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<div><span><input type="button" value="Show Team Records" style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold; width:300px;font-size:15px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'Show Team Records') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide Team Records'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Show Team Records';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:400px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'><!-- --><br><!-- --><table><!-- --><!-- --><tr><!-- --><td><a href="">XFL VI Chaos</td><!-- --><td>2nd round</td><!-- --></tr><!-- --><!-- --><tr><!-- --><td><a href="">FUMBBL SMACK Sched ELI LXXI</td><!-- --><td>Semi-final</td><!-- --></tr><!-- --><!-- --><tr style='background-color:#63373A; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold;'><!-- --><td><a href="">FUMBBL SMACK Veteran CCLXXVII</td><!-- --><td><img width=150pt src=></td><!-- --></tr><!-- --><!-- --><tr><!-- --><td><a href="">FUMBBL SMACK Experienced LXXXVI</td><!-- --><td>Finalist</td><!-- --></tr><!-- --><!-- --><tr><!-- --><td><a href="">FUMBBL SMACK Rookie CLXXVIII</td><!-- --><td>First round</td><!-- --></tr><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --> </table > <!-- --><!-- --><!-- --></span></div> <!-- --> <br> <!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><div><span><input type="button" value="Show Individual Records" style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold;width:300px;font-size:15px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'Show Individual Records') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide Individual Records'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Show Individual Records';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:500px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --> <br><!-- --><!-- --> <table > <!-- --><!-- --> <tr class='odd'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold;'><b>Top Scorer</b></td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Grind Stone</td> <!-- --> <td> 9</td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Many </td> <!-- --> <td> 3 </td> <!-- --> </tr><!-- --><!-- --> <tr class='odd'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold;'><b>Most Casualties</b></td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Factory Belt, jr </td> <!-- --> <td> 20 </td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Fifth Warrior </td> <!-- --> <td> 8 </td> <!-- --> </tr><!-- --><!-- --> <tr class='odd'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold;'><b>Top Blocker</b></td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Factory Belt, jr</td> <!-- --> <td> 289</td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Fifth Warrior </td> <!-- --> <td> 257 </td> <!-- --> </tr><!-- --><!-- --> <tr class='odd'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold;'><b>Most Games</b></td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Uncle Tupelo and <br>Factory Belt jr </td> <!-- --> <td> 49 </td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Fifth Warrior </td> <!-- --> <td> 44 </td> <!-- --> </tr><!-- --><!-- --> <tr class='odd'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold;'><b>Top Rusher</b></td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Shaky Ground iii </td> <!-- --> <td> 261 </td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Fifth Warrior </td> <!-- --> <td> 40 </td> <!-- --> </tr><!-- --><!-- --> <tr class='odd'> <!-- --> <td ></td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td><i>Satan Kingdom</i></td> <!-- --> <td>*43 in one game </td> <!-- --> </tr><!-- --><!-- --> <tr class='odd'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold;'><b>Top Passer</b></td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Shaky Ground iii </td> <!-- --> <td> 2-9</td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Blues DieHard V </td> <!-- --> <td> 1-5</td> <!-- --> </tr><!-- --><!-- --> <tr class='odd'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold;'><b>Top Passer</b></td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Many </td> <!-- --> <td> 2</td> <!-- --> <td><img border=0 src=''></td><!-- --> <td> Many </td> <!-- --> <td> 1</td> <!-- --> </tr><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --> </table><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --></span></div> <!-- --> <br> <!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><div><span><input type="button" value="Show All-time Greatest XVI" style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#13040E; color:#13040E; font-weight: bold;width:300px;font-size:15px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'Show All-time Greatest XVI') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide All-time Greatest XVI'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Show All-time Greatest XVI';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:500px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --> <table style='width:500px;'> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td></td> <!-- --> <td></td> <!-- --> <td> M S A A</td> <!-- --> <td> Skills and injuries</td> <!-- --> <td> G </td> <!-- --> <td> SPP </td> <!-- --> <td><td><!-- --></tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='background-color:#63373A; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Grind Stone</td> <!-- --> <td> 6 3 4 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, block, tackle, +AG, kick</td> <!-- --> <td> 40 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 78 </td> <!-- --> <td> S </td><!-- --></tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Satan Kingdom</td> <!-- --> <td> 7 3 3 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, block, +MA, tackle, guard</td> <!-- --> <td> 43 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 61 </td> <!-- --> <td> S </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='background-color:#63373A; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Factory Belt, jr </td> <!-- --> <td> 6 3 3 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, claw, block, tackle</td> <!-- --> <td> 49 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 55 </td> <!