainy SunnywarmWardancer3676Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Strip Ball, Side Step, Frenzym, m
17 Edward DeepshieldLineman10d
8Morerain ForecastLineman58Block-ma, d
6Lateflowering MagnoliatreeCatcher4086Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Side Step, +AG, Jump Upn, d
21 Paul ClumsyorcLineman10d
5Overtangled ClimbingroseLineman2632Block, Dodge, Guardm, n
2Newlylaid GraveldriveLineman1325Block, Guard-av, m, d
1Underwatered DroopingplantLineman2822Block, Dodge-ma, m
9Overused HerbgardenLineman10m
7Newlywatered HouseplantCatcher48110Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Sure Feet, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Strip Ballm, m
1Winternight CloudyskyWardancer410Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackled
17 Ian HotfistLineman12d
11Waterlogged GraveldriveLineman811Guard 
10Winternight MoonglowLineman816Block, Dodge 
17 Sean HardrockLineman10d
17 David BluetreeLineman12d
5Lotsofwind LotsofrainCatcher1112Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block 
2Silentnight HolynightWardancer1220Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Strip Ball 
19 Kevin HottreeLineman10d
1Windymorning DancingbambooWardancer718Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Stepd
1Openthebook TurnthepageWardancer10Block, Dodge, Leapd
8Supertall BlackbambooCatcher1829Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Guardm, d
14Driedup SeedpodLineman2020Block, Dodge 
4Sunbleached TimbercladdingThrower65246Pass, Accurate, Strong Arm, Sure Hands, Safe Throw, Nerves Of Steel, Kick-Off Returnm, m, m, -ma, d
12Wheredidthis RaincomefromLineman66Blockn
7Deepred JapanesemapleCatcher825Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Sure Feetd
13Brokendown GardenchairLineman97Block-ma
2Windbattered LatticefenceWardancer1634Block, Dodge, Leap, +AG, Tackle, Pass Block-av
2Wellentrenched DandelionrootWardancer15Block, Dodge, Leapd
18Harold FastshieldLineman10d
12Overturned TreestumpLineman1112Block-av, d
7Southfacing LonggardenCatcher413Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +STn, d
11Collareddove DawnchorusLineman2116Block, Dodgen
6Littlebitofthis LittlebitofthatCatcher37176Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +MA, Sure Feet, Side Step, Wrestle, Jump Up, Diving Tacklem, n, m
18Fredrick TruehammerLineman10d
2Hollywood ShadecoverWardancer511Block, Dodge, Leap, +AGd
10Windharassed FencepanelLineman3041+ST, Block, Dodgem, d
20Jack HideoustreeLineman10d
1Ledlikea DancingbearWardancer2927Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Strip Ball-ma, m, m
17David DarkhawkLineman10d
9Lightgreen SeededgrassLineman3131Block, Dodge, Fendm, m, m, -ma, d
4Turnovera NewleafThrower33102Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Safe Throw, Kick-Off Return, Nerves Of Steel-ag
17Cory QuickorcLineman10d
5Notquitesure WhattodoCatcher3877Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Sure Feet, Side Step, Guard, Jump Upm, -av, d
2Easycome EasygoWardancer1218Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Jump Upm, d
1Overbalancing StepladderWardancer1217Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Jump Upd
9Lastofthe GreatexplorersLineman1314Block-ma
17Zachary FaststreamLineman10d
8Overwatered HouseplantCatcher825Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Blockd
6Strongbreeze ScuddingcloudCatcher3171Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Side Step, Jump Upm, -ag
17Sean GoldstreamLineman10d
2Waterlogged FloorboardsWardancer1136Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, +AVd
22Leroy SilentboneLineman10d
11GradeA GreyDayLineman45n
7Uninspiring RockgardenCatcher37140Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Side Step, Jump Up, Tacklem, m, -av, n
6Longquiet LazydaysCatcher314Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet-av, -av
