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How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
An indeterminable amount
 20%  [ 16 ]
Would he chuck wood even if he could?
 79%  [ 62 ]
Total Votes : 78


Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Apr 02, 2020 - 11:36 Reply with quote Back to top

Malmir wrote:

Having just played your team, the jump up did give me something else to think about. However, I would say get basics like dodge first and then have it later on once you've got essential skills and a nice team base. Guard would obviously be ideal, but failing to roll doubles, more dodge, side step etc. If you want a skill to give opponents something else to consider I would take side step over jump up all day long, as ss gives you greater choice over positioning and works even when they are still on their feet, allowing you to press home that advantage the following turn.

Fair enough. About as expected, confirmation is nice. Smile

SS would be their next skill, but due to my contact heavy playstyle and their nature (and that damned apo!), they haven't lived long enough yet.

I'll try SS after wrestle on the next delf team, see how that goes.

Been a bit apprehensive about dodge on non-positionals after being wrecked by mass and well-positioned tacklers last year. Just feels like so much bloat then. End up with a close to 2mil TV team with not much more than blodge on it. Which, while good, just feels bland.

Of course, now I just keep running into tackle-less claw/mighty blow, which might just be the worst matchup for these and a heaven for blodgers. Ah, the ever changing nature of BB, no wonder we keep at it. :p

Anyway, thanks for the answer!

Joined: Oct 09, 2007

Post   Posted: Apr 02, 2020 - 12:24 Reply with quote Back to top

I simply do not skill up my DE linelves at high TV.
To be good fodder they must be cheap.
At high TV clawmb and mb tacklers are common, so I don't even bother to skill them up, they would not last long even with Blodge or Wrodge.
Instead I focus on the positionals.
With SS on linos you could lure opponents very close to the side lines then surf them.
I already thought of Wrestle + Jump Up for cage breaking from prone position, but skilling up linelves is a luxury at high TV, also, they could be easily fouled, many Dirty Players or cheap fodder to foul on bash teams.
I take Kick on a linelf but that's all, sometimes 1 Wrestle if a lino by chance survives and gets a skill up, but I prefer to have no more than 1 skill on a linelf at high TV.
I'm considering taking Dirty Player on a Linelf or 2, because, even if they are not ideal foulers, due to their high cost, at high TV most opponent players are more expensive than them and the potential reward of removing a killer from the pitch is high.
Not tried yet, though.

Last edited by MattDakka on %b %02, %2020 - %12:%Apr; edited 2 times in total

Joined: May 20, 2008

Post   Posted: Apr 02, 2020 - 12:26 Reply with quote Back to top

dorfeus wrote:
Dear mr. Malmir

I like your style, here and on field.

Some time ago I had a played a tie againts Orges with Pro Elves. I was quite sure I would win. What went wrong? Was my over all agressive strategy right one?

I can spot couple of mistakes in my offense like ignoring BT Ogre and not protecting my +3,+2 dodge with blitzer, instead i sended him build screen for my stall.


While we are at it do you see how Orgres could have won this game?