-- --><td> S </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Belleville</td> <!-- --> <td> 6 3 4 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, kick, block, +AG </td> <!-- --> <td> 34</td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 45 </td> <!-- --><td> </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='background-color:#63373A; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Shaky Ground, iii</td> <!-- --> <td> 6 3 3 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, block, big hand, sure hands</td> <!-- --> <td> 41 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 44 </td> <!-- --> <td> S </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Uncle Tupelo</td> <!-- --> <td> 6 3 3 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, block, strip ball, tackle</td> <!-- --> <td> 48 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 42 </td> <!-- --> <td> S </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='background-color:#63373A; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Fifth Warrior</td> <!-- --> <td> 5 5 3 8</td> <!-- --> <td> block, +ST, break tackle, -AV </td> <!-- --> <td> 44 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 42 </td> <!-- --> <td> </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Whiskey Bottle</td> <!-- --> <td> 6 3 2 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, block, kick, guard, -AG</td> <!-- --> <td> 32 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 38 </td> <!-- --> <td> S </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='background-color:#63373A; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Jay Farrar</td> <!-- --> <td> 4 5 1 9</td> <!-- --> <td> mighty blow, regenerate, always hungry, big guy, really stupid, throw team mate, guard, piling on, block</td> <!-- --> <td> 45 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 33 </td> <!-- --> <td> S </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> American Bruises</td> <!-- --> <td> 6 4 3 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, block, tackle, +ST</td> <!-- --> <td> 34 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 32 </td> <!-- --> <td> </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='background-color:#63373A; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Grind Stone iii</td> <!-- --> <td> 6 3 3 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, dirty player, block, mighty blow</td> <!-- --> <td> 31 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 31 </td> <!-- --> <td> </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> GraveYard Shift iii</td> <!-- --> <td> 8 3 3 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, +MA, +MA </td> <!-- --> <td> 17</td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 29 </td> <!-- --> <td> </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='background-color:#63373A; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> 2nd So Called Friend</td> <!-- --> <td> 5 4 3 9</td> <!-- --> <td> block, guard</td> <!-- --> <td> 40 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 23 </td> <!-- --> <td> </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Black Eye</td> <!-- --> <td> 6 3 3 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, block, guard</td> <!-- --> <td> 23 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 20 </td> <!-- --> <td> </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='background-color:#63373A; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Sin City iii</td> <!-- --> <td> 5 4 4 9</td> <!-- --> <td> +AG, stand firm</td> <!-- --> <td> 28 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 19 </td> <!-- --> <td> S </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --> <tr style='font-weight: bold;'> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F;'><img border=0 src=''></td> <!-- --> <td style='background-color:#610A0F; border-color:#F7F2DF; color:#F7F2DF; font-weight: bold;'> Chug a Lug</td> <!-- --> <td> 6 3 3 8</td> <!-- --> <td> horns, claw, mighty blow</td> <!-- --> <td> 21 </td> <!-- --> <td align='right'> 19 </td> <!-- --> <td> </td><!-- --> </tr> <!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --> </table> <!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --></span></div> <!-- --> |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 |   | 6 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 5/ | 100k
(100+0)k |
2 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 4 | 8 | Horns +AG |
  | 8 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 14/ | 100k
(60+40)k |
3 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Frenzy |
  | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 7/ | 80k
(60+20)k |
4 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 |   | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 100k
(100+0)k |
5 |
Beastman Runner
5 | 4 | 3 | 8 | Horns Block, Tackle, +ST |
-ma, m | 35 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 32/ | 150k
(0)k |
7 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Dirty Player, Block, Mighty Blow |
  | 31 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 31/ | 120k
(60+60)k |
8 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Claw, Mighty Blow |
  | 22 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 19/ | 100k
(60+40)k |
9 |
5 | 5 | 2 | 8 | Frenzy, Horns, Loner, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Wild Animal Guard |
  | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 7/ | 170k
(150+20)k |
10 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Big Hand |
  | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 10/ | 80k
(60+20)k |
11 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns |
  | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3/ | 60k
(60+0)k |
13 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 | Guard |
  | 17 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 12/ | 120k
(100+20)k |
17 |
Journeyman Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Loner |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 60k
(60+0)k |
10 players (+1 player missing next game) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 77 (33/19/25) | | | TD Diff: | 6 (80 - 74) | | | Cas Diff: | -78 (60/33/20 - 104/60/27) |
Last Opponent: Touched by Chaos |