22George VilestoneLineman10d
19Cory HotsnakeLineman10d
17Richard HideousfieldLineman10d
11Bestbefore SellbydateLineman28Blockd
9Generouslyapplied MistcoatLineman10-av
18George HideouswingLineman10d
6Wingardium LeviosaCatcher57Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feetd
5Walkin'ina WinterwonderlandCatcher3382Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Side Step, Jump Up, Tacklem, d
2Icecold PurplesmoothieWardancer1828Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Diving Tackle-av
1Mirrormirror OnthewallWardancer2847Block, Dodge, Leap, +AG, Tackle, Pass Blockn, m, m, m, -av, -av
7Afternoontea IntheparkLineman1824Block, Dodged
10Overcast AfternoonLineman2645+ST, Block, Guardm, d
1Sameold SameoldWardancer715Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackled
13Somewhereona SouthpacificislandLineman2416Block, Fendm, m, d
12Coolbreeze OpenwindowLineman20m, d
11Aprilshowers WellintojuneLineman57+AV-ma
9Waitingfor ThesunLineman2425Block, Dodgem, -ag, m, d
8Automatic SystematicCatcher35126Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Wrestle, Jump Up, Nerves Of Steel, Sure Feet, Side Stepm, m, n, m, d
7Bindweed EradicationLineman109Dodge-av, -st
20Cory HardlightningLineman10d
5Disappointing CricketseasonCatcher2631Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Fendm, -av, m, n
2Onedaysun NextdayrainWardancer2973Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Shadowing, Side Step, Diving Tacklen, n
1Sunnyafternoon SpentindoorsWardancer1856Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Jump Up, Strip Ballm, m, d
1Latespring ColdrainWardancer10Block, Dodge, Leap-ma
20Fredrick BlueeagleLineman12d
2Fireburnand CauldronbubbleWardancer10Block, Dodge, Leap-ma
7Newkidonthe ExecutionersblockLineman1115Blockm, d
1Theregoes TheneighbourhoodWardancer98Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle-av
10Singleply MembraneLineman3651Block, Dodge, Fend, Guardm, -ma, -st, -av, m
7Mathsmethods HandyhintsLineman40m, d
2Latenight NewschannelWardancer76Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle-ma, d
12Overripe RoyalgalaCatcher1327Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Wrestled
11Nothingventured NothinggainedLineman197Block-ag, m, d
10Stillwaters RundeepLineman1113Blockm, m, d
8Ro-Ro RoyaboteCatcher1561Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, +AG, Wrestle, Leap-ag, d
6Arboreal NomenclatureCatcher61188Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +AG, Sure Feet, Leap, Wrestle, +MA, Pass Blockm, m, m, m, m, m, m, -ma, n, d
2Toughlittle SurferboyWardancer1422Block, Dodge, Leap, +AG, Tackled
18Billy DeepstoneLineman10d
1Alldone AnddustedWardancer2435Block, Dodge, Leap, Frenzy, Tackle, Side Step-ag, m, -ag
23Nicholas StrongwingLineman15d
9Lookherecomesthe EasterbunnyLineman3560Block, Dodge, Side Step, Guardm, m, d
7Slowrecovery AtthisrateLineman1933Block, Dodge-ma, d
15Buyhimwhilei HavethecashLineman1343Block, Tackle, Side Stepd
7Maybeitwill MaybeitwontLineman1413Block-ag
14Plentymore WherethatcamefromLineman146Guardm
13Hightime YougotawatchLineman138Blockm, d
17David VilespikeLineman10d
12Downforthe UmpteenthtimeCatcher1641Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Nerves Of Steel, Stand Firmm, m
9Bluetooth SoundsquareLineman2418Block, Tackle-st
17Vincent BlueboneLineman10d
7Rainraingoaway ComebackanotherdayLineman118Blockn, d
8Eachpeach PearplumCatcher2245Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Nerves Of Steel, Guardn, m, m, m, m, m
11Illstickaround TillimundergroundCatcher2758Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Side Step, Diving Catchm, -av, d
10Overcomplicated LegokitLineman2534Mighty Blow, Block, +ST-av, m, -av, d
9Somedaysare JustlikethatLineman711Block-av, -ma
8Forgoodadvice VisitthesageLineman714Blockm, d