First thing that strikes me is that I’m reviewing one of my own games – I love it! I wonder if I play along how close I will get to my own moves and whether I will tear my own strategy apart?
Elves are well skilled, with sensible choices for the level they are at. Ogre are, as you would expect, skill-heavy on the three ogres, though only one has block. The blodge and dp snot could prove useful given our 15 man squad v only 11.
Elves set up very defensively given their limited numbers – sensible to protect the players who will do the damage.
Ogres set up to 3d the front line and hopefully get an advantage. Plus they’re hired some guy who I have never seen in my life but with wrestle and tackle, big job hairyfoot looks a sound investment for this match up.
Perfect defence comes and the elves will presumably be swamping the ball and avoiding ogres. This happens and the ball stays in play next to a catcher. Who is this coach that he is this unlucky this early on?
The blitzer has ss so can’t be hit early as too risky, so I would imagine Trendsetter, who has block, will risk two gfi to blitz acrobat as they have to shift him. Vogue can smash chine poler and follow up then Hairfoot can hit the guard blitzer after shorty has hopefully picked up. As with all ogre turns, this could well not work due to bonehead.
Oppo turn 1
Hmm I’m wrong already. I instead decide to blitz the middle of the los which gives me a few good 2D (none go off unfortunately) but leaves me a 3+ pick up to get the ball. I then take on the blitzer, having presumably already decided to not try the pick up, as even though I get the wrestle, I don’t try the pickup, instead leaving it surrounded. Ball on the floor v elves is never good. I am wondering if I had had a run of poor dice before this game, which made me more cautious. I should have tried to secure the ball and this just shows how you shouldn’t let one game influence the next.
Clown can now pop shorty (3d) leaving a very makeable 4+ pick up and a dodge to perhaps decide the game. If they take the ball backwards and cover it, ogres are in all sorts of trouble.
Your turn 1
Clown pops Shorty but makes a needless gfi given he has ss and wastes a rr. Ball should be going backwards if they secure it which is now a lot less likely given the loss of rr. Instead of a 2+ dodge and 4+ pickup Acrobat decides to showboat and (successfully) dodges straight in on a 3+ and makes the 4+ pick up too before dodging out.
Going awfully for Ogres, but Vogue can get 2D with 2 gfi. There’s no other play.
Oppo Turn 2
Just a push leaves elves a 3+ 2+ with dodge to score as the path through has been sensibly blocked.
Your turn 2
Dodges are made and score is achieved.
You could be sitting pretty with the ball at the back at the moment ready to dance round me for six turns and score turn 8. As it is, I get a chance to hit your los and try and respond with a score.
Perfect defence comes again! This turn now has to be all about securing the ball and trying to protect it.
Oppo Turn 3
We knock a few down, but manage to get the ball in relative safety which was the priority. No armour breaks means elves are still in a good position.
With seven snots on the pitch, there’s always going to be a juicy target. Hold position while picking off a snot per turn.
Your turn 3
You chose a very aggressive play instead, bringing elves in to create a semi hole and then 2+ 2+ dodging to get a shot on the blodge carrier so pow needed and only two dice. I’ve paused it so haven’t seen if it works yet, but for me that was perhaps a bit too early. You’ve left elves next to ogres who could get pounded next turn. There’s also a nice hole to move up top should the ball carrier survive the four dice (assuming rr). Carrier survives and you haven’t quite closed off that hole either. Expect ogres to move upwards here.
Oppo turn 4