7Cloudywitha ChanceofrainLineman1015Blockn, m, -ma
17Nicholas HotshieldLineman15d
4Cherrystone HotpackThrower159716Pass, Accurate, Sure Hands, Safe Throw, Nerves Of Steel, +AG, Kick-Off Returnm, m, m, -ma, n, m, -st, -ma, d
2Invasive WoodwormWardancer3866Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, Tackle, Side Step, Mighty Blowm, m, m
6Toblerone ToothbreakerLineman3951Block, Dodge, +AV, Tacklem, n, -ma
2Longtall PalmtreeLineman46Blockm, d
18Vincent QuickboneLineman15d
1Alliwannadois LosemyselfinyourroomWardancer48142Block, Dodge, Leap, +AV, +AV, Tackle, Jump Up, Side Stepm, m, m
19Jack FastrockLineman12d
10Atnightthey WouldgowalkingCatcher1030Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Sure Feetd
18Leroy TruefieldLineman10d
9Beforeyouslip IntounconsciousnessCatcher1327Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Sure Feetm, n, m
8Iknowagirl FromalonelystreetLineman1824Block, Dodge-ma
7Somethinginthephrasing Wasquietlyamazing Wardancer148Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ballm, n, d
1Iamthecaptainofa DeathlycrewCatcher2279Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +MA, Dauntless, Block, +AG, Sure Feetd
6Iusedtomakealiving BypickingthebananaWardancer2840Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, +MA, Tacklem, m, -ma
5Anighttoremember ButiguessijustforgotLineman119245+AG, Block, Leap, Pass Block, Dodge, Catchm, m, m, m, m, m, -st, m, -ma, m, m, d
4Hushlittlebaby DontyoucryThrower3488Pass, Accurate, Safe Throw, Block, Strong Arm, +STm, -av, m
2Bloodmakesnoise RinginginmyearLineman3059Block, +ST, Tackle, Dodgem, n, n, -av, -st
1Midnightsummerdream HadmeinitsspellLineman917Block, Guardd
10Thecleaningcanwait LetsplayballCatcher2276Catch, Dodge, Block, Nerves Of Steel, Side Step, Leap, Diving Catchn, -ma, n
9Perfectlytimed AfternoonsessionCatcher2480Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Leap, Sure Feet, Sprintm, m, m, n
8Letsseehowlong ThisonelaststhenWardancer1442Leap, Block, Dodge, +AG, Nerves Of Steel, Side Stepm, m, n, n
7Bravenewworld FreshstartLineman3156Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle-av, m, n, d
2Myfirstnewplayer InalonglongtimeLineman4179Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Diving Tacklem, -av, m, m, m, m, -ag, m, m, m, m, m
6Supermario GalaxytwoWardancer6182Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Strip Ball, Side Step, Sure Feetm, -ma, m, n, m, m, m, n, -ma, m, n
2Chickenpox WeekoffschoolWardancer1236Leap, Block, Dodge, +ST, Tackle, Side Stepd
13Onlyhereto MakeupthenumbersLineman80184Block, Dodge, +AG, Pass Block, Leap, Side Step, Catch-ma, m, m, -av, n, m, m, n, m, n, d
11Overbureaucratic CustomsrequirementsCatcher2452Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Sure Feetm, d
12Surprisinglygood ClassphotoLineman102137Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Strip Ball, Diving Tacklem, m, m, m, -ma, m, -ma, m, m, n
11Electionnight MidnightfeastLineman78Blockd
6Monstersinc AlltimeclassicWardancer3673Leap, Block, Dodge, +MA, Tackle, Side Step, Frenzym, m, m, n
10Purplepillow EngineshedLineman3611Blockm, n, m, -ma, m, m
7Overnight DandelionsCatcher34101Catch, Dodge, Dauntless, +MA, Block, Frenzy, Jump Upm, m, -av, -ma, m, m, -ma, m, d
5Shockinglylarge CreditcardbillCatcher133418Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Shadowing, Tackle, Pass Block, Sure Feetm, n, m, m, -av, m, m, n
2Volcanicash SilentskiesWardancer4343Leap, Block, Dodge, Frenzy, Strip Ball, Side Stepm, n, m, -ag
8Specialperson CertificateCatcher45103Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Sure Feet, Sprint, Sure Handsm, m, m, n, m, m
9Letsdosomething NicetodayLineman4830Guard, Blockn, m, m, m, m, n
8Canjustmakeit IfyouhurryCatcher418Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepd
2Abandonedtoys ObstaclecourseWardancer1126Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Stepn, m
7Overabundant ElectionmaterialLineman1116Guard, Blockm, m, -av, n, d
6Getyourfinger OutofyournoseWardancer2134Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Tackle, Side Stepm, m, m, -av, d
1Fastrecovering HousemarketThrower155397Pass, Accurate, Safe Throw, Block, Sure Hands, Dodge, +AG, Sure Feetm, n, m, -av, m, m, n, d
5Slowandsteady WinseffallCatcher2194Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Sure Feet, Sprint, Dauntlessm, n, d
1Meltedcheese OnpittabreadThrower59Pass, Accurated
8Oversensitive SmokealarmLineman10n
7Choccybiscuit SizeofmyheadLineman512Blockd
5Wayoverplayed KidsaudiobookCatcher623Catch, Dodge, Block, +MAn
6Awkwardcorner TwoyearoldcobwebWardancer1035Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, +MA, Catch-av
1Overambitious ChildrenspartyThrower1250Pass, Strong Arm, Accurate, Safe Throwd
5Gentlejourney SlowpunctureCatcher617Catch, Dodge, +ST, Frenzyn
2Mariobrosgame TedioussoundtrackWardancer28108Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Side Step, Pass Block, Frenzyn, d
10Energywasting FivevolthalogensCatcher2054Catch, Dodge, Block, Sure Feet, Side Step, +MAm, n, n
7Latewinter ColdsnapLineman1628Guard, Blockm, n
2Thisisajobfor FixitduckWardancer412Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blowm, n
2Somewhatunpleasant WeatherforcastCatcher23Catch, Dodged
11Anotherdoseof WallaceandgromitCatcher2369Catch, Dodge, Block, Dauntless, +AG, Pass Block-st, m, n
10Televisionbased EntertainmentsystemWardancer411Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Balld
5Overinflated BirthdayballoonCatcher1228Catch, Dodge, Nerves Of Steel, Blockd
9Underutilised ArtsuppliesWardancer2332Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ballm, n
6Icedamaged MossygrassLineman1923Block, Dodged
5Uncontrollable NosebleedLineman41d
4Unbelievably FreezingstillLineman178223Block, Dodge, Side Step, +ST, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Kickm, m, -ma, m, n, m, m, m, -av, -st, m
7Overfilled LegoboxLineman1435Block, Dodge, Guardm, n
8Telescopic MusicstandLineman3531Mighty Blow, Block, Guardn
7Greyskies TothehorizonLineman40d
8Unexpected BirthdaytreatLineman10m, n
2Earlyevening PurpleskyCatcher1776Catch, Dodge, Block, +MA, Sprint, Sure Feetn, d
2Parkobscuring ScaffoldingtruckCatcher10Catch, Dodged
1Desertvista FadedphotoThrower35108Pass, Accurate, Safe Throw, Sure Hands, Block, +MAd
7Aromatic AfricancoffeeLineman615Blockd
2Longoverdue PartialthawCatcher29Catch, Dodge, Blockd
7Numbfingers SeriouswindchillCatcher312Catch, Dodge, Blockn
9Frozensolid UselesspadlockLineman56Blockm, n
11Bittercold WrappedupwarmLineman62n
10Strangenoises FromupstairsCatcher1937Catch, Dodge, Guard, Block, Dauntlessn
9Franticmorning AfternoonnapLineman46Blockd
7Earlyaccessed AdventcalanderCatcher924Catch, Dodge, Dauntless, Blockd
8Christmascard BumperpackLineman1411Blockn, m
7Chlorinescented SwimmingtrunksLineman10d
5Thisistheway WebrushourteethLineman2626Block, Dodgen
3Thursdaynight GuitarclubTreeman6151297Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Block, Dodge, Pron, m, d
1Lateafternoon PostaldeliveryThrower2181Pass, Strong Arm, Nerves Of Steel, Accurate, Safe Throw, Sure Handsd
4Peoplearestrange WhenyoureastrangerWardancer32110Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, +AG, Pass Block, +AGm, n
2Rootcanalwork RubberfaceCatcher24124Catch, Dodge, +AG, Block, Nerves Of Steel, Leap, Side Stepd
10Gimmegimme ShocktreatmentLineman924Block, Mighty Blown, m
8Ohwhenthe MistsarerisingLineman107Blockd
9Trustinme JustinmeCatcher1119Catch, Dodge, Block, Guard-av, d
10Camyeoer FraefranceLineman106Blockd
9Whatllyoudo WhenyougetlonelyLineman51d
2Butiwontbe WeepinglongCatcher1936Catch, Dodge, Block, Jump Up, Side Stepn