Haha wrong again. They instead close up ranks and knock some elves over (again no removal, but a couple of useful stuns). An equally valid choice of play I would say. Elves seem happy to come into contact and soon a couple are surely going to get smashed.
Ogres are going to have to move soon due to lack of pace. Solid positioning here (while not in contact) will make it tough for them. Pop ‘Chap’ put the ss on half way and multi-layer the defence. Alternatively, take on the 2d again, but close up the gaps first.
Your turn 4
You take on the 2d on the ball again. Again the blodge survives and you don’t use your last rr (wise choice). The screen though is weak to say the least. If ogres don’t try and move through that hole at the bottom I’ll eat my hat.
Oppo turn 5
Phew – ogres do just that.
Time to get that screen built down the bottom. The snot can dodge on a 2+ so we need to keep him out of range of the endzone by blocking support (the ogres) from getting forward. Plenty of elves available to make the screen so should be easy. Once we have set the screen then probably worth having another shot at that ball (3+ dodge time so do it last and can simultaneously tie up hairyfoot to remove his assist).
Your turn 5
The screen is well constructed, though you opt not to take on the ball this time – fair enough. One of those players in the screen could have been a bit further forward though as ogres can move up unchallenged to have more options in turn 7.
Oppo turn six
Ogres move up and use snots to fill a lot of holes and because everyone is back there’s no one to tie up the snots (without making at least one gfi) for a catcher blitz on the ball on a 3+ dodge. This might work, but involves a few dice as we are going to have to dodge away from ogres too to make the screen and if the play fails ogres will be in a good position. I’d take on the -2d with clown (we have block and the ogre doesn’t so a 2+, 2+ effectively. Assuming we don’t get a pow (or get smashed) this will leave the wrestle catcher a 3+ dodge to sack the carrier on 2d. Move some other players up first to cover leaving the pass on to the catcher if we get lucky.
Your turn six
You go for the first option (fair enough), but the rr does go on forming the screen. Will the catcher make the 3+ dodge with no rr? He does, however blodge survives the 2d again. Ogres can now go down and have a good chance of scoring.
Oppo turn 7
Ogres do go down and put up a decent shield of ogres. Snot is now in range to score which is key. Making screening a bit more redundant. German Wheeler is going to have to take on the 2+ 2+ (no rr) for 3d on the ball. A pow is definitely due.
Your turn 7
Clown takes on the 3+ dodge (no rr) for only 2d (I prefer my choice on this one). Trendsetter can now 3D chain the ball away from the ss blitzer and then titchy dodge on a 2+ can do its magic.
Oppo turn 8
Titchy magic works for 1-1
Overall Summary of half.
Ogres didn’t try to pick up the ball early on when they should have, which was their main mistake. It’s hard to properly protect the ball when your guy is strength 1 and more than half the team don’t have a tacklezone. My experiment with carrying with a snot (albeit with block) only lasted a couple of games and this game is a good example of why. I gave far too many fairly likely shots at the ball and was lucky to survive them.
Elves went for an aggressive defence, which is often a good choice and could well have worked. Some of the screening could have been better though, as holes were left and for me elves big error was not going backwards when they could have, when they first got the ball. This would have led to ogres chasing after the ball for the remaining six turns (they would have been unlikely to manage it) and you could have removed snots and probably scored fairly easily for 1-0.
Second half was, as I think you mentioned, decided by that break tackle blitz leading to the failed dodge. After that, it was fun to watch us beat the living tar out of each other. I think overall Ogres were lucky to get the draw.

Joined: May 20, 2008

Post   Posted: Apr 02, 2020 - 18:46 Reply with quote Back to top

MrCushtie wrote:
Thanks Malmir,

here's an example.

I can see at least three potential faults, but would be good to understand what else:

* the team's bloated (or just has a bad selection of positionals)
* initial positioning isn't good enough
* being overly conservative with the apo because I'm worried about losing my AG5 blitzer later on

(and those are on top of poor coaching choices per turn)


Mr Cushtie
So we have Dark Elves v Necro. The Dark Elves have a very nice roster. Four well developed blitzers, two with mb, one leaping guard and an agility 5 star and they all have the basic skills to support them. Eleven players may be an issue, as may two armour decreases who really should have been fired, but haven’t been. Sacking them would also reduce the team value and make us face slightly weaker teams, meaning less damage (probably) and a chance to rebuild numbers to support our star blitzers. The necro team are the typical sweet-spotted team we could be avoiding by sacking our armour losses. They have two super wolves one with mb and mv9 and the other with mb, leap and ag4 plus all the basic skills. The golems 4 and 5 skills each (well chosen), though the wights are a bt weaker. Still a very strong team but so are we so let’s see. I’d be worried at only having 11 though.
We win the toss and choose to receive. I’m happy with that choice as they only have 12. Maybe our mb will remove a couple early and regen might be turned off – power of positive thinking! Job one: secure the ball and knock down that front line and blitz that guardmb wight who we can hit in safety.
Perfect defence comes – how annoying. Now we will have to forget knocking people over and concentrate on getting and protecting the ball. Luckily, kick is deep so we should be okay.
Your turn 1
Woah woah woah! Our first move is to 3+ leap our guard into a zone of death before taking a 1d on a zombie and we haven’t moved anyone near the ball yet. Things improve as we get the ball nicely caged and had a sensible 2d blitz on the ghoul which unfortunately didn’t work.
Try to prioritise and ask yourself what happens if this fails. If that leap fails (1 in 9 so not likely but perfectly possible) your whole drive is in tatters.
Ringo Starr is in big trouble this next turn.
His turn 1
Does what I expected – removes ringo with a gang foul. He has left space down the side so we have two choice, go back and try and regroup and waste a turn or two or plough down the bottom and hope to stall near the endzone. I’d go back.
Your turn 2
You go forwards and I’m not a fan of that stab blitz. If it fails, which it did, the wolf is going to blow your house down. Frankly, I’d lose the assassin all together – they don’t add enough value. Cage looks safe enough for next turn. Arrgh – why are we fouling rookie zombies when we only have eleven players and no bribe. We get sent off and deservedly so.
His turn 2
He smashes into us but we survive well. Not bad for us at all. Need to move that wolf off the ball, but given his lack of pace, a stall for at least a couple of turns looks on, especially if we are lucky with a pow. I’d let our mb blitzer take the 1d on the wolf and then that leaves yoko ono and cowell (?) to screen us in his endzone.
Our turn 2
You chose to take the 1D with the ball, but if that was your choice, choose blitz and at least be able to run away. Then we foul with the witch and get sent off. Now we are stood next to a wolf, the other tackle wolf will be coming for us and we should be down to 9 (though we got lucky with argue the call).
I’m going to stop there, as I think I can give some suggestions that will have a huge impact if you follow them.
My advice is:
Don’t foul when you have an eleven man roster unless late in the game and/or essential.
Before beginning your turn, think what will happen should this fail? Is it worth the risk? What is my priority this turn?
What is the least risky order to do things in that minimises dice, whilst still helping to achieve what we want from the turn?
Move zero risk players first (i.e. no dice involved)
I really hope this helps. If you try this approach for a couple of weeks I’ll happily have a look at another future game for you.

Joined: Feb 26, 2020

Post   Posted: Apr 07, 2020 - 16:32 Reply with quote Back to top

Malmir, I've been following your Blackbox Orcs for a bit. Congratulations for your race lead, you've played very well. I'm curious about your take on a couple common topics on the race.

I've noticed you almost always have a troll. I've struggled with wanting to field one because of experiences I've had playing against trolls and seeing them be so easily taken out of the game with a stubborn marking lineman, or just going stupid all the time. I've heard a lot about the roadblock strategy with them. Essentially just having them stand in one spot and eat up tackle zones, I struggle to see the value in this. What are your thoughts on the big guy as a part of the Orc crew?

When are you adding them in TV wise?

Second question is about replacing the thrower. I've learned to despise my throwers mostly just based on movement, but AV adds to it too. When do you feel the sure hands distinction should happen to one of your blitzers when none have rolled into any kind of ball carrier skills (+MV, +AG,Doubles). I have 4 blitzers on a team, 2 Guard, 2 MB. Should I start skilling up one of the guarders as a ball carrier on their next skill? Ignore sure hands all-together until that double occurs? Should've made it the first skill up of one?

Hope you still have free time floating around. Thanks!

Joined: May 20, 2008

Post   Posted: Apr 07, 2020 - 18:10 Reply with quote Back to top

Hi Coachbuck,
I like the troll and use it as a roadblock as you said. Once he has guard, he adds value. I try to keep him central so he is always involved as, as you seem to have spotted, if he moves away from the action he is easy to tie up. When he is blocking try to use other guard to make sure he has three dice, then even if he goes stupid there is support to get him back in play. Also, don't move him unless needed. Not moving a big guy and hence not risking stupid is often a sound move.

Second question: I often take a thrower to begin with. Sometimes they get ag or str in which case they are great. If they don't then as soon as any blitzer gets any stat (even double for dodge) then they take over. If they all somehow got to 31 spp and no-one had anything, I'd curse nuffle and choose a random blitzer to be the carrier.