4Seaswouldrise WhenigavethewordCatcher2162Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Sure Feet, +MAn
8Multiregion UpgraderemoteLineman1516Mighty Blow, +STd
6Imonthehighway DigginguptheroadWardancer62119Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Tackle, Side Step, +MA, Diving Tackle-av, -av, -ma
5Thatwasahayride BoundforhellWardancer2688Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, +AG, Pass Block, Side Step, Diving Tacklen
4Intheforests InthesnowLineman72d
11Eatenoutof HouseandhomeLineman3019Block, Dodge-ma, d
3Shemoveslike ShedontcareLineman4162Block, Mighty Blow, Dodge, Side Stepd
11Onemorecupof CoffeefortheroadLineman34d
10Shewentaway ForaholidayLineman61n, m
3Somuchfor TheafterglowLineman46Mighty Blowd
2Drivingoutofvegas IntheirautomobileCatcher21124Catch, Dodge, Block, +MA, Side Step, +MA, Sure Feetd
10Shewentaway ForaholidayLineman22m, n
3Thisisa WeepingsongCatcher49Catch, Dodge, +MAd
9Underneaththebrige TaphassprungaleakCatcher21136Catch, Dodge, Block, +MA, Sure Feet, +MA, Side Step, Jump Upn
9Schooltripday ExtrabiglunchCatcher34Catch, Dodgem, -ag
8Crazygames JamesinflamesWardancer2564Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, +AG, Pass Block, Tacklen
7Fancydress VikinghatThrower65214Pass, Accurate, Safe Throw, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, Block, Dodge, Kick-av, n, d
6Lastwordsofthe GreatexplorerWardancer3567Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Strip Ball, +AGn
1Hotcoffeecoldchocolate PerfectafternoonTreeman81139Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Block, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Dodgem, n
6Sometimesiwonder ReallywhatsthepointCatcher412Catch, Dodge, Blockd
5Toomanyminiatures IhatepaintingLineman5057Block, Dodge, Side Step, Mighty Blown
4Nofoodforlunch TimefortheshopsLineman5075Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tacklen, n
3Crackedsoil NorainforweeksLineman3578Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Kickn, d
2Rainywindy TheregoessummerLineman3877Block, Guard, Dodge, Side Step, +STn, n
1Happychocolateface GrumpybathtimeLineman1112Blockn, d
3Lazyday EndofholidaysWardancer28Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Stepm, n
3Lastminuteholiday OfftobutlinsLineman20-ma, d
7Sunnydaychocolate HandprintwallsLineman1316Block, Side Step-av, n
6Hotfreshbread MarmitemushLineman1314Blockd
5Backfromholiday HomesweethomeWardancer1725Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Ballm, n
4Endlessrain AbandonedsandpitWardancer1328Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Stepm, n
3Disappointing LongtermforcastLineman1546Block, +AG, Leapd
2Flatscreenheaven KidscartoonhellCatcher29101Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Sprint, Sure Feet, +ST 
11Pendulous RipefigsCatcher2878Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Dauntless, +MA, Sprint-av
8Summerholidays StircrazykidsLineman3382Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Strip Ballm
6Disturbedslumber EarlymorningbuilderLineman1117Block, Side Stepm, n
5Newpainting PrideofplaceLineman1312Blockd
4Windyday BangingdoorWardancer1032Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Strip Ballm, -ag
10Gorgeousaroma FullcoffeepotCatcher1659Catch, Dodge, Jump Up, Block, Side Step, Sure Hands 
8Darkimpending ThunderstormLineman63d
7Toytrains EndlesbatteriesLineman1815Blockm, n
2Triangletoast MarmitesmileCatcher2070Catch, Dodge, Block, +MA, Side Step, Nerves Of Steel 
6Gettingtoofat JustcoffeeforlunchWardancer1338Leap, Block, Dodge, +AG, +ST, Tackled
4Saturdaymorning CinematripCatcher1639Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, +MAn, d
3Lazysupper SofacrumbsWardancer2964Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, +ST, Strip Ball 
1Heavystorm GushinggutterTreeman65101Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, +MA, Guard, Multiple Block, Block, Break Tacklen