Joined: Feb 26, 2020

Post   Posted: Apr 07, 2020 - 18:31 Reply with quote Back to top

I worry about the troll, but I really like the defensive set up of Line, Troll, Line, with the 4 BOBs covering for the 4 Blitzers in the back. I also like that you could put him across from other team's big guy. When I think that he's replacing a lineman I don't feel to bad about it.

Good to know about the thrower. I think I may have cut my guy a bit too early on one of my teams. I kind of rage cut him after he missed his 3rd GFI to score on turn 8/16 in 3 games in a row. I found that with that M5 I was just taking GFIs too often.

Thanks for the advice!

Joined: Jan 27, 2018

Post   Posted: Apr 07, 2020 - 20:38 Reply with quote Back to top

Hi Malmir

Now serious. What could I have done differently in this game?


Joined: Sep 03, 2006

Post   Posted: Apr 07, 2020 - 21:45 Reply with quote Back to top

Dear Malmir,

I would appreciate some of your input regarding some of my most recent games.

I'm also willing to donate a bit of extra money to Fummbl if it may be a motivator for you? As it's quite a few replays.

4/5 replays are below with some of things I am aware of, but certainly there are likely some fundamentals i missed out. Also my own thoughts may need challenging.

NAF Game

T1 i misclicked on quick snap. My cage in t5 was very risky and should have been done differently. Common theme is me caging for no reason at times. Massive thing is the OTTD defence which i failed, there must be a better way?

2nd half i could have been a bit more patient, kept another wrestler free.

NAF Game
1st half I should have based his bull in t7 to avoid it being on the flank. Should have also been more aggressive seeing as they had no mighty blow. Blodger should have been the ball carrier, therefore freeing up the catcher. One of the catchers should have been south away from the cage. At times no cage was needed, hence a waste.

Was lucky for it to be 0-0

XFL Final
Should have elected to receive. Should not have based PCs players so early when he has so much tackle and guard(also high coaching ability!). Didn't realise the thrower had no dodge, hence should have also put a player deep in his half to force some pressure. 2nd half with the wizard i'm really not sure if i played right. Again caged sometimes for no reason. In OT i am not sure either.

DE BBT game
This team have been unbeaten in 20 games until this one... I think i lost this partly due to pure arrogance. Should have been deeper in nurgle half by t6 and should have based some key players in t5/6. But there may be more to it. Not sure how to play Nurgle when they have more than 1 Tents player. Other example of that is here.
WO Last 16

Kind Regards and with much love,

Joined: May 20, 2008

Post   Posted: Apr 07, 2020 - 22:05 Reply with quote Back to top

Hi Java and Mattius, you are third and fourth on the list but I should have a bit of time over the next few days to hopefully catch up.

Joined: Sep 14, 2015

Post   Posted: Apr 07, 2020 - 23:05 Reply with quote Back to top

(hope mal doesn't mind but:)


As I told you in-game on game 24 for those DE - the full Dakka is not a particularly strong tactic. It is best employed vs weaker coaches, mass st3 teams, or teams populated by slow players and/or multiple big guys. Primarily the weaker coaches part incidentally.
It has several downsides in accordance with its rather obvious strong points (player preservation, reduction of rolls, possibility of spp farming, opportunity for opponent to lose the game for himself).

The weak points are less obvious - but critical. Firstly a proper full Dakka is actually reliant on key personnel (you may notice a pattern in a certain Italian's choices for his ballcarriers: hint - very high natural or +ma, +ag, sidestep, and if ag5 with access leap). The reduction in rolls is also a weak point - you do have less rolls, but they're all critical success/fails. Another weakness is if the opposition have high ST anchors and the coach is smart enough to use them properly, or highly mobile sackers of their own which they don't allow to get out of position. In addition, while you preserve your own numbers, you *also* preserve your opponent's. While you give him the opportunity to lose the game for himself, you also leave him the option to basically do nothing for many turns and then let you roll all the sequences you hoped to avoid. It also has loss of value on repetition - anyone who's seen it once knows what's coming the next time around.

Your tie to Naama, and loss to Stoney, and Notbobby are all imo, built upon employing a tactic without actually assessing if it was proper to do so. The execution of it in each of those matches is harder due to team composition, coach strength or both.


Joined: Feb 18, 2020

Post   Posted: Apr 08, 2020 - 09:34 Reply with quote Back to top

Malmir wrote:
Hi Coachbuck,
I like the troll and use it as a roadblock as you said. Once he has guard, he adds value. I try to keep him central so he is always involved as, as you seem to have spotted, if he moves away from the action he is easy to tie up. When he is blocking try to use other guard to make sure he has three dice, then even if he goes stupid there is support to get him back in play. Also, don't move him unless needed. Not moving a big guy and hence not risking stupid is often a sound move.

Second question: I often take a thrower to begin with. Sometimes they get ag or str in which case they are great. If they don't then as soon as any blitzer gets any stat (even double for dodge) then they take over. If they all somehow got to 31 spp and no-one had anything, I'd curse nuffle and choose a random blitzer to be the carrier.

I have a +Str Blitzer, should he take over the Thrower?
If so, what skills order should I get on him?

Joined: Sep 03, 2006

Post   Posted: Apr 08, 2020 - 10:19 Reply with quote Back to top

ArrestedDevelopment wrote:
(hope mal doesn't mind but:)


As I told you in-game on game 24 for those DE - the full Dakka is not a particularly strong tactic. It is best employed vs weaker coaches, mass st3 teams, or teams populated by slow players and/or multiple big guys. Primarily the weaker coaches part incidentally.
It has several downsides in accordance with its rather obvious strong points (player preservation, reduction of rolls, possibility of spp farming, opportunity for opponent to lose the game for himself).

The weak points are less obvious - but critical. Firstly a proper full Dakka is actually reliant on key personnel (you may notice a pattern in a certain Italian's choices for his ballcarriers: hint - very high natural or +ma, +ag, sidestep, and if ag5 with access leap). The reduction in rolls is also a weak point - you do have less rolls, but they're all critical success/fails. Another weakness is if the opposition have high ST anchors and the coach is smart enough to use them properly, or highly mobile sackers of their own which they don't allow to get out of position. In addition, while you preserve your own numbers, you *also* preserve your opponent's. While you give him the opportunity to lose the game for himself, you also leave him the option to basically do nothing for many turns and then let you roll all the sequences you hoped to avoid. It also has loss of value on repetition - anyone who's seen it once knows what's coming the next time around.

Your tie to Naama, and loss to Stoney, and Notbobby are all imo, built upon employing a tactic without actually assessing if it was proper to do so. The execution of it in each of those matches is harder due to team composition, coach strength or both.

Hey AD, I appreciate your input, I agree it was the wrong approach in them games. Although i must admit i still have no idea what the right approach would be vs 3 tents? It would be interesting to know how you would approach the Nurgle match up? Especially when there is either a lot of Tents or ClmbT? Maybe i just go for a turn 2 score and have faith in defense? I suppose any tactic that gets all 3 tent players onto the same part of the pitch would be smart. Clearly when against 3 tents, it's maybe fair to say it could be one of the worse possible match ups regardless of coach strength.

It's quite hard to explain these things by text so can also chat to you over discord etc. But perhaps if you have some replays of people effectively engaging these builds with HE/DE? The issue sometimes with replays i find is you watch a top player win and you just see they were really lucky at points. The struggle is finding games where they win with bad/average dice. Of course there are no dice!