7Nearlyfull LaundrybasketCatcher26Catch, Dodge, Block-ma, m, -st
4Windisup ToocoldforshortsWardancer313Leap, Block, Dodged
7Cheeseandapple TeainahurryLineman12d
5Cunningchild HiddenchocolateLineman3344Block, Dodge, Side Stepn, -av, d
6Bedtimetears OnemorestoryCatcher1644Catch, Dodge, +MA, Block, Sprintn
5Morningangry AfternoonfriendsagainLineman33d
4Latestart UnreliablealarmclockWardancer914Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle-ma, -av, n
4Summerstorm HotandhumidLineman410d
3Overnight LightshowerWardancer2579Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Ball, Side Step, Pass Block, Diving Tackled
12Tinytoy WateringcanCatcher22100Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Dauntless, Strip Ball, Tackle-av, m, n
11Summerbreeze CurlingsmokeLineman65m, n
10Bumponthehead CrocodiletearsLineman63-ma, n
5Rocksolid GatepostCatcher1530Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step-ag
8Blackandyellow CuddlysnakeLineman4553Block, Dodge, Side Step-ma, d
5Spontaneous FlyingvisitLineman30d
3Mountingfrustration TeamonitswayoutCatcher1545Catch, Dodge, +MA, Jump Up, Blockn
4Onemoregame JustbeforelunchWardancer1835Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Strip Balln
9Littleperson BigappetiteThrower144469Pass, Accurate, Block, Dodge, Safe Throw, +MA, Strong Arm, Nerves Of Steel-ma, -av, n, d
8Lateatnight ChocolatefrenzyLineman42d
7Dubiousweather IndoorpicnicLineman2418Block, Dodge-ag, -av, d
6Ishallhavemusic WhereverigoWardancer2980Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Dauntless, Tacklen
4Custombuilt LegocarWardancer823Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle-av, d
1Earlyafternoon PeaceandquietTreeman61103Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Block, Multiple Block, +MA, Break Tackle 
3Sharedtoys PerpetualargumentCatcher1580Catch, Dodge, Jump Up, Block, +AG, Side Step, Leapn, n
5Surprisinglygood StrawberrycropLineman1831Mighty Blow, Block, Catchn
4Disappointing TentexperienceCatcher410Catch, Dodge, Blockm, -st
5Unreliable WeatherforcastThrower311Pass, +AGm, n
10Mightbeaniceday AfterallLineman2537Block, Dodge, Guard-ag, m, n
7Potbound RosebushWardancer1350Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Balld
3Overlyambitious GardendesignWardancer1235Leap, Block, Dodge, +AG, +MA, +MAn
9Greymorning DrizzlemistCatcher1244Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tacklen
8Oldlawn NewseedLineman1634Block, Dodge, Side Stepm, n
7Partlymissing DuplosetLineman40n
6Perpetual AdbreakLineman911Guardd
5Occasional SInkingfeelingCatcher1141Catch, Dodge, +AG, Block, +AGd
5Compost GrascuttingsCatcher212Catch, Dodge, +AGd
4Tallgrass BluntflymoLineman1725Block, Guardd
3Brandnew HedgetrimmerLineman916Guard, Blockn, m, n
12Anotherdaygone NoworkdoneCatcher942Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Sure Feetm
10Weatherbeaten PatiotableWardancer1022Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, +MA 
6Fiveinthemorning AnnoyingdovecallWardancer1055Leap, Block, Dodge, +AG, +AG, Side Step, Pass Block-av
3Eradicated DandelionCatcher816Catch, Dodge, Block, +AG-ma, -ma, d
11Deadleaf SoggypileLineman1217Block, Dodgen, d
10Sunnydaybut ColdandwindyLineman615+AG-av, d
9Uglytree SquirrelhomeLineman1926+MA, Block-ma, m
8Paintsmeared PavingstoneLineman1810Blockd
7Outofdate KitchenwasteLineman2022+AG, Block 
6Brandnew HedgetrimmerLineman62d
5Tallgrass BluntflymoLineman1818+ST, Block-ag, d
4Drippingsap StickygateLineman1834Block, Dodge, Side Stepn, -ma
3Compost GrasscuttingsCatcher29Catch, Dodge, Dauntlessd
2Onepear PeartreeThrower119312Pass, Strong Arm, Accurate, Sure Hands, Safe Throw, Block, Nerves Of Steel, Dodge-av, n, n, n, n, m, n
1Longforgotten RustybikeTreeman4369Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, +MAm, n