Joined: May 20, 2008

Post   Posted: Apr 08, 2020 - 10:53 Reply with quote Back to top

Bartimaeus wrote:
Malmir wrote:
Hi Coachbuck,
I like the troll and use it as a roadblock as you said. Once he has guard, he adds value. I try to keep him central so he is always involved as, as you seem to have spotted, if he moves away from the action he is easy to tie up. When he is blocking try to use other guard to make sure he has three dice, then even if he goes stupid there is support to get him back in play. Also, don't move him unless needed. Not moving a big guy and hence not risking stupid is often a sound move.

Second question: I often take a thrower to begin with. Sometimes they get ag or str in which case they are great. If they don't then as soon as any blitzer gets any stat (even double for dodge) then they take over. If they all somehow got to 31 spp and no-one had anything, I'd curse nuffle and choose a random blitzer to be the carrier.

I have a +Str Blitzer, should he take over the Thrower?
If so, what skills order should I get on him?

I'd say so. A str 4 carrier is hard to knock down. He needs tackle and sure hands (probably in that order - the tackle is useful for breaking out of a tight spot and also helps on defence)and dodge on a double. Pray for him to get another stat too Smile

Joined: Oct 09, 2007

Post   Posted: Apr 08, 2020 - 12:45 Reply with quote Back to top

ArrestedDevelopment wrote:

The weak points are less obvious - but critical. Firstly a proper full Dakka is actually reliant on key personnel (you may notice a pattern in a certain Italian's choices for his ballcarriers: hint - very high natural or +ma, +ag, sidestep, and if ag5 with access leap).

Well, after some games it's not hard to have an AG 5 player, if you don't roll +AG you can still take Leap on AG 4. It makes the Leap more risky, but better than nothing.

ArrestedDevelopment wrote:
The reduction in rolls is also a weak point - you do have less rolls, but they're all critical success/fails.

Not all, for example I can form quite often a half cage on the side lines without rolling dodges (or, if I risk a dodge, the ball carrier is still caged), then I can add "layers" of tackle zones, but at that stage I can risk to fail the dodge.
The rolls are not necessarily all critical successes/fails, it depends.
Playing normally, with screen and cages, requires to roll some dice sooner or later too, and in my experience they can be even more critical, for example you could have to dodge with ball carrier if the cage is broken, or risk a pass sooner or later.
It's really hard not to risk at least 1 die roll with an agile team at some stage of the drive.

ArrestedDevelopment wrote:

Another weakness is if the opposition have high ST anchors and the coach is smart enough to use them properly

Yes, but for that there is Dauntless.

ArrestedDevelopment wrote:
or highly mobile sackers of their own which they don't allow to get out of position.

Mobile sackers like? WD? Generally I can afford to be sacked, because I have some tackle zones around the ball carrier. Then I can try to surf the sacker or hit him.

ArrestedDevelopment wrote:

In addition, while you preserve your own numbers, you *also* preserve your opponent's.

True, but if I can bash the opponent team I will not use my tactic. The fact is, most of times I face bash or hybrid teams that, on average, will not be outbashed by my agile teams, so I don't even try.
That means that I can focus on taking Guard every time I roll a double, no need to take MB, I just need Guards for surgical blocks/blitz.

ArrestedDevelopment wrote:
While you give him the opportunity to lose the game for himself, you also leave him the option to basically do nothing for many turns and then let you roll all the sequences you hoped to avoid.

Well, the alternative would be to be bashed for 4 turns for nothing, stuck in a block war I lose, on average.

ArrestedDevelopment wrote:

It also has loss of value on repetition - anyone who's seen it once knows what's coming the next time around.

Well, I keep on doing it and it works most of times, even if it's known.

As an aside, a strong point of my tactic is that it mitigates the effect of some Kick Off events because it doesn't require to place more than 3 players on LOS. So, if Perfect Defence happens, it doesn't change much because I didn't set up LOS blocks and players there, if Quick Snap happens, I don't need to dodge away from the LOS nor risk to block 3 fodder just to be hit the next turn by killers.